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Joined 1 years ago

Snake Farm, when asked how to sell a policy that's clearly more expensive than the competition's answer was "They should feel privilege to be a Snake Farm customer."

The hubris was baffling.

Video sounded like uproarious cheers mostly. It's a southern crowd.

Also each post MUST include profanity. Well done, r/videos.

I have a problem with this in general. I'm an insurance agent, and our uninsured claims are skyrocketing and causing everyone's premiums to shoot up. The problem is the federal government is allowing them to live here, buy homes here, run businesses here, and pay taxes here. But the states are not allowing drivers licenses, so very few insurance options. Net result, we all pay higher insurance , and are often found sitting on the side of the road watching some car drive away to avoid the legal issues.

We can't have it both ways.

Right behind the crossing lane and the never-used handicapped section so I can put my feet up. It's six rows from the front. Only downside is every yahoo with a tiny bladder that insists on parking on the far side of the theater from the exit has to parade back and forth constantly in the movie, breaking the emersion.

Bonus: a couple of airplane bottles to add to my coke and some raisinettes from the drug store where they cost 1/5 as much. Just carry them in my bag. No one working in the theater gives a crap if you bring in your own food.

The rest of Journey's songs.

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...and other dog whistles.

Number one is the complete removal of Israel always. So highly doubtful.

Alexa in the kitchen has saved many a meal.

Love my z fold 4 a year in.

Pence is struggling for relevance and to make the debate stage. He'll say whatever.

As sketchy is the car itself looks, how cool is it that we can literally fly a harness up to them by drone for the zipline to the ground? Yes, they used military helos, but that all could have been delivered by drone, then winched up to the helo. Interesting times.

Also the multiple NAMED timer feature has been tons of help keeping things in order. "Potatoes timer 45 minutes" "Roast timer 2 hours"

I've tried the back and hate it due to you get a view of the entire audience and all the yahoos who refuse to not light up their phones mid movie. We live in a society of entitled twats. Getting this confirmation a half dozen times during the movie I paid for just makes my BP go up.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart....

That the one you're thinking of?

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Have there been any people on the moon other than the Americans back in the day?

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Clubs. Activites. Local Theater. Rehearsals go to something like 10 pm quite often. They are social, fun, and you have a common goal. Drinking is not allowed.

Literally dropping a new 350 into my 78 k5 blazer right now. 45 years that first engine. Try that, Tesla.

Creating a new community, and the form is completely filled out, but when I press "create" it circles back to the top of the form. Also what is the difference between Name and Display Name. Name is what it keeps highlighting.

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The Knack - bangin hit, and couldn't handle the first month of tour together. Broke up.

Shell keep voting in San Francisco for the next 20 years

That was it. I had a capital letter in there. Where did you find those rules?

Get elected in a very red state then do everything you can to subvert a conservative agenda.

It works be like AOC who won in an unlooseable blue district, then voting with the republicans in critical votes.

America: "First Time?"

I don't think I've ever noticed those legs before. Noice.

Pretty standard tactic.

Yeah. Like accusing your enemies of your crimes. Russian collusion much? How'd all that work out for ya?

Why do I suddenly have a deep seeded desire to try pyramid building and slave control?!!

Check out Miricle Soap. You can find it at nearly any health food store. I use it for everything, head to toes. No bad chemicals. Your skin is your largest organ and it acts like a sponge. Using unhealthy chemicals in our products may be leading to the decline American life-span.

There are like 5 lies in the first paragraph. Why would you read further?

No one is surprised by this Rino . This is a manufactured story.

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Don't suppose you've heard about the investigator in Ukraine who was investigating Burisma Ole Joe got fired right before releasing American funds to support them. Nope. No pay to play going on here at all. Look! Orange man bad!

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Not defending her other actions, but the case I heard on NPR this morning they are using against her, was her daughter was assigned to make her own lunch to take to school. She didn't do it and then had the school call this woman to bring her lunch. Mom said the natural consequence of failing to make your lunch and bring it was to not have lunch. On this ONE incident, the mom is right. We have to teach our children there are natural consequences for bad decisions.

But it sounds like this one incident is the least of her charges.

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This is rich coming from someone who consistently votes left of "constitutionalist". She's just angry she's losing.

The Democrats are in the process of re-electing him. It's happening before our eyes.

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