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i still have no clue why people use chrome for the past 5+ years, there's better chromium alternatives if you still want to use chromium for some reason, and there's firefox which doesn't support the chromium monopoly, works really well and doesn't try to restrict you from using adblockers

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asus has killed the possibility of me being a potential customer then lol

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i believe fedora has this by default

that is unless you're running disk encryption, in which case your data (and in most cases your OS) is safe from unauthorized access, although there is not much to stop them just wiping it or running their own os on it lol

And, I guess, in general I am increasingly worried about people with bad opsec. A lot of the “fediverse” discussions are reminding me of the crypto crowd thinking it provides a high degree of security and anonymity because a corporation is not involved. And they really don’t realize just how much power and access instance owners/admins have.

people should always think that everything they post on the internet can be searchable and viewable by anyone, it is public information

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literally just run the setup/game exe through lutris or bottles, then add the shortcut to steam

that's just extra friction, with UIs you can explore and figure out at a glance roughly what a button will do

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it's a for profit, proprietary application that doesn't value your privacy in the slightest, it's becoming a monopoly over communities and taking over places like forums and instant messaging and is not immune to enshittification

well this just happened with, i was affected by this and had to manually resubscribe to 50 communities and recreate one, because of this someone made a tool to download your data off of lemmy and upload it to another instance

ive only upgraded from my 2014 shit phone in 2021, and i plan to do the same with this one for as long as i can

i was surprised that this was even attempted, but i guess someone would eventually try to

do plugins that run on wine count?

keep it up guys, we've got this lmao

i'd give it one or two years before discord undergoes some serious enshittification, with the way most other social media websites have gone down, presumably due to them not being really profitable anymore, im sure discord will start pushing people into nitro more and more as time goes on, i mean as most other platforms discord is already taking advantage of our data, but so did twitter and look where twitter is going now lol

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it's a shame most people just don't care, this has been slowly consuming and devouring every single service online and recently offline for the past decade

is this an nvidia moment?

hey windows aero looked amazing, especially for its time, shame we dont get that option on modern windows but hey at least we're getting closer to replicating it on linux

i mean i would get it if the platform wasn't trying to take advantage of you, but considering youtube's moves in the past few years and especially recently with some people getting adblock-blocked, yea i don't think supporting them further is a good idea

i was going to wait a day or two to see if it came back but it looks like it's still down, made this alt on feddit like 2 minutes ago hoping for vlemmy to come back lol

dammit now im gonna have to resubscribe to like 50 communties

yea, im still hoping that vlemmy's just having some major technical issues and will come back soon but judging by some evidence (mainly the donation/github pages being deleted), i dont know if that'll ever happen

little bit tricky, was only on there for a few weeks but in that time i managed to subscribe to 50 communties and host one, now i gotta redo all of that again which is a minor pain in the ass

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cant you just run the installer with wine which is like 2000% easier?

try using pcem or other kinds of virtualisation

i am of the opinion that applications on linux need some work, flatpak would be perfect for this however it doesn't have a good user friendly permissions system, it's a pain in the ass to install applications on non-system drives (which is a much bigger pain for native packages btw) and wine needs to be more user friendly in terms of prefix management, yes we have lutris and bottles but those feel like superglue to wine itself, im genuinely on the verge of learning C and doing all of this myself since that's most of what's holding me back from linux

yea i agree, growth would be a better word to use here

Moistly ui issues that Vivaldi.


also file pickers that show thumbnails on linux from what i've seen are extremely commonplace

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They are extremely similar to the point that I think they are edging