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I know these Chucklehead Executive Officers only exist to enrich the companies they run and by extension, themselves, but they all seem to fail to understand that running a company is not just merge and acquire. Of course that is what capitalism wants, but there is room for there to be more than five Big Names in Gaming, and a MSFT-owned Nintendo would not be what it is today. You don't become an innovator by buying the innovative companies.

Yes, Nintendo's hardware has gradually fallen "behind the times" (if you look at raw power, generationally) but guess what? A majority of people are still willing to play Mario, Zelda, and many more quality first-party titles on potatoes as long as the games are fun.

Nintendo has taken risks and made some weird crap over the years, but that is exactly what makes them different from the other two. I don't think we would have had Nintendo Switch today without the wild consumer success of the Wii and then the massive pendulum swing of the WiiU (which was tethered to the home just like that new PS5 Portal display controller). They came to market with an R&D Wii 1.5 prototype that flopped, but that sent them right back to the drawing board to rethink it, creating the Switch, which effectively merged their console and handheld divisions.

I am not a betting person, but if I was, I would be placing my chips on the card company-turned beloved video game creator that turns 134 this week, and not the American conglomerate that thinks the entire future of gaming is subscriptions and microtransactions on the third place console.

I'm not sure what you're saying here ... 1.6 is an upcoming full game update for Stardew that will add even more content, which he was simultaneously developing with Haunted Chocolatier. They are a very small independent operation, and game development takes more time the fewer employees you have. The fact that they have continued improving the game for 7 years adding free content at the original price point is actually quite remarkable.

The 1.6 update addresses the ability to create add-ons (mods) more easily, which will aid efforts in the modding community to create things like Expanded with less fussing about in third party programs and tools which currently allow them to work.

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As a day one buyer, I'm happy about this. Exclusives for people who buy early or pay a premium are silly. I just happened to be fortunate and lucky enough to get my Deck earlier, but the more the merrier.

This is tragic. André was such a talented actor in every role I ever saw him play. He will be dearly missed.

I do not have any solutions but want to thank and show support of the admins for the continued thoughtfulness and transparency about the issues the site faces.

I am surprised by the ELI5 on how Lemmy federation works. I guess I assumed it was somehow P2P, not a mass entanglement of duplicated content, which as mentioned is a nightmare for problematic and/or illegal content.

I don't know how the creators expected Lemmy to grow with each instance's storage and hosting costs also growing exponentially as the fediverse expands.

I am not trans myself so I can't speak to that specific situation but as someone who has let many people go in life: you cannot beg people to be in your life. Family, for some people, can just be bad people you happen to share DNA with. The hardest thing to realize is they were likely always this way, you just lived your life passably before and no longer meet their approval (which despite how much it hurts right now, you do not need to find happiness or success in life).

Treat your dad with kindness as long as he treats you the same. For the others, go no-contact or limited contact if it means you can keep in touch with your dad. Let mother and siblings realize how much of a cool daughter/sister they are missing out on, but do not attach your every hope on that happening because it may never, but that is NOT a reflection on you, if you live unapologetically with good intentions. Your goal is not to hurt them (it sounds like it isn't working, anyway), but to heal YOU.

Lastly, if you haven't already, please find some sort of therapy to help you deal with the situation. Trauma can reach every square inch of your life before you realize what is happening. Support is out there that can help you better navigate this until the pain subsides (or lessens enough to carry on). Therapy gives you tools to thrive, to find a relationship in yourself that no other human can give (or take away) from you.

The disclaimer of my post is this: I am not a licensed therapist or doctor; I am just sharing a singular personal experience in the hopes that it helps in some small way. Take care of yourself.

Unsure if this is sarcasm or not, but the name of this instance is also what IKEA calls that stuffed animal - BLÅHAJ (pronounced blow high, translates directly to blue shark).

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I think you hit the nail on the head - we don't need to know as much as we did. The internet had explosive growth and now with a phone in your hand, information overload is easier than ever before, because it used to just be the television while you were at home. Now you can be out with friends and glued to a device feeding you data every waking moment.

What I'm trying to do in the absence of those constant data streams is be more intentional with my time. Your serotonin doesn't need to come from hitting refresh on a post for upvotes/likes, though that is what modern social media conditioned us to do. Consume media that doesn't demand emotional labor. Create. Play. Read. Travel. The world outside has changed a little bit, everything is more expensive, but nature is still (mostly) free.

At the end of the day you aren't missing much, despite what your fomo is telling you. And your phone is still a p2p communicator. Hopefully when something consequential happens, a friend or loved one will relay the message. I hope this helps a little.

Just because a game says it won't work on Deck doesn't mean it is true. They just haven't tested thousands of games to verify compatibility. Sometimes it is as easy as getting and selecting a very specific Proton version, but other more involved fixes may be necessary. When in doubt, search "[game] + Steam Deck" to see if someone else has tried and succeeded (or failed).

Content of the article aside, I think these business publications are running out of thesaurus entries for clickbait titles. I wouldn't consider it a "spectacular failure" that Apple could not finish a modem in time for the iPhone 15 launch, especially considering the smashing success that they've had pushing out Intel and making some of the most popular consumer electronics on the market.

Apple should eventually find success in going vertical with the modem, and when that happens, Qualcomm will learn what being difficult costs.

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We never did ☹️

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Lots of posts here, so maybe you won't see this, but i think the ___ Simulator games are mindless task-oriented fun (if you enjoy that sort of thing). I have been playing House Flipper lately, which has basic task lists and skippable emails if you don't care about the job's context. Clean up trash, paint, build outdoor furniture. There's just something satisfying about it for me, but it won't be for everyone. I have heard good things about PowerWash and Gas Station Simulators as well.

Stardew Valley can be modded to support 8-player sessions but the upcoming 1.6 update will include it natively.

Hey Business Insider, I missed your previous article “Frequent/Long-Term use of the smart phone may rewire our brains in unexpected ways”

(This is not criticism of OP, I just think the premise by BI is silly when we are currently reaping the effects of smart phone addiction and ubiquity.)

Technology addiction is very real but I’m not worried about the $3,500 headset that will never reach consumer saturation at that price point. Be careful out there with anything you buy or consume.

-Sent from the latest iPhone 😂

Office365 Excel documents offer realtime cloud syncing, but at a minimum I believe autosave is a standard feature in Excel now as well. Enabling one or both should rectify pretty quickly and seems like the lowest-tech solution for them.

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This is bad for us too, because cars were already being developed with NACS since CCS “lost the war” in the US. What kind of uptake will those cars have with a network that has completely stopped growing because manbaby decided to take his toys and go home?

The auto manufacturers will blame everything but the fact that most EVs are overpriced and overcomplicated to compensate for them being ultra-reliable and no longer in need of constant maintenance. This country already killed EVs once, don’t put it past capitalism to try a second time.

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For me it is Jewels N' Drugs on Lady Gaga's ARTPOP album. I skip it every time.

If I am traveling out of town, I try my best to eat locally at my destination city. I would rather get the flavor of a city by its local cuisine offerings rather than from its underpaid chain fast food workers that I can suffer at home 😂

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Spoiler: 1.6 sneak peek from ConcernedApe's Twitter posted Sept. 27, 2023


The soundtrack to QAF remains top tier. Seeing what happened to the song rights on the streaming version of the show has completely prevented me from watching it digitally, I guess we can only relive the magic through physical media or ripped versions.

For me it is Fleetwood Mac's The Dance, which brought Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham back into the fold, a decade after recording Tango in the Night. It's not really a hidden gem, as it was very popular, but if you like them and haven't heard it yet, give it a shot.

I remember watching the concert on TV and it was spectacular and magical, so the nostalgia goggles are firmly in place. I don't usually enjoy recorded live albums, but this one holds a special place for me.

Steam servers would have to blow up the same day it went out of business, I feel like Gabe's dying breath would be spent hitting a killswitch for DRM before the service shut down. Maybe hyperbole and naive of me but I doubt the truth is far off.

FWIW I have the Voyager PWA installed on my phone and despite daily messages that support ended two days ago, I can still browse Lemmy. I don’t plan on updating, in case that is what finally breaks it.

edit: as of March 22, Voyager stopped showing me content on any server with 18.x software, including my login credentials, which I can only assume means it is useless for browsing Lemmy. Edited with Memmy on iOS.

I have been playing Stardew Valley, which admittedly took me many years and many attempts to get into. I am now on year 3, birthdays and events no longer stress me out, but at the same time I keep discovering new things and most importantly I am still enjoying myself a lot. I think I finally understand the acclaim.