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They are not easy to grow. And they are male and female so you have to have both for fruits. I don't know the ratio, or much beyond that, I've never gotten a pod to sprout...

Hang on a tick. Is that my old cheese? My good-time boy?! Or is he but a simple human man?

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That is super sweet, and the stuff looks great on you!

Also, I wish for this to happen in a movie, and when your friend('s mom) said "Welcome to the Gender" we'd be blasted by "Welcome to the Jungle" and a sweet ass training montage and triumphant "transformation complete" - silhouette - fade to black.

Sad they didn't mention what a disaster Country music has become over the last 5-10 years. Used to be about trucks, country girls and beer. Now it's about beer, whiskey, moonshine, drinking in your truck bed, drinking because of country girls, and drinking because you are working class. I want a 1:35:47 YouTube video essay on the top 50 songs the last 4 years and how they became nothing but advertisements for branded alcohol and propaganda that all poor people need is a few beers or a shot of whiskey to keep being productive and "happy".

I grew up (90's) on local Canadian Country radio. I still tune into it on my drive to work if I don't want to hear about boat crashes and genocide. And I sing along. But it's fucked. I know it.

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My Aunt said she'd leave if Trump was elected. Within the year she had sold her working farm and bed and breakfast and moved to Costa Rica with her husband.

Most people can't afford to do that,or still have kids at home or whatever. And I honestly don't like her or my uncle that much, but I was so proud of them that they did that. They had the resources, so they just did it.

Most people don't have that freedom. But those who do should put their money where their mouth is.

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It's the same thing you get eatting undercooked pork. Only recently did the pork industry manage to get it mostly out of their herds so now the "recommended temp" to cook pork is dropping.

But it's still very common in bears so you have to treat it like pork and cooked it to 165*

which sucks, I'd love to try a juicy rare black bear steak.

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Just make sure to do it from Walmart or Lowblaw or some other government teet sucking price gouging corporation.

My sister's dog does "business deals" with me (offers a paw to shake) and it gets to the point where I have to tell him I don't do deals on the weekend or I'm out of goods to trade. That little ferengi never truly believes me though he thinks I'm just trying to play hardball ...

"Garlic Breath" is a episode from the Netflix series "Rotten" that brought this information to the mainstream.

So I paid for nebula, but it seems totally vacant. I'm not mad, I'm happy to spend the money supporting small creators/any independent endeavour, but am I missing something??

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That's already very common and should be shut down, but usually it applies to the particular service you are using... Not whatever this bullshit is...

I think you might be confused. If you didn't want people's answers, perhaps next time don't ask, or ask a buddy over a drink.

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As a Canadian, I have the same question. Is this just the old "slam through an obviously unconstitutional law because it will take years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it undone and until then maybe we can keep pushing our clearly anti-American agenda? (note I'm using American to mean what they claim it to mean, like in the movies, not what it actually is, which is kinda... this.)

Why don't they just ask the Hamas terrorists to go somewhere specific and then kill or capture them there, rather than asking the civilians to leave an area so only terrorists remain and then going in and doing the same?

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Simple example from yesterday: My stupid pixel 8 phone has a green line on the screen. I look up how to get warrantee and think "wow, at least Google knowing everything about me will be helpful in this case" and after a few misdirects to garbage online user forum to try and get me to solve this problem myself I get prompted with "which device is the problem?"

Google pixel 8

Some camera I had but was stolen, and google knows this because they refused to replace it even though I went through the bother to report it stolen to police because they claim they will send a new one

So I click the phone next page says "this phone?" -serial number


That you bought on this date from us?


Good news it's under warranty! Would you like to start the process?

Thought I'd already started it but.... Click

Please enter the serial number or IMwhatever code. Click here for instructions on where to find this on your phone.

...... Click back 2 pages, copy and paste the # they told me


take the space that was at the front for some reason

Great! Here are the next steps.....

Me: wtf is this garbage....

I think he is a naked mole rat and the coconut reference is from something Harris said shortly after Biden stepped down.

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Tool assisted speed run. People write programs to run the game over and over, and by doing that they can prove or disprove potential strats, routes and such and then humans can try them.

What makes you think these decisions were "ad hoc?"

What do you think ad hoc means? And what part of "we checked out this athelete and she met all of our criteria to compete in womans' boxing" don't you get?

What failing do you think the IOC commited in allowing a cis woman to compete in womens' boxing?

Great content isn't necessarily everyone's prefered content. Having it all in one place helps people who want to see it see it and people who don't don't have to. Win win.

Are you keeping up with the Commodore?

My dad was showing us all Moon Shuttle for the 64, some old game he'd never played. And then he pulled out a chip he called "the shadow" that I guess has a history to it. It was a replacement for another chip you'd plug it into the hard drive to... Copy games? But they didn't work or they didn't make enough? He even showed me his thermal printed complaint letter he wrote explaining how long he waited and how many times he was fobbed off.

This article explains what happened and where and what kind of bears....

My partner went to a convention in another city. He was caught off guard by the number of dudes in leather and fetishwear that he saw around the hotel when he first arrived but just thought the city must have a diverse and adventurous night life.

The next morning on his way out he spotted a poster, it was "The Bear Ball" weekend, some disco themed big gay guy event, and the hotel he was in was the headquarters, which explains why most of the other attendants of his conference were being housed in a different hotel.

He said he had some great people watching for the next couple days.

Ended up using dog shampoo while staying at my parents place for 2 weeks. It made my hair weird but how I figured it out was it was in one of those clear bottles with the picture on the inside behind the semi clear aqua blue shampoo. So when I picked it up for the 6th time I actually tilted it passed the point where I could see "Shampoo" and up to what I thought would be wheat or yellow flowers.

Golden retriever smiling back at me....

Go ahead, please talk about the real and genuine problems here....,

That is a beautiful, wonderful movie, but I haven't been in a positive enough mental state to watch it for almost 8 years.

No I'm not depressed, I'm very lucky and usually quite content if not very happy, it's just so dark and sad you really have to be waaaaay over to the happy side of the spectrum of you don't want to come out a hairs distance from suicidal.

Raccoon Saloon on YouTube is a live camera for racoons if anyone else needs more of this.

Where's Cats Eyes!!!???

Well now I'm even hungrier....

The second paragraph states it's 5.7tons.

Oof that hurts.

I really, honestly hope you never make that kind of mistake, because while it would open your damn eyes, nobody deserves that.

"Haven't killed them yet!" Would be an awfully terrible thing to have rolling around in your head in the days, weeks, months and years after....

No op but I took it to mean "skipping a quarter pounder is easier and not nearly as socially damaging as skipping showers."

Did she eat the dog after?

While I have to suffer the canned variety most of the time, a good cheesy pineapple onion black olive pizza is a very good thing. Or pineapple with any spicy ingredients.

Growing up there was a pizza place in my home town that had a house pizza. The primary thing was the crust was almost.. crackery? Dry and crispy (it was just a family owned restaurant, don't know if they had a pizza oven). The toppings were pineapple, green olives, crumbled/very fine dice ham, onion.... I wish I could remember if that's all. It was an amazing pizza and I regret they closed and I can never have it again :(

Can't comment because I don't listen to much hip hop. But it isn't a far stretch to think the same factors play a roll in what music gets produced and pushed.

Currently playing Fear and Hunger after watching SEWs video on it, multiple times.

I did think this was one of his weaker videos, but it was still a good watch.

Black and Decker owns DeWalt.

Answering honestly: so that shitty people can like shitty things without the consequences. They can broadcast their views without having to answer for them, and down the line it's easier to manipulate likes so Elon can sell likes or remove likes from anything he pleases, which allows twitter to create "public opinion" that won't be in line with actual public opinion.

I was maybe 6 when I saw the same 60 minutes show. Terrified me. Mom got mad at dad for not noticing I was watching with horrified eyes beside the side of the couch.

K I duckduckgo'd it and still don't know what SPOG is. Help?

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Thanks for the correction.