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Joined 1 years ago

Paying workers more is inflationary, but raising the cost of goods because you control the supply chain is "business"

Basically, raising product costs to cover increased labour costs are bad because actual workers are getting that money instead of the wealthy capital class.

I wish people understood boycotting more. Sure 6 companies own everything, but remember when the cost of a barrel of oil went significantly negative because people weren't driving for 2 weeks?

If people collectively decided they didn't want to buy anything but the absolute necessary staples for a few months there would be an absolute catastrophe in the supply chain and they'd be forced to lower prices significantly.

They may not lower prices forever, but modern business is built entirely on supply chain logistics. If people stop buying anything, or buy things exclusively to return them we would see some serious changes

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For what it's worth, a government can absolutely subsidized an industry in an attempt to capture a foreign market.

There's a reason Japan and Korea have their own auto industries despite being next door to the largest manufacturing nation on earth, and it isn't because they're somehow making and distributing them for even less than China.

That being said, several automakers have blindfolded themselves about the type of cars people want. I do hope this threat is significant enough that automakers actually shift to mini-electric transportation options.

If not, I'd be happy enough buying a small Chinese electric even if the taxes made it equivalent to a larger "western" vehicle. Because it's what I want to have available to me and it's nice to fuck capitalists with capitalism.

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Next time axe the executives and keep the staff.

Most executives I've met can't read emails and just point to one of two numbers and say "higher/lower!" while dreaming of KPI's that don't improve anything and solely exist to stagnate wages

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Rent doubles in 2022, then eventually drops by 7% by 2024.

Doesn't sound like lower-middle classes are winning to me.

Don't get me wrong, it's trending in the correct direction (finally). But people need to push hard until either the average/median workers wages raise, or rents fall until all the costs of shelter are 30% or less of salary.

Ideally there is a strong public housing presence that heavily depresses the profitability of being a landlord.

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Technically, ovulation without fertilization would be the benchmark.

Also, you probably can't miscarry. Which happens 10-15% of the time on average, and is much higher for some individuals.

These people are out to lunch. How stupid, uneducated, and emotional could someone possibly be?

The only people who are stupider are undecided or non-voters.

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AI isn't good enough to replace workers, but it could probably replace C-suite executives at astronomical savings to the company

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I'll take a competent grandpa with a lifetime of relevant experience who's slipping a bit, but has a great team supporting him and who yields consist, positive results over a Christo-fascist dictator who aims to dismantle democracy entirely.

I'd prefer a younger progressive to Biden, but youth isn't a guarantee of quality. Bobert, empty G, Gaetz, or Biden? You can throw that youth argument in the trash (Trumpster fire?)

That anyone seems to think Trump and Biden are even remotely close that you have to split hairs is laughable and shows exactly how effective and alive propaganda is.

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Pretty rough reality.

People in cities often don't know or understand the first thing about nature and are content imagining it as some pristine "other" place outside of the cities they never leave.

Rural people who have access to nature tend to vote for the "put every chemical in the environment as fast as possible" parties.

The poor who live near natural beauty without industry have no clout or means to change anything outside their immediate village (even then its not likely)

The rich people who actually enjoy nature, live near it, and want to protect it - often only want to protect it for themselves. At best their environmental efforts are offset 1000x by their lifestyle.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of rural/urban hunters, environmentalist, nature/outdoor lovers. But it's a relatively small group with little social crossover. And aside from the cottage are probably spending their entire outdoor experience on public walking paths and aren't aware of the extent of habitat loss, pollution, and mass die offs taking place.

We're completely fucked.

The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went "just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we'll throw a wind storm at it to prove it's good forever"

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I mean, it also helps that it seems to be an international, targeted hit on a woman trying to leave her husband in a nasty divorce with a lot of money at stake.

This isn't just some chick went missing on holiday, but wait she's hot, rich, and probably connected so everyone pay attention because a real person was hurt.

I'm not disagreeing that beauty and wealth are bringing this additional attention, but this is also far more targeted than a sex/violence crime of opportunity.

Also, if every time a woman was targeted by an ex made headlines, it's all we would literally ever hear about, anywhere, always.

Family annihilation is often initiated by men, and if it's a woman killing herself and her kids, there's a good chance her partner was abusive.

Saying this as a man before any neck beards start angrily sweating about anti-male agendas (not trying to suggest the person I'm replying to is doing that atm).

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Indifference is just a tool they use - the root cause is Greed.

They hate immigrants, but love slave labour. Then use immigrants "taking jobs" (what the farm owners actually want, because slaves are very profitable and locals would never do that work at that wage) to rile up the population to vote for Conservative governments, who often don't change the influx of immigrants but who does love to lower taxes and turn a blind eye to labour abuses.

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This is so beyond indefensible that I have no words.

A failure to hold Trump accountable for his many flagrant violations of national security laws would be just the latest example of a complete failure of justice.

Made this earlier today

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Don't evangelicals hate Harry potter?

Or is it now acceptable for anti woke reasons?

Jesus is woke now too apparently.

Guess nothing really matters to the right wing/evangelicals except more hate

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Honestly, there's plenty of reasons to make fun of boomers/millennial/genZ but the reality is each generation has Republican and Democrat voters.

I'm not gonna suggest that Democrats always have the best interests of working class people in mind - but their camp does contain progressives, which is something that Republicans lack entirely.

At the end of the day, all our problems can be traced to income inequality that is largely pushed by Republicans (and a huge dose of "trusted media" espousing outright lies).

You can absolutely have a business oriented economy whose government protects it's people from abusive and predatory businesses practices while providing great education and healthcare for free.

It's something we'd all benefit from (even the wealthy, but it'd be less profitable) but something we'll never have because every generation has Republican voters who show up 100% of the time - and Democrat voters who barely show up, can't agree on anything, and require emotional inspiration to even begin to participate in politics.

In fact, now that we're literally watching Nazis take over the Republican party - anyone from any generation who votes Republican now is far worse than anyone who voted R in the past before the middle class was destroyed.

The Republican party is evolving into its final form of purest facisim, something that was plausibly deniable 10 years ago.

Bottom line is we're at a point in society where feelings and opinions are the only reality for a lot of people. It will be the death of democracy, and they'll go to their graves in chains they put on themselves believing they made the right choice, because why would anyone ever choose to feel regret or acknowledge the consequences of their own actions?

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Braindead comment. Dems suck nowhere near as bad as Republicans! Literally comparing adults to children.

What makes you think they're even remotely comparable?

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Independants/undecided voters and people who don't generally participate in democracy

Something like 60% of people vote in federal elections if we're lucky. Obviously they aren't all going to unanimously vote for only one party - but Republicans are notorious for showing up to vote on anything.

Nokia invents patented technology they use in their products (hint, not a cellphone)

Another company illegally uses this technology without a license

Nokia sues them for using their proprietary systems without permission

"Nokia is such a parasite"

Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

I get the whole "building a case" thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually "get enough evidence" so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn't go to trial/conviction I'm sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

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Been using this often since you originally posted it!

Love gif style porn and this is one of the best ways to mow through them.

I'm pretty much a monkey who's too distracted by tits but is there any features/tips for using it I may have missed in pre-nut fog?

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While I agree with you about half measures that divide the workforce/classes I am still all about "raising the basement".

Too many policies will only meaningfully impact the wealthy, so seeing lower pay bands receive specific attention is always great to see.

There are still far too many loopholes, lack of enforcement/consequences, and creative schedules that actively repress workers, but this policy sounds pretty great and it is affecting a lot of workers in less than a year which is fantastic momentum.

It's also more difficult to pass sweeping legislation when Republicans + Conservative supreme Court do absolutely everything in their power to resist any kind of improvement to American life they possibly can.

If it was for manufacturing something mundane like lightbulbs, I would agree with you.

But at this point, leading edge semiconductor production is highly limited, specialized, and is being sought after by nearly everyone - and they're willing to pay top dollar to secure supply.

You can't really play hardball with someone if they move their entire production and supply output to a political rival, no matter how good your local profit margins may be.

That being said, this is absolutely a mess of our own making from offshoring everything for profit - 6bn is pocket change for the US though, so decades of profit and a manufacturing blitz isn't really all that bad (aside from carving out the middle class, but that's another story).

One of the greatest money saving tips we got up here in Canada is that cancelling Disney plus ($12/month plus taxes) would help struggling families deal with inflation and make ends meet.

Thanks chrystia freeland, you out of touch ghoul. That $12 a month will surely overcome the several hundred dollars a month increase in costs to food, shelter, and gasoline/heat since 2019.

To be non partisan, the federal leader of the opposition also suggested Canada could opt out of inflation by embracing bitcoin, right before it Collapsed 60%

As you can see, the people in charge up here have nothing but the best, most well thought out advice for the average Canadian and those bootstraps will be pulled up any day now.

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You forgot my favorite of sleep-hating-brain internal dialogue!

"Why would you need to sleep until your alarm goes off when I can wake you early and you can be anxious about not sleeping! Or all the stuff you feel you should now start but are too tired to do even though you know I won't let you sleep!

Wouldn't want to sleep through that! Why do you think I kept you up so late??"

They hate everyone who isn't exactly like them, Trump has a similar level of entitlement and narcissism that they do, which is why they support him - because it's just another way to support themselves.

Narcissists live vicariously through Trump, because he's proven all you have to be to succeed is an entitled piece of shit (and wealthy) - which is the only quality they possess (minus the wealth).

When you're that level of narcissist, you don't actually care about the people around you, you only care that they agree with you. Which is probably why they wouldn't care if Trump low-key hates them, because they absolutely hate anyone below them on their social hierarchy, but they hate them less if they kiss the hierarchy ring.

When they have a Trump Rambo flag, it's actually them on the flag - Trump's face is just the unifying figure for their collective personality disorders.

Lmao, you think this current loyalty test - and the future party filled exclusively with Trump loyalists - will simply pack up and go home after Trump dies? Or anyone living will be able to wear Trump's mantle next?

You do realize Christian Nationalism follows the (misinterpreted and cherry picked) words of someone who died 2000 years ago as their North Star right?

Trump dieing would simply make him the new Jesus. Shit, he's already being accepted as such while he is alive.

Absolutely nothing will stop the current trajectory of the GOP until the people who make it up find something else more entertaining or fulfilling to do with their time.

Unless by "Generational shit show" you mean a contest to see who can preform fellatio on Trump's ghost the best.

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I'd love to find a good alternative to Rarbg, truly the end of an era

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I mean, they kind of already do that.

All the taxes I manage to evade (buying/selling a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff from Kijiji/marketplace) wouldn't really affect me.

But scraping hedge funds and professional tax dodgers would put a ton of cash into public funds, so I'm all for it.

Kind of hate that slippery slope argument of yours "if they can take millions from greedy billionaires, imagine how many millions they'll take from you!" is a shit argument that defends serious tax evasion.

First they came for the billionaires, and I did nothing, 'cause fuck em' that's why.

Eat the rich

How dare those filthy anarchists deny the proletariat the joy of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps!

Just in case, /s

Somehow your comment reminded me of

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Big fan of 50:50 water and grocery store white vinegar with a tiny drop of dish soap.

For glass I'll also add a little rubbing alcohol to the above, for heavier grease or spots on glass I'll just use 70% rubbing alcohol

Bathrooms can have a ton of different surfaces, I've had great success with VIM bathroom and kitchen but I'm sure anything branded for kitchen/bathroom will handle sink/shower/tub/toilet well.

CLR for anything involving (Calcium, Lime, Rust) tougher sediment buildup.

I get sponges that basically look and feel like the rough part of Velcro and are thin for a sponge, like the green scrubby rectangles, but superior imo.

When they're getting tired they become my household cleaning sponge and work great! A decent sized brush can be handy, and definitely rags/paper towels for wiping things dry if necessary.

Squeegees are fun, not particularly handy for bathroom cleaning unless there's a lot of tile/tempered glass/mirrors or you like using it to wipe down the shower when you're finished

Don't forget to make sure it's a "complete" or "GOTY" post, nothing worse than waiting for a mediocre deal on an incomplete post

It's absolutely about the cruelty.

Realistically, if they took her to the hospital wouldn't she wind up with an absolutely eye watering hospital bill? One that would likely take her the rest of her life to pay off?

Instead, they calculated that the outcome of denied medical care would cost this person more than a lifetime of medical debt - even if the lawsuit against them paid out.

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This article is wild. Sounds like they discharged him after a day, and the parents say they're glad they're taking him home in the front seat instead of in a box.

List of injuries:

9 broken vertebrae

Collapsed lung

Ruptured spleen

Broken hand

That kid ain't seeing the front seat anytime soon, partially because of healing, and partially because that family won't be affording seats of any kind in this lifetime

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Why are the standards so so so unbelievably low for positions of authority?

I'd be surprised if there any agencies left that aren't already half in the pocket of domestic terrorists.

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Republicans threw out respect, formality, duty, and established processes a long time ago.

With a stacked supreme Court, they are free to flout any law and interpret anything however they chose without consequences.

I fully agree that a "no" is all they deserve, if an explanation is actually required, hit them with "No, illegal"

I don't know why I keep watching these, fucking war is brutal as fuck.

Definitely want Ukraine to have all its land back and Ruzzia can go fuck itself for all the atrocities they continuously spread across the world.

But not all these soldiers are war criminals, often the people dieing in this grinder are the least responsible for what their country or army is doing.

Hopefully all this death eventually comes home to roost with those who are responsible for Putins pointless war.

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RIF was working for about a month after the shut down (shit down?) but I was logged out and strictly lurking.

Lemmy has been way more stable for me in the past 2 weeks as well.

I'll use my browser to look at reddit without being logged in every now and then, but honestly 90% of the major news is on Lemmy anyhow and the memes and community are 10x better than anything on Reddit since about a decade.

Only thing left for Lemmy is more local/provincial communities gaining traction on Lemmy, but I'm in no rush at all. I'd rather have a limited user base with genuine interaction than the shit slide botfest reddit feels like now

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I just got a blue ray of samurai champloo - mostly because I'm sick of media in general cycling through multiple streaming services only to become unavailable.

The SC blue ray came with a digital copy from funimation (now crunchyroll). I saw online that it's basically a scam that doesn't work so to see for myself I created a paid account to hopefully get access to the digital download.

I found out it was unsupported, and at best it would only be available online and with an account - no opportunity for actual download/ownership.

So I immediately cancelled subscription and had them fully delete my account. I figured complaining about their shit policy by cancelling a paid service and fully deleting an account would hit some metrics at least.

When there's a show/movie I really enjoy, I either buy physical, or torrent so I actually have it. Only some things on the internet are forever, and with the volume of content being created, "permanent" is now often only for a few months before it becomes nearly impossible to find again.

Are you suggesting that anything about the internet hasn't reduced attention spans?

Especially as it's becoming more accessible and common for younger people to get more exposure during key points in brain development.

It goes beyond simple accessibility and engagement, if young people are not participating in these social medias it can become harder to connect with your peers - so you're almost socially punished for not embracing and participating in brain rot (all social media, not just Tik Tok).

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