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It's time to clean house. Get all of the corrupt congresspersons out, Republican and Democrat. We need to start over from scratch at this point I think.

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I worked for an MSP doing IT for an assortment of companies. Most of the companies were in the medical or legal fields. Every single computer they sold to their clients, used the exact same bitlocker key when booting the computer. If you've worked for one of the companies we supported, you knew the bitlocker key for all of them. Iat been the exact same bitlocker key for at least 10 years. This MSP also regularly puts out social media posts and emails saying how security focused they are etc, etc.

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I'm concerned about the amount of people in this post that aren't just saying that None is the correct answer, but are instead trying to come up with a race to pick.

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I've discovered this at my current job. I worked tons of unpaid overtime (I'm salary), did everything I could get my hands on, I was getting compliments from upper management, my reviews were stellar, etc, etc, and my raise was 3%. My rent went up more than my paycheck did. After that, I started doing only the bare minimum. Some days I even play some Xbox in the afternoon to kill time. My latest review was excellent, and I got a 5% raise. They can go fuck themselves. I'm not going to work any harder for this company than I absolutely need to. Working less got me a bigger raise.

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That's been my guess for quite awhile now. His platform didn't make a ton of sense, and he frequently said similar things as Trump, while not wanting to put down Trump for the most part. Love him or hate him, Christie was one of the loudest voices on the right that talked negatively about Trump. Don't get me wrong he's still garbage, but at least he spoke out against him, which is tough for a Republican candidate to do. Vivek on more than one occasion refused to do that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him as the VP pick.

I'm glad that someone is fighting misinformation. What scares me, is if the right wing in the US starts trying to do the same thing. Can you imagine them cracking down on Facebook, X, etc for misinformation like the EU is doing? It would only be Biden conspiracies and pro Trump propaganda allowed. Good thing we aren't giving our government that power.

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Honestly, that's the only reason I have Max, because it's "free" with my cell plan. If I was paying for it, I would have cancelled it a long time ago. I almost never use it

It's been one week since you looked at me Cocked your head to the side and said, "I'm angry"

Honestly, I think that if Trump is in the General Election as a candidate, it could be civil war regardless of who wins. The hard right loves him, and would revolt if he lost, with cries of election stealing, and the hard left would lose their shit that they had to deal with him for another 4 years if he won. I'm hoping he gets disqualified, though I could see even that ending badly. At this point, I'm thinking a cabin in the woods is the best bet.

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Android is switching over to RCS where available, as long as you use the Google Messages app. The default app on a lot of phones don't support it, but all major carriers in the US do support it. RCS is far superior to MMS or SMS. RCS also supports reactions, receipts, etc, though I'm unsure about whether or not it supports high quality media, but I do know that I've had no issues getting good pictures texted to me from other Android users who have RCS. If apple would follow suit, this would be a non issue, but Apple refuses to play ball, so they can use it as a marketing tactic. I'd bet that if they opened up iMessage to Android, there would be a whole lot of people adopting it, just so we're all on the same page, but yet again, Apple refuses to play nice. This entire thing is Apple's fault for wanting to keep iPhone users in a walled garden.

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Not just the ones they don't like. They're corrupt and lazy. They don't go after any more than they have to.

From the article:

Police said the gunman was inspired by “a terrible event abroad”. In one post, he cited a 14-year-old Russian school shooter who killed one classmate and wounded five others as an inspiration.>

That's the biggest thing this country is missing right now. It's OK to disagree with other people, but for some reason, people seem to think they are enemies because they disagree. We are all individuals, with our own views on everything. There isn't a single person in the world that I agree with 100% on everything. To assume that anyone I disagree with is somehow evil, or my enemy, is insane.

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I stole this from another poster, but it does indicate that it was probably his ex boyfriend, or drug related, and not a "good Christian" as you imply.

Here's some excerpts from the local paper.

Detectives believe Kruger’s death may have been the result of a domestic dispute or may have been drug-related, according to three law enforcement sources with knowledge of the case. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said police investigators recovered troubling text messages between Kruger and a former partner. Investigators also recovered methamphetamine inside Kruger’s bedroom, the sources said.

In recent months, he’d written on social media about a variety of alarming incidents at his home.

In April, he posted that an ex-partner had broken into his home. “The door was locked, so he had somehow obtained a copy of my keys,” he wrote. He had allowed the man, whom he’d known for years “before his troubles,” to stay at his house briefly after being released from jail. He said he was able to deescalate the situation and the man eventually left, and he changed his locks.

In August, someone threw a rock through his home window, he said. Then, about two weeks ago, he wrote on Facebook that someone came to his house searching for their boyfriend — “a man I’ve never met once in my entire life.” The person called themselves “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets” and threatened him, he wrote.

Wait, are we doing dicks out for Harambe again?Last time I did it, I was told I wasn't allowed at the Zoo anymore.

I agree with you, the entire thing was a farce. There's no way he LEGITIMATELY got 88% of the vote. Just another dictator, doing dictator things.

I haven't seen that, but then again, I tend to not follow or friend people on Facebook who are white supremacists.

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Along with companies raising prices of items. As a non Canadian, I'll be curious to watch this play out.

The biggest question for me, is who determines what's misinformation? Honestly, it's determined by someone with a bias as to what is real information, and what is false. What if it was the Republicans in the US making that decision? It would completely change what's considered misinformation. This is where the dangers of censoring misinformation come in. It's all about who is making the decisions. Sure, you may agree with the people making the decisions now, but what about in 5, 10 years?

According to the article, this was his biggest win yet

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This place is as weird as Reddit. You agreed with him, and he's been down voted, and you've been up voted. So weird.

I'd probably get fired from a company that has that, lol. I'd do random things just to throw it off, odd body movements, etc.

So I'm curious, and this is a legitimate concern of mine, but what happens when corporations (and the local mom and pop) raise prices, because you can now afford to pay them more? Should there be a limit enforced by the government to have a freeze on the price of goods? Wouldn't it be equally effective to skip the UBI and just do the freeze?

In line with the freeze on the price of goods, wouldn't it be beneficial for the government to demand lower medical costs as well, since the exact same medical and pharmacy companies are selling their stuff in other countries for cheaper than in the US?

I have no idea why you're getting downvotes on this. You're relating your personal experience, and it's clearly not an anti-vax type answer. Here's an upvote to help offset that.

Only $4.6 Billion for Musk? I'm sure he'd appreciate that, since he paid $11Billion in 2021.

Trump is garbage, but please quit making things up. He doesn't need the help looking like garbage, he does it fine on his own. From the speech found here:

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Definitely not telling people to storm the capitol.

Like posting an unpopular opinion on Reddit or Lemmy. You'll get down voted to hell if your opinion differs from the majority in that sub.

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Scientists can have their own agenda. They're still people. Or they can just be bad scientists. Or they can just be churning out papers as fast as possible to increase their prestige.

It's interesting to me, that if you had said this exact phrase in relation to climate change research, or any other politically divisive science, you would have been down voted to oblivion, but when talking about this, you got up voted. What you've written here is true regardless of the subject matter, but when it comes to agendas, it's even more true in politically divisive science.

I've been a none for a bit now, and often find myself disagreeing with the opinions of others. I also tend to be more centrist in my political leanings, whereas a lot (obviously not all) of nones or atheists tend to lean left, or in some cases are extreme leftists. In my opinion, extreme leftists are as harmful to society as the extreme right, but that's a pretty unpopular opinion online.

Long story short, I agree with you on this.

I still see Trumps face everywhere, though primarily on left wing media. Oddly enough, I see it there more than I do on right wing media. (Gotta see what both sides are saying, the truth is in the middle somewhere)

I think it's coming regardless. The losing party of the next presidential election will probably be the one to rise up, regardless of which party it is. Honestly, if Trump wins, I can see the left revolting, and if Trump loses, I can see the hard right revolting. I think it's a lose/lose situation.

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I've been saying for years that universal healthcare won't solve the issue, unless we can get costs under control. If they can regulate medical related industries, such as pharma, the need for universal healthcare can be reduced or eliminated. As an added bonus, it would help keep the cost (ie. taxes) for universal healthcare a lot lower. This is pretty common for pharma companies to make insane profits like this, and it's extremely unethical.

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I'm extremely torn about this. First of all, I've been saying for a long time, that the biggest problem with the American health system is the costs of everything, and not the lack of insurance. Bring the costs down, and insurance is either not needed, or should be able to be procured much more cheaply, so this move will help with that, which is a good thing.

Second, patents are in place for a reason. If you invent something, you have the right to sell it, at least for a period of time, without it being ripped off by someone else. Patents are used all the time, all around the world, and are typically protected. This is a form of theft, and I think a possible slippery slope, as it sets a precedent going forward. And yes, I'm aware that they are doing this with drugs funded by the taxpayers. If they want to do this, it should be a stipulation when the company gets the government funding, and not done after the fact.

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