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Joined 12 months ago

This is the way.

“You keep speaking, and I’ll stand guard.” We need more of that. Much more.

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It still amazes me that a country that small with that little natural resource as Germany can have such a strong and big economy!

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The ministry for the future by Kim Stanley Robinson. And moreso after the Texan republicans are trying to keep climate science out of classrooms!

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I've been using Joplin for awhile and am very happy with it. Sync via Dropbox, with tags to use it for GTD (getting things done) works like a charm!

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Unfortunately for the world and for the Palestinians this is exactly what's going down. Makes me cry.

Totally! Makes you want to DO something!

All in for another 1000-year Reich 🤦‍♂️

This is the way.

This is great input! I'm in the market right now and haven't had a Garmin in 8-ish years. I'll take a closer look again!

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