2 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do NOT self-host email! In the long run, you'll forget a security patch, someone breaches your server, blasts out spam and you'll end up on every blacklist imaginable with your domain and server.

Buy a domain, DON'T use GoDaddy, they are bastards. I'd suggest OVH for European domains or Cloudflare for international ones.

After you have your domain, register with "Microsoft 365" or "Google Workspace" (I'd avoid Google, they don't have a stable offering) or any other E-Mail-Provider that allows custom domains.

Follow their instructions on how to connect your domain to their service (a few MX and TXT records usually suffice) and you're done.

After that, you can spin up a VPS and try out new stuff and connect it also to your domain (A and CNAMR records).

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They ALL are on green screen. There isn't anyone int his video present "in person"!

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And furthermore: Most of these shitty apps are nothing more than overblown API clients. Which means they didn't want to build a website and operate a webserver, so instead you provide the processing power for the UI yourself. These apps usually can't do anything on their own, if you are offline, becaue all the value is generated remotely by the actual server.

The modern software experience sucks much!

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They do, in the EU. If you fuck up your customer's data, you'll face fines consisting of hefty percentages of your yearly revenue!

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So as a driver I have now a filter for better rape and murder victims? Nice!

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The old fish costs $3.92 per 100g, the new fish $5. That's a price increase of (255/200 - 1) = 27.5%. The difference per gram (which isn't of interest to anybody) is 5-3.92, i.e. ¢1.08. Which also equates to a (5/3.92 - 1) = 27.5% increase.

Not sure what you were calculating, but every result was wrong.

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Yes! Social media gossip is NOT "technology".

I recently started using

It's basically a self hosted Google Photos and it's working really well. You can just mount your heap of photos into the container, declare it as external library and you're good to go.

After a few hours/days of training the face recognition, extracting meta data, generating thumbnails ans possibly transcoding videos you'll have a very responsive and easily searchable timeline of ALL your pictures and videos.

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A self-hostes RSS reader? Probably the ability to read your stuff from anywhere without installing something. Like on your work PC... ;)

Only because they write something in their shitty corporate document doesn't mean that it holds up later. Sure they can write, that you sold your soul to them, but that doesn't mean that it is binding at all.

After all you never signed any contract with them. Not even via Docusign (which wouldn't even be binding in my country, lol... worthless).

Yes they can send you a bill, but there's always room for more toilet paper. Or just send them a fantasy bill back yourself 🤷

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Do you run your PiHole on top of Docker? There's an issue with docker and Raspberry Pis which makes the network crap out periodically. So if your PuHole becomes unavailable until you restart your Pi it might be this:

Solution is to add "denyinterfaces veth*" to the dhcpd.conf

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Media Server? No content backup at all.

If you lose everything, just download new stuff you want to watch, or redownload a few TV series/movies.

Music? There are streaming services.

Only backup configurations and maybe application data, so that the reinstall will be easy. Those few kB/MB could sit anywhere. I'm using GitLab for this purpose.

Edit: Images! If you have your photos on there, back them up! They can't be replaced!

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I smell a large GDPR fine on the horizon. Mmmmhhh!

Big news, yes. But not tech related at all. Those Elon news should be on TMZ. Edit all your posts and comments with a link to your new home here.

One option would be to allow the migrated users to setup a mail forwarder for free. If you don't pay you can only access the forwarder configuration, which would be enough for most use cases.

Not at all. I'm in bed and what I'm wearing is destined for the laundry basket.

pip install -r requirements.txt

That's how you install everything a project needs ;)

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They basically shadowbanned us because they are lazy... jokes aside, they don't have the manpower to moderate all the bots away. At least that's their reasoning.

Yes, I'm going to tell you about the 4-5 girls, that were/will be interested in you but you were/will be to dumb to notice. Stay calm, be yourself and take a little initiative. It'll be alright!

Yes! I have read OPs comment and just thought to myself: "No filter, either 0% or 100% engagement, nothing in-between... sounds like ADHD"

OP, get yourself checked out, there's medication that helps you dialing down your "participation". You always go full throttle, and these pills probably help to find those "thottle values" between all-the-way and isolation.

So every accusation of cheating/plagiarism etc. and the resulting bad grades need to be revised because the AI checker incorrectly labelled submissions as "created by AI"? OK.

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Really? I don't think so!

In absolute values, sure, but They didn't adjust for the difference in purchasing power between India and the US. Yes, the purported INR 6,150,000,000.- can be converted directly into USD 74,400,732.- using the current exchange rate of INR 82.66 for USD 1.

BUT, if you take into account the difference in purchasing power of the two economies and use a conversion rate that eliminates the differences in price levels between countries (, 24.059 between India and US in 2022) then INR 6,150,000,000.- come out to be equal to USD 255,621,597! This value you can now compare to the production cost of movies in the US etc.

But what can you expect from those young "journalists" from the independent... they should be ashamed of themselves.

Edit: You could also take the Big mac index and compare it ( and the 75 million would become about 165 million.

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VPN limiting your bandwidth? Sounds like a CPU issue. You'll be surprised how much CPU overhead it takes to encrypt and decrypt traffic at such high speeds.

I know something better and it's solar powered: Trees!

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Wow, all the ideas of the author are bad.

Font size in pixels are a bad idea, because people have different screen resolutions. For some your text might be legible and for some it will be a text for ants. You don't want that. Also a piece of paper doesn't have pixels, so you'll get different results for printed pages. You don't want that as well.

And the line height thing? No. Just no. Only because I have one larger letter anywhere in my text I don't want to screw up the line spacing for the whole paragraph/text.

Text size in px is objectively a bad idea.

Purchasing power refers to how much goods you can buy with your currency. As you can imagine you can buy less with 100$ in the US than in India, where everything is cheaper. If you take purchasing power into account you convert everything into a "standard amount of stuff". And using a conversion based on "the same stuff" you'll get a different currency conversion factor.

India achieves their goal still very economically, but it's not 75mil, it's 255mil. The equivalent amount of stuff that costs INR 6.15billion if you buy it in India costs USD 255million if you buy it in the US.

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Here in Austria we drink our tap water as it is. It comes basically straight from the mountains, you can't get any better.

In our biggest city, Vienna we even have the best water in the country (in my opinion) if you live on the West side of the Danube river. I miss the Viennese water, no joke!

4 days on-site, same pay, same 40 hours per week? No. I don't work 10hrs a day + 2hrs of driving. So 5 days remote in this case!

4 days on-site, same pay, 32 hours per week? Sure, why not? I'll use the driving time with audio books or reading during a train commute.

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Keepass all the way. Checks all the boxes. Access via browser: If you have a Nextcloud instance, theres a NC-Addon to open kdbx files in the browser.

re: Bitwarden I tried it and it wasn't sufficient for me. Is it now possible to also store and generate TOTPs? Can you store SSH keys and retrieve them directly from the password storage?

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Oh man, that's actually really good advice! I recently switched to Vaultwarden, but you're right: If my server goes down, I can't even restart it, because the password for my account is in there! Damn! Close call!

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Bad diagram: The comparison period is missing. Is it +- vs yesterday, vs last month, vs last year? Nobody knows and thats why the deltas are meaningless.

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Yes, in the EU, they have to comply within a month. If they don't you'll take it to your countries data protection ombudsman.

I have never cared about the IP addresses of my docker containers and never will.

Why do you? There is a docker internal DNS, you can just resolve IPs by service name/container_name.

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I have had this issue for about a year, while trying different monitoring and logging solutions to try and find out what's going on.

This was such a bitch! Now I'm spreading the word, so that other won't suffer as long as I have.

What's the catch? How long does the free tier last?

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to piss time and money away commuting

So much this! Why is it OK for us to waste our most valuable resource, time?? If you waste company time or assets, you'll be fired.

My service provider lets me download messages as audio files.

I'd download them and pop them into a player that can display waveforms, so that you can skip those pocket dials with a bunch of silence. Or so that you can speed up the audio to 1.5x, which will be 33% faster than listening at normal speed.

OR if you dont feel like working for a few days, play the stuff back at 0.75x for a 33% increase of your billable hours.

Hahaha! I'm keeping this typo 😂

Why are you using a crappy uni DNS? Why not or OpenDNS or even Google's

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