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It's not that they now changed something with data collection and sharing within the update. They always did it, all services free of charge do it and most that cost money likely take the extra money as well.

It's now that they tell you in a short and informative way (1st sentence) and ask for your consent.

What's really infuriating, are websites and services that have an "Accept All" button but no "Reject All". Instead you have to manage individually and sometimes I have to flip 30 separate buttons to disable data sharing, where they even call advertisers a 'necessary 3rd party' requiring interaction on top.

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We had this submission yesterday already and the title is very misleading. No one has to support Israel, but one state in Germany demands to recognize Israel's right to exist.

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The European spendings and commitments for Ukraine are higher than US. As it should be.

Here is the tracker:

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I understand 'worst sales' but 'worst performance' doesn't really fit. It's in my opinion this is a fantastic performance on the market. With right to repair, longer software support, some models with replaceable batteries, we can use the phones longer and make the industry more sustainable and consumer friendly. For the last years already, the model feature upgrades were marginal and it's fine that way.

In the future, I'd hope for further technical and regulatory development in that direction, resulting in further reduced annual sales numbers.

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"Fifty terrorists arrived in vans, dressed in military uniforms," she said.

It is not far from the Gaza Strip, from where Hamas fighters crossed over at dawn to launch their attack. They infiltrated towns and villages, taking dozens of people hostage.

How is that possible to get that many armed people and vehicles across THAT border? I have never been there, I only know pictures of parts of the border from media, with barb wire fences, walls, concrete blocks, surveillance cameras, military checkpoints. Pretty much a border made to prevent anything like this.

Does anyone have further information where or how they managed to get that many people with that much equipment into Israel?

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I'm quite disappointed by most comments so far talking about RAID and data loss. That is not what RAID is for at all.

RAID is for uptime/availability. When a drive fails, the system will keep running and working. For companies, that would lose thousands of currency per hour with a downtime, this is super important that the system keeps running. At home, it's convenience that you can order a new drive and replace without hours of setting up and copying before you can watch the next episode again.

Backups are against data loss. If a single drive fails, a RAID fails or you get some encryption malware or an employee destroys stuff on purpose, then everything is destroyed. It doesn't matter if it was a single, any RAID, HDD or SSD. You order a new drive, make a new volume and restore the data from your backup.

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Also the article is dated Dec 1st, quoting a Greek source article dated Nov 28th. Nearly 2 weeks old reporting.

For everyone only reading headlines: Those are not Russians trying to leave.

A total of 91 undocumented migrants have tried to enter Finland on its eastern border since August. These are third-country nationals who used Russia as a transit country and applied for asylum in Finland.

91 at official border crossings in 3 months is nothing, but they need to keep an eye on the situation. So far, Russia is no longer stopping them from crossing towards Finland without documents. On the border between Belarus and Poland they area already a step further and migrants are being used as desperate tools to breach the border and fences towards Poland.

It's disappointing that they only exclude the information use regarding ads.

So they will still track everything users do and profile them, just like any other free user. And they can sell to everyone else who pays for user data (e.g. AI learning, market research etc.). With that wording, they could even sell to ad companies, if they e.g. use the data for some algorithm optimisation in their tech department. So they leave the door open to keep selling the data to 3rd parties, while already charging the user 'starting at' 12.99€.

There is no context and nothing specific, as the headline makes it seem. He is just putting out phrases in an interview:

"Wars develop in phases," Stoltenberg said [...]

"We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times," he said.

"We should also be prepared for bad news,” Stoltenberg added [...]

[...] Stoltenberg said. “The more we support the Ukraine, the faster the war will end."

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This post is obviously not meant serious.

To the right of the damaged section we can see a thread indicator, so there is maybe around 1 mm thread on the right shoulder. Therefore the centre part was below legal limits.

Before changing tyres, the owner of that bike decided to kill off the old tyre completely by doing a burnout. We can see the flat centre piece all around on the tyre, typical for a burnout.

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In a way kinda. It's problematic though that China is using Uyghur forced labour to produce cheap solar panels.

This of course allows them to undercut any other manufacturer, driving them out of the market. So the delivery chain is getting kinda small and the products have forced labour attached to them.

"China uses Uyghur forced labour to make solar panels, says report" Published 14 May 2021 (Source:

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Lots of Islamic Jihad & Hamas missiles fail during flight and kill Palestinians. Israel had published videos in the past showing e.g. 8 launches at night, pausing the video and showing how 2 or 3 suddenly turn down to the ground to hit the Gaza strip. And of course the local terrorist groups accounted dead Palestinians to Israel striking those locations. It's sometimes easy to show, with visible rocket engines at night and sometimes harder.

For decades we talk about stealth technology in aviation, x-th generation fighter, radar absorbing materials and so on. And now there is a war, with everyone having air defence available, and in the air, we see hobby camera drones dropping grenades and moped drones with a technology advancement to get black paint.

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I tried to find info on but this website/blog not listed there. Besides that, the blog owner tells about himself that he a son of generations of revolution fighters in the USA, a patriot fighting the new revolution. With a skull in US colours as website logo.

What else needs there to be to get the immediate hint this is some conspiracy guy trying to overthrow the elected US government with his revolution? This is so silly, I could be falling for a parody website right now.

That's really not a URL to share or to believe any information. And if we have someone here who believes such sources, it would be a good time for some personal reality self-check.

The siren system was just not used, I didn't see any reports that it failed.

Already days ago right after the fire, it was reported the fire services communicated to the public they had the fire under control. So it makes sense to not use the emergency siren system in such a case. But then suddenly - according to media and fire fighter reports - the fire started spreading super fast and it was no longer under control. But then it was too late for many.

Is there a chance to place air defence systems in Romania at the border to Ukraine and shoot down military objects that are approaching the Romanian border as precaution? While they are still in Ukrainian airspace, but with this case in mind that Russia already hit Romanian soil.

To protect Romania, bits of Ukraine and yet not really interfere directly with the war. Even though it could protect Ukrainian soil for a few kilometres along the border as well, once the UAV gets too close to the border with Romania.

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Some paragraphs for tl;dr:

The discussions with China, Saudi Arabia, and on climate issues with Russia had been "complicated", he added.

Major oil producers fear the impact of drastic mitigation on their economies, and Russia and Saudi Arabia were blamed for the lack of progress in Goa.

Reports of Saudi and Chinese resistance, he added, "fly in the face of their claims of defending the interests of developing countries".

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This is the new shoot and scoot automatic in action.

In a selected port, with a crane. That's basically the tl;dr from the video Kalash posted at 4:23 time index.

But the Houthis didn't fire at warships. I know some outlets had similar sounding titles but they were clickbait and their own articles were contradicting their title. The Houthis were firing towards merchant vessels and within 20 km or so, there was also a warship, which then reacted.

It's the radar, lidar, cameras only story that's coming up every few months for the last years. A few years ago Tesla went cameras only to save money, assuming it would be good enough. Other manufacturers/cars have a higher certification for autonomous driving but they are also using more sensors than just cameras.

In the 1st step, maybe a year ago or so, they updated the Kasa app (v 3?) to only function with account and while being logged in at TP-Link servers to use your devices. And in now the 2nd step, they integrate Kasa into Tapo, which was always account-bound. The 3rd step is then probably the discontinuation of the Kasa app.

Kasa was their more premium product line, that was usable without internet connection and without manufacturer account - which is why I paid more to get those instead of the cheap Tapo products. But now my 'smart' power outlets are in a box in the basement collecting dust and I cannot recommend anyone to spend money on TP-Link smart products, as they remove features after sale.

That cage is old tech. They should have used the newer tyre layer protection technology.

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The 2nd hit looks to be this location:

But that's so clear within M270/HIMARS range, it doesn't seem smart to park equipment there on the beach.

That is also a good signal, that maybe not many Ukrainian POW are held by Russia at the moment. In the past, even Zelensky mentioned, they needed to capture more Russians to have some numbers for the POW exchange between the two countries.

Full war camps in Ukraine could mean Russia has no one to exchange.

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Translation: "We don't want to approve Sweden but we also don't want to take any blame or consequences. Just leave us alone and go annoy Turkey about it."

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Holy shit in Part2 the driver just goes in, drops everyone off, turns around and runs away leaving everyone behind to die.

That really looks wrecked. Probably not worth it to repair (just a wild guess) with time and costs involved.

On top of what we see, there is always further damage from the blast, shrapnel, fire/heat, smoke, firefighting water.

I don't know how intensively you followed the news, but regarding the Taurus rejection, there was also a big reveal regarding the French and British cruise missiles: It's those two countries themselves who deliver the target coordinates and they have people in Ukraine programming the cruise missile targets before launch. I don't think this was ever mentioned before, when the topic was the SCALP/Storm Shadow. But that's seems to be the problem that Germany cannot legally follow.

Translated with DeepL (

"According to the report, Great Britain and France directly contribute the geodata for the attack targets themselves and are also involved with their own personnel."

"Literally, the chancellor told the committee that other nations could do something "that we are not allowed to do." Many deputies understood from the implication that Scholz was referring to needed German help in programming the weapons systems. London and Paris, he said, were much more relaxed on this issue."

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The article is quite harmless compared to the silly title.

But the main argument is that Android has too many settings and options where users don't even know what they are good for. And with further development it's getting more features and more options.

That seems to be a very minor and rather luxury problem to have more and more features and options.

On the PC, there are lots of programs that already use a short list of options available and then a checkbox with 'I'm an expert' or 'Advanced settings' to show them all. More settings means more freedom for the user to chose from. Hiding them would be a simple task. But just because they exist and are shown, this doesn't mean that anyone has to click on anything without even knowing what it does. So it's not really a problem besides reading 3 more words in the list of settings but not doing anything with it.

For options I don't know, I just use a web search in case I'm interested. Or I just ignore them as long as I don't have a problem related to the topic.

As you didn't read the article:

“This move seems driven by the government’s interest in collecting and centralizing biometric data for identification, tracking, and surveillance purposes,” he said. Omar agreed: “Probably to keep track of the refugees.”

They hand out SIM cards to track those SIM cards. Using a certain messaging app on the phone or not doesn't change SIM card tracking within the network.

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Holy shit 70 vehicles in one day!

I have the feeling Russia tried something again and failed miserably.

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I've seen those dugouts a lot on the green strips between open fields. So they have the choice to go back in and have some minor cover, or out into the open field, with their dark clothing on white, snowy ground. Also it's not like the drone is limited to hitting the dugout and it's faster as well. Not much they can do.

Maybe the better option would be to craft a white flag and surrender to the drone, as we have seen in the past. Saves the life and some limbs.

This is quite interesting, as commonly weapon system sales can be based on data sheets, video presentations, theoretical scenarios, shooting range tests or 3rd party experience and reports.

In this case, Ukraine was able to test various IFV models from multiple countries in an actual war. And then after testing, Ukraine chose the CV-90. That's a good selling point for BAE systems.

It should be clear that most of the information in the news is quoted from Putin.

That also explains why someone who just bombed grain silos in multiple Ukrainian port cities and ended the U.N. grain deal, blames the West for screwing poor countries over.

Or he blames western sanctions for food shortages, while at the same time bragging about exporting 60 million tonnes of grain last year and expecting a record grain harvest this year. Which again is a cynical remark, as Russia was caught stealing tonnes of Ukrainian grain to sell it as their own.

There is not a lot of sense or truth in Putin's statements.

A very important bit, reported by WSJ:

The ATACMS models that were provided have a range of about 100 miles.


Pravda is also quoting WSJ in their article and mentioning the 160 km range version.

From the link:

So 1386+ are doing business as usual, 1955+ are not. That is a majority who changed their business approach with Russia.

The details & filters on the website are impressive and grant a way better insight than the overall numbers.

E.g. to exclude Chinese companies who stay, because why would they leave? Or exclude agricultural/food industries, as no one sanctions those to avoid famine. Or companies from dozens other countries who never implemented any sanctions against Russia, so of course companies from those countries are still in Russia. Or from the UK: BBC "Stay - Continue Operations", "Temporarily stopped work in Russia and decided to operate outside the Russian Federation but on March 8, 2022 resumed reporting from Russia" which is good to have them in Russia and report about Russia to oppose state media (mis-)information.

But that is why the website is so good. It has filters for everything, so it also shows companies in their lists that shouldn't be doing business any more. Or they publicly promised to leave but didn't - which is also noted in the lists.

Just the overall amount(s) isn't a very good benchmark here. It's about the details.

Always nice from the Russians to mark their civilian looking military support vehicles with a "V" and "Z" sign (1:50 and 2:05 in the video), so there are no misunderstandings with selecting the targets.

Last position of Russian oil tanker named 'SIG' is from 1 day ago at the Kerch straight:

Well now they have to take over the subs and get new moderators. They won't just sit there and watch Reddit burn further.

For the 2 days private protest, their comment that it will be over soon was appropriate. As giving an exact time frame allows to know the exact end of it. They could just sit there and wait it out.

Now with the indefinite protest, they have to act. And to get to content onto Reddit again, they will probably be looking for new unpaid strike breakers mods for those subs, so they don't have to actually hire and pay people to moderate content on their soon publicly traded company website.

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