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Joined 4 months ago

For those who don’t know, why is this needing to be done? Also, why do you need contributions and what are they being used for?

(BTW, I just got started with a monthly. Thanks for y’all’s work)

Freedom of association?

No. I am kind. I am genuine. I am not nice. I have become too tired to put on a mask anymore.

Pardon? We in Fallout?!

GROSS: Get Rid of Slimy girlS.

Had a patient with a really bad reaction to a topical chemotherapy agent because he was moisturizing with CBD oil and wasn’t telling anyone about it. In trying to understand what was going on, it turns out that CBD specifically slows the metabolism of this particular chemotherapy, so it was building up in his skin.

2 more...

That was actually really entertaining! Thanks.

Dood, Have you done grad school for the sciences? Man, my last 2 years had me hunched over researching/working for 60hr a week minimum, then the study and class time.

Gentle exfoliation with a foaming cleanser that won’t dry your skin out and a soft wash rag. A retinoid (adapaline) nightly or every other night, and a moisturizer 2x a day. Use sunscreen and re-apply every 2 hours to reduce sun damage.

This can all be cheap and have good data behind them.

Yeah, a lot of the chemicals in mushrooms tend to metabolize through the liver, and so do so many other drugs. Good job, taking care of yourself. Best of luck.

Really lovely. The ambiance is great, too.

I want one that is PCVR ready. sigh

Cancel. Let’s cancel that shipment.


Not a problem for people that matter, now is it. If they don’t like it they can leave, or some such.

I just don’t get why this stuff is rushing back to the fore so easily after all this time.

Going back to the before times: darwinia. I had a song from the soundtrack come on when listening on random and got filled with nostalgia.

Yah, I don’t get that. Buddy is quite clearly friendly and non-romantic. Some people feel it is gendered, and probably why you have kids named Buddy. Oh well.

Wait, this was a question? That seemed to be the thought almost immediately when they flew so may Saudis out immediately and worked to obscure the fact that the vast majority of the hijackers were from SA.