1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Republicans: iT's ScIeNcE
Also Republicans: don't teach science.

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They're relying on the courts to make Trump ineligible, all while calling the courts corrupt by doing so.

Netflix is forgetting that a large part of their success was due to being more convenient than piracy.
When prices went up a lot of people kept their subs because they didn't want to kick family members off of it that they were sharing with.

If Netflix becomes less convenient than piracy and no one else is using my account I see no reason to keep it

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The government immediately tried to serve Twitter with the search warrant—which required Trump's data to be shared within 10 days—but the website where Twitter gathers legal requests was "inoperative."

Did they auto-reply to the request with a poop emoji?

If I design a trap that will kill someone climbing thorough my window there's an argument for that to be 1st degree murder: it was pre-planned even if I didn't have a specific target.

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If I understand you correctly, your suggesting the politicians should say "We'll stop trying to deny people the right to live and exist, in exchange for not trying to stop unstable people from easily murdering random civilians"?

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Don't drive traffic to Reddit. The only way to "Troll" Spez is to not use Reddit at all. He doesn't care what people are saying about him and long as they are engaging with the website.

So like, $5?

People will presure companies not to allow it. "I will not purchase your product because it is helping fund hate speech"

It doesn't matter that the company did not choose to place the ad there. The ad being there gives money to platform that they are recieving because of hate speech.

Actually, Musk didn't want to pay anything for Twitter, but was willing to pay $44 billion to avoid the discovery process.

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Right, Trump will definately just go away if you cover your eyes and plug your ears...

You're going to have to give up one or the other.

Also: "I can’t find any info online to back that up" Is a clue. Asking randos online isn't going to change the lack of evidence for what your want to believe.

Calling on my fellow Canadians to grab their shovels and dig a trench along the boarder so we can push off into the ocean and away from this clusterfuck.

The judge laid out a formula for "sanctions that would accrue at a geometric rate: $50,000 per day, to double every day that Twitter did not comply." At that time, Twitter did not object to the sanctions formula

Here's hoping the trial ends just a little after Trump is declared the Republican nominee. Pretty sure insurrection makes him ineligible, and it will show how many Republicans support a traitor (not that we don't already know or it would make much of a difference to their supporters...)

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"there's a nuanced difference between owning your likeness and owning a drawing of your likeness..."

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Ruining their economy and livelihoods to own the Libs.

I noticed r/all has changed drastically and showing less popular subs.

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"owning the libs" means eating shit incase a liberal has to smell your breath.

Lack of education is how they grow more Republicans.

If there's no consequences for Trump it just signals to the next Republican president that there is no risk to them trying to do it again.

Or trying to keep arguing with me after I've given up on replying to them.

Jesus: love thy neighbor
Conservatives: but what if they're trans?
Jesus: Did I stutter?

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"if we teach people facts about mental illness we won't be able to blame everything we don't like on mental illness."

Still dealing with weirdos on Lemmy who have nothing better to do than stalk my profile and try to pick fights with me elsewhere if I dare to disagree with them on a post, so not much has changed...

Corona wasn't supporting the virus, it just happened to have the same name. If Corona experienced any loss of sales because of the name then people are incredibly stupid.

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Upstate NY is kind of wild

I hear they call burgers "steamed hams" for some reason.

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Nah, there were great minds behind the creation of Deep Thought.

bOtH SiDeS!

Public trial right? Pretty sure it's in the public interest to let everyone witness the trial.

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So Elon runs SpaceX, Tesla, and Twitter? I guess CEO is a part time job.

The scarecrow sequences in Arkham Asylum are among my favorite moments in gaming. I'm frequently looking for games that can give a similar feeling.

So you admit that I do own my likeness now?

Always has been.

Also they told the patient to come back 2 hours later when there was already someone else available (the manager) to dispense the medication. This is a clear violation of Walgreen's stated policy.

Check back in a week and make sure your posts are still deleted. I nuked mine and a bunch of old posts slowly started repopulating my profile.

Except you're not passing a machete to Jason Voorhees. That would be "double it and pass it to the next person who you know is going to pull the lever."

You're passing a machete to the next person in line. You don't know who that is. They may or may not pass the machete down the line. Considering I would not expect a person chosen at random to kill someone when handed a machete, it seems unethical for me to kill someone with a machete just to prevent handing it to someone else.

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You just proved you don’t understand the nuance I’m talking about.

Translation: "I don't have a rebuttal for your argument so I'm going to pretend it's off topic."

If you actually had an argument to make you would explain how the nuance was misunderstood and clarify what you meant. "You clearly don't understand" just screams that you don't have any foundational arguments for your claims.

You want to us to stay on topic?

Judge Beryl A Howell of the DC Circuit Court upheld a US Copyright Office ruling that works created by “AIs” are not eligible for copyright protection.

A work not being eligible for copyright protection does not mean it nullifies existing protections. If someone uses AI to generate an image of Ronald McDonald punching Mickey Mouse in the face and tries to sell it on a shirt they will get sued by both McDonald's and Disney and they will lose easily.

"The courts have declared I don't own the copyright for this" is not a defense for using protected images.

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"Let's all shit our pants so the Libs have to smell it!"

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This is on the same level as "You can rob a store then when the cops come to your house say you were never there. They can't arrest you if you weren't at the scene of the crime."

Lying is not a legal defense.

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