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So now Biden wants to implement the same policies that he criticized Trump for putting in place...Sounds about right

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No need to appeal if this is true. The judge will more than likely have to declare a mistrial

You're talking about state law, and this is federal law

What happened to legalization?

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Obviously not

Hey, if the shoe fits...

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Yeah, it was in the works before and 2 courts declined to prosecute it, one being the very court that it's being tried in now, the other being the Federal Election Commission. I'm not imagining anything. That's just the facts bud


I never said that it was Mahr she said she didn't have sex to. Word for word, this is the letter she signed in 2018.

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago.

The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. 

I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels.

Thank you,

Stormy Daniels
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The statute of limitations ran up on the bookkeeping charge, so Bragg claimed that the false bookkeeping was done in order to hide another supposed crime which allows him to try and make a felony out of it, but they haven't proved the first or second crime. Some say the second crime was election interference but the problem with that theory is that Trump didn't sign the bookkeeping documents until well after the election was already over, so that wouldn't make any sense. We've basically just gotta wait until the judge gives his directions to the jury to find out what this second crime is

I can say the same about your side when it comes to Fox news, Newsmax, etc.

I'm talking about this particular war. Before October 7th, they we're in a cease fire and it would have stayed that way if not for Hamas

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Lol, word it however you want, but they weren't fighting the day before, or the week before. The fighting that we are witnessing now wouldn't be happening if Hamas didn't attack them on Oct. 7

Maybe it was at one time, but that changed. This is a reporter that's been there 25 years, and was ultimately let go for speaking out about it. Just like some of the other media outlets, they did anything they could to help stop Trump from getting elected and boost Bidens chance by burying the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election. so?

Btw, Trump didn't just make it up about the MSM lying. It's pretty obvious to anyone willing to venture outside the MSM bubble. Things like the Russia hoax, the burying of the Hunter laptop story, waiting until campaign season to bring every case they've got and then saying it's not political, or spending 3 years telling everyone the border is secure and closed, refusing to say certain words or phrases such as illegal alien, and anytime someone calls them out on something they just tell everyone you're a racist MAGA supporter, etc. are all examples of the fake news that Trump talks about.

You obviously don't understand how it works. If you have a corrupt jusge and prosecutor, you can absolutely bring cases to court that doesn't belong in court. They have the power to do so. The judge doesn't have some boss standing over his shoulder telling him what he's allowed to do or not do. They've got the power to just about anything they want. The judge can decide what evidence to allow and what evidence not to allow and right now, the judge doesn't want the defense to allow an expert witness to testify and he has that power. The jury could decide in the end that Trumps not guilty and the judge even has the power to override the jury verdict and impose a sentence anyway. Sure, it's not ethical, but he can certainly do it. The powers above him don't come into play until the case is over and there is appeal made by the defense, and everything the judge did could be overturned. Our Justice system isn't perfect at all and a judge having that much power is a big problem in my opinion and it largely goes unnoticed most of the time because like you, a lot people think that if it's the court system it must be legit, but there's more people waking up to it now that they're using against political opponents so we'll see if something changes down the road but as it stands a corrupt judge and prosecutor can destroy a completely innocent person with no problem

It's definitely fraud if you have a person filling out ballots in other people's names without them knowing about it. How is that not fraud?

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Well why do believe that Cohen is honest now, but lied every other time in the past? Stormy came out the third time and said they slept together again to try and get some money, even telling her attorney to hurry it up before the election or she'll lose her leverage to get paid. The point is that her and Cohen both just aren't credible witnesses at all. They're both making a living on Trump being guilty so they've got everything to gain from saying whatever they need to say to keep the money flowing

We just gotta agree to disagree on the comment about two right wingers debating how right America should go and that the left is eradicated. I see people all the time wanting to bring down capitalism in favor of guaranteed healthcare and income, etc.

Alright then, what is the folony crime they're claiming he committed?

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He's not. He's on trial for labeling the payments to his lawyer a "legal expense" and Braggs trying to say he should've used campaign money instead of personal money and if he would've done that, they would've charged him for campaign finance violation. That's why almost everyone knows it's a sham trial. The FEC already declined to prosecute the case as well as Braggs office. The only reason they brought the case all these years later was to keep him off the campain trail. Why do you think they brought every case they could against him during campaign season? Someone's got to be pretty naive and gullible to believe this isn't political.

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Right, that's why the FEC and Braggs office declined to prosecute the case already, and then wouldn't ya know, campaign season rolls around and all the sudden it's being prosecuted. I'm just not that naive. I see it for what it is although I do expect a guilty verdict to come and then to get overturned on appeal

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Okay bud, whatever you say...

So what? Even if he did falsify them (which they failed to prove) statute of limitations already ran up. They're trying to claim he falsified them to influence the outcome of the election but that's impossible considering that they weren't labeled as a legal expense until after the election was over. Facts matter

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I'm not in the court room, just look it up. It's on video and I have seen that

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Lol, it's not a lie. There's literally more than 100 news reports and articles about it and most would argue that ballot box stuffers are the enemies of democracy

Maybe not, but this war started in October

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Anytime there's a story with the slightest criticism of Biden (or Dems in general) I've noticed people just downvote the hell out of it, lol. Trump agreed to all of Bidens crazy demands just so he would have a chance to debate him even though CNN just happens to be network that was caught giving Hillary the heads up on the questions being asked during her debate with Trump. Hopefully it'll be different this time but I've got my doubts

Here you go bud, here's a video that shows the fraud taking place and that's just one short video they show. I watched all of the video on Epoch Time. A judge even ordered a redo in the election because of it. Video showed that 420 people put 1200+ ballots in the ballot boxes and this case has also caused lawmakers to write up a bill to increase election security in CT.

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NPR isn't a very good source for news. They even recently had 25 year veteran reporter blow the whistle on them about how they've been reporting news since around 2015-16. They're completely one-sided similar to MSDNC, Rawstory, etc. Anytime a news organization doesn't allow healthy debate, I've quit using them as they're no more than propaganda now

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U can copy/paste. Good for u

The conservatives and the black voters agree on the map. The liberal (Democrat) judges disagree with the map

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It's about falsifying business records although they still haven't said what the actual crime was and Trump has always denied the sex allegations. Stormy even lost a defamation case against Trump and owes him 500k. The MSM tries to get you to think they slept together though

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Stormy came out a few years ago though and admitted they never had sex. She also said that she wasn't a victim and wasn't a part of the "me too" crowd. If you're watching the MSM though, you probably don't know about that

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The Republicans and black voters are on the same page, and of course the Dems want to change it now

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Yeah, accused by a porn star trying to extort money from someone and was also ordered to pay Trump 500k for defamation. Left wing propaganda

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Do the opposite of what Dr. Fauci says

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