10 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rust developer looking for a job and posting stuffs.

If I did not reply, that means I'm probably asleep, as my timezone is: CET (poland)

pronouns: Matrix:


To me the point of the fediverse is that these things can happen and if you don't like them you can just go to another instance.

I understand the reasons behind blocking off those communities. And I'm fine with it since the points made were good.

If this were another platform I'd have no choice and they wouldn't need to make good arguments.

Also makes it much more civil when big changes happen. Like beehaw actually made a post about defederating as they care about our opinions. Instead of just going "we're doing it, fuck you". They care about us. And if we don't like them, we can just change instances. That's ultimately our call, and we don't lose out on the content, we can still view it if we want to.

Don't worry! They'll appear. And if they don't, you can make them yourself! You have the freedom to do whatever you want and no one can tell you otherwise.

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Exactly! For me it's like a whole new world out there

Fair enough. But together we can make it happen! I've seen malicious compliance reappear, it's just a matter of time.

I personally pronounce it S.Q.L

I kinda regret not moving here sooner. It's so much nicer here!

This page should anwser all your things

I Straight up deleted reddit from my phone, begone corporate app!

This meme does apply to me personally, as they are dead to me.

Building a pedestrian over or underpass is another story entirely, had to force the game to do it and even then I somehow managed to place a path that looked like it was going through the roundabout, but somehow it wasn't

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Long live the revolution!

If they stop being nice or you feel hurt don't be afraid to change instances. The fun of it all is that moderation is dependant on the instance you're on!

things that should not exist

Can you elaborate on this?

As in, what things shouldn't exist?

While that is true don't be afraid to ask questions! ! would be glad to answer all your tech related questions

I'm okay... just looking for a job still... depressed...


Huh, that's interesting, thank you for linking it!

I don't know every time I've tried to change a beast like that, it was hard and frustrating.

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I understand where you're coming from but it's just so frustrating to have others point out my mistakes in speech instead of actually listening to what I'm talking about... Or even worse making weird arguments and laughing at me when I ask for clarification... I hate it all I want to make the awful emotions stop

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I hope the economy 2 patch actually does that and doesn't break the economy further, I am glad they're doing something about it.

I am not sure, I don't know if it has, I assume not. And I can't time travel so even if it hadn't I can't say "game is fixed" when it's not.

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Also, I hope they address the fact that demand for my city is always insane

I've tried TUI text editors before but they've never really clicked with me.

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Sadly haven't found a good therapist. I have been bouncing between them a lot and each one doesn't fit :/ I'm loosing hope that I'll ever get the therapy I need.

Am from Central Europe, yeah.

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While I can't speak for others, I've found NGINX to have weird issues where sometimes it just dies. And I have to manually restart the systemd service.

The configuration files are verbose, and maybe caddy would have better performance? I hadn't investigated it much

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I, too, dislike NGINX configs, but mainly I think Caddy should be considered for the feature set and performance it has over nginx. While it is true that nginx is pretty performant, that is without talking about third party modules written in Lua. Cloudflare had an amazing post about it a while back where they said while nginx on its own is ok, when you add third party scripts into the mix it slows down to a craw.

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What helped me is uninstalling Reddit from my phone .

Mastodon has an iffy compatibility with lemmy


You are doing great work!!!!!!!!! I love this site!

Second of all makes sense, if you need help, don't be afraid to send me a message. I'm a rust developer and could help out if need be.

Maybe we need more servers up when NA happens?

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Thank you! I made it in GIMP and it was so hard to find the dumb image this meme originates from. I couldn't even find a hq one ;w;.

If you want to make a community, either make an account on an instance that allows it or host your own instance.

ADHD + Aspergers :/

Sadly can't really get out as I do OSS work and have to argue with people in OSS projects

And yeah I'm still figuring myself out, being 18 never really fixed anything and I feel awful about my past even though I've succeded a lot according to my peers...

I can't really satisfy myself and just work work work work and work

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I don't think something bitter and something sweet mix well. If you add too much sugar to mask the awfulness of it, then it's not really peanut-butter anymore but just sugar and some peanuts.

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:( I'm just depressed at the moment as this thread made me feel bad about my programming

the fact that there are CRUD COMMON and API crates?????

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Would a good solution be to just deffer changes to data with something like Apache Kafka? Or changing to something that can be scaled, like cockroach db or neondb? I also heard ScyllaDB could be a great alternative, mostly from reading the discord technical blog.

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