0 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's an issue of your instance, not of Lemmy. Smaller, less populated instances tend to be more stable.

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It kind of is, in this community.

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Here's the energy mix for a regular domestic consumer in the month of October.


It's not so rosy as these kinds of news want you to believe. Greenhouse gas emissions are still embarassingly high.

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But can it be solved by throwing less sensors at the problem? Cause that's what he's been doing. Removing sensors from the newer versions that were in the older ones.

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Low skill users will use what comes installed on their machine, so installation quirks like that are not relevant for them. They don't install Windows either.

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We can and should be doing both. Use the money our governments are giving to fossil fuels in subsidies. $7 trillion PER YEAR (that's 11 million every minute) in public subsidies go to fossil fuels. Channel that to nuclear and renewables and there's more than enough to decarbonise the grids with both short- and long-term solutions.

What we definitely should not be doing is closing perfectly working nuclear power plants.

It's not an "actual source", it's a shit source. N=16, really? Barely qualifies as a study.

Well, you guys don't even have holiday destination going for you. Good luck lads.

it uses end-to-end encryption

At least they say they do, but we can't really verify that.

and they can't track you if you have a blank user agent.

They absolutely can. A blank user agent is a fingerprint like any other.

They're suggesting regulating corporations properly.

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Original release date was actually announced as 2014 originally (during the 2012 Kickstarter), iirc.

And do you seriously think that someone with minimal modding knowledge can “fix” texture compression

Yes, better textures are consistently one of the first mods to come out for every game they have released since Fallout 3.

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use it for one-on-one chats or messaging small friend groups

Those are exactly what I use Matrix for.

1200 is thousands. 1.2 thousands, to be specific.

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Sure, but it's still thousands. From Cambridge dictionary:

the thousands

numbers between 1,000 and 1,000,000

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Answer the question. Why reply just to dodge it? Could have simply not engaged. It's so weird to me.

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Then email is also social media, Google docs is social media, phpBB is social media, Amazon review sections are social media, even Pornhub comment sections are social media, and so on...

If Lemmy fits the criteria, then so does 95% of the internet. Not a very useful definition, in that case.

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If everything was there from the get-go, how would there be a redemption arc? There would be nothing to redeem.

A redemption arc is when someone or something starts bad or reviled, and eventually comes to be seen through other eyes. Looks like that applies to CDPR and Cyberpunk to me.

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Nuclear can only perform as baseload

That's only true for NPPs built decades ago. Modern designs can also do load-following power. For peaks you have renewables, of course, they complement each other. Diversity makes a healthy grid.

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Berty is being developed, and might have some promise.

They deserve to explore and be happy

Do they deserve to explore and suffer horrible injuries and/or death? All the while decimating local bird populations, and, if not spayed or neutered, creating more kittens to live lives full of suffering and hardship?

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socialist prime minister

That's a bit of a stretch, he may be Socialist Party, but most of the policies of his government have been practically neoliberal.

They definitely were, they were starting to be spammed by posts using slurs, and worse. There was even a post calling for the murder of drag performers.

AskHistorians is s particularly special place. It's not as simple as just starting it.

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Why not? Some of the easiest bootloaders to unlock in the smartphone market are in chinese phones.

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that paradox of tolerance bullshit

How is that bullshit?

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Probably pretty good on a barbecue, from all the fat.

Why does it need to be astroturfing? It's the same point the young climate activist in the article is making.

Cooperatives, employee-owned companies, etc.

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That jadedness is exactly what fossil corpos want from us. The less our governments do, the longer they'll keep raking in subsidies and filling their pockets.

Carbon reduction still needs to be top priority even while we prepare for the worst case.

Can't forget about y'all'dnt've.

A reminder (that really shouldn't be needed) that collective punishment is a war crime.

A dump stat for STR characters.

Works perfectly on mine.

PV panels, not really, but concentrated solar can and does kill birds. Not nearly as many as coal, though, lol.

Kyle Hill has a very educational video about this if you're interested:

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They were under a troll attack from users coming from the instances they defederated. It's a necessary, albeit temporary, measure.

So, you have no arguments against it, you just don't like that people use it to shut out intolerant discourse?

By the way, it's not "just a thought experiment". It's a philosophical principle that Popper put out there as self-preservation for democratic societies. You can argue its merits all you want, but you haven't so far.

Solar is yellowish orange, wind is gray, hydro is blue. Nuclear is the only green one.

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