2 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

She/Her - I think the pfp is from Super Alloy Ranger
Do fact-check me on stuff

Making people unaddicted to twitter deliberately is definitely a W

I feel like I'm going to refer to these places as ActivityPub in the future because I feel like kbin, lemmy, and beehaw sound a bit silly.
Fediverse also sounds like it gets the wrong idea across to a regular person ("does it have to do with 'the feds'?")
I personally like Mastodon, but last time I namedropped it, people were like "ohh, I love that band"
I feel like we're in a naming crisis haha

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"I prefer a distribution which is supported by game publishers." feels like it sets bad expectations considering it's just "do you want a stable Debian/Ubuntu distro?" and 'game publishers' might be a little out of date with their wording/justification

We are still playing catch-up to millennia worth of oppression. Rectifying historical disadvantages and creating a more inclusive learning environment are both boons that will benefit us in the long run. I don't think it's fair to call that racism. I agree with the need to fund primary education of these communities, that is very needed. I don't necessarily agree with (maybe I'm reading into your message a bit) that colleges don't heavily weigh all the other factors that they do for white people.
As an added bonus, why diverse teams are smarter

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“Wow!! Now this is Crazy..did The Christian Owners Sale? Or are they just in Compromise ..and crossed the line and gone woke?!! This is absolutely insane..And a line Real Christians would never cross!!” another user said in reply to repost of the pictures on Facebook.

woke is when you sell Baphomet statues

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i'll admit, it would probably be healthier if you guys could move on now
like sure, keep posting about reddit stuff for the next month, there's probably relevant stuff to talk about, but there's no reason to obsess over spez this bad

as a sidenote, really hate how you need to tie either a google or facebook account to make a definition on this site

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given Tesla's trackrecord, paraplegics beware!
obviously other ways get less coverage because it's not as excitingly scifi as propping metal in your brain, but I think I would rather a CTRL-Labs armwrist even if it is owned by Facebook
if you're excited about this kind of stuff I would recommend reading more about OpenBCI, or y'know, anything that already has results within moving things with a thought.
I would sooner look to VR (as soon as we get commercial batteries that can keep up) to be the replacement 'second brain' for a computer if we're talking about the idea he once talked about accessing the internet from anywhere

If Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still take several years, potentially more than a decade, for the start-up to secure commercial use clearance, experts earlier told Reuters. The company is also competing with other neurotech companies which have already implanted their devices in people.

like idk journalists should stop talking about Neuralink, all it does is risk stocks related to Musk go up, though this one is soberingly skeptical.

Part of the fallout also involved the rapid development of ActivityPub alternatives to Reddit. Two such alternatives are Lemmy and KBin

you get a slap on the wrist this time for not looking in the article at the very least

We're definitely nowhere near "fuck it" levels, as the article says, we sure can make things a lot more awful if we decide now that we can't do anything about it anyway.
But maybe we need a stronger example than.. Bike lanes.. Though I get the point he's making.

It is probably an indirect criticism of the "just make better decisions and you'll be rich" mentality that generally tries to put rich people on a pedestal for being geniuses who 'figured it out' and 'read between the lines' to get on top

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I specifically highlighted the spending effort on spez-hating

I thought this was just going to be 'The Enshiftification of TikTok' again but it became so much more (and as an added bonus was made 1 month before that article.)
fuck all these people

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I'm kinda pissy cause the guy never even responded to being made aware of data like this and that
(i feel confident that he saw my comment cause he replied directly at my first one in the thread)

with 4 comments over 4 days I don't know how much of this is either a secret karma farm or honeymoon phase, but at the same time I don't want to force you to exert more posting than you feel like

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well that sucks

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IOM said there were 45 shipwrecks on the route during that period, but acknowledged the figure is "probably underestimated" because data is scarce and incomplete.

Morocco and the EU is obviously purposefully negligent on this topic, but I hope there's some group somewhere within the system that's working to change this.

if it's mandatory to make an instagram account still, there's literally no point to use it over instagram

Wake me up when we can do real-time or close-to-realtime speech generation

That was specifically around LLMs. In that same podcast he also highlighted how scams are very worrisome and you can probably extend that to any reality-faking technology as it gets more and more convincing.
It's self explanatory that the threat of extinction by AI and threat of crafting a fake reality to shape the outcome of the real reality are two different threats

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I'm sorry for the level of discourse I'm about to engage in, but Zuckerberg knows Jiujitsu, I think if Musk had any actual training in any skillful way of fighting we would've seen it - the dude probably knows Zuckerberg knows jiujitsu, maybe he was just hoping that he would ignore the challenge? lmao

[Musk] has talked about being in “real hard-core street fights"

dude's gonna break his back if he doesnt back out last minute

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My main needs are gaming

Most gaming needs, you'll have to check protondb to see if you'd be comfortable not being able to play certain games. (games not on steam, you can look to Lutris for community made installers)
While Gold and Silver means games require slight setup (setup is usually explained by user-reports), Platinum means you're good out of the box, Borked means no chance, you especially want to watch out if your game has an Anti-Cheat (and read the latest user-reports on the game if you're truly desperate to see if things changed in the last week, like sometimes something like Gundam Evolution quietly enables the linux option in EasyAntiCheat)
If you have a steamaccount, you can log in to get the list of games that you already own on that account to easily see their ratings

local AI

Guides are straightforward, you just have to worry about whether you have nvidia or amd

browser stuff

no issues

What is the info that cybersecurity public experts/enthusiasts want that wasn't given beyond the level of DDoS impact?
The article mostly talks about a DDoS attack, is it really that big of a deal to not cover the exactness of that?
There's definitely an argument to be made that they should've notified the public way earlier about the outages considering, as the article says, 'so much global commerce depends' on them

he really said nah, didnt elaborate and hit us with Matt Taibbi
e: y'all mad but now I'm the only one to archive it, for the record, he linked to this saying that it's conclusively proven to be a lab leak, specifically saying "Nah," to OP's link without elaborating how one was more valid than the other or anything

Advertisers are likely to be much more willing to bank their ad dollars with Zuckerberg than smaller rivals.

I'm fine with any most thing that shows you cannot enable harm-to-discourse as much as Musk has. I would sooner them come to Zuckerberg than crawling back to Twitter because it didn't have an alternative. Twitter is very much a walking corpse right now, but something else coming along to snatch the could-be advertisers secure that it can stay in its fucking pit. (unless various sus governments still somehow see use in keeping it propped up)

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It's short for federated universe.

yeah I mean, we know that.

Yeah, also love the band to be honest 😂... but sure, if it was said in context of a social media networks convesation, I'd get what you're trying to say... or at least ask "not the band, right", lol 😂.

it was deadass on /r/technology my bad /r/worldnews when people were talking about twitter alternatives
I don't even know why I got so many upvotes considering nobody ever corrected them

Nah, there's nothing for them to be a hypocrite about. It just struck me as 'hmm' that someone with so few comments could judge that, but the social anxiety bit might also clue in that they've done a lot of reading on here in general as well, and probably are also taking into account a lot of other people's in-depth discussions in their anecdote

Well I think it's kinda hard to imagine a free service that doesn't do either data collection or advertising or both (read: you are the product), it makes sense through openly being a field that has a lot of money circulating around it

The only other viable model I can personally think of is subscriptions, I find it hard to imagine that only forcing big corporations to pay to use your service, or that having it be donationbased would work with the amount of manpower and serverspace these products from within Silicon Valley typically host where they need millions maybe billions every month until they stop existing

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They're not really backing their claim up though in regards to "related to admins" and "admins are deleting other people's warnings".
And as far as I know the torrent has been pulled even.

I well enjoyed our talk together too! Though just beware i might definitely post cringe shit on topics you don't care about

Well snarked, especially enjoyed the copypaste of the checking notes phenomena. Can you figure out why one would be seen as more harmful in the immediate future than the other?

I love SongRec, feels like it can spot out most things instantaneously and even can find obscure songs that use the same sample as a more famous one
Linux, not Android, option to use microphone or desktop audio

Oh, you're right! Forgive me for not bothering to look at every single link though when the first one was a wikipedia article to 'jedi blue' haha

Had to get demolished to make way for a lightrail
kinda cool to have the key to a place that no longer exists at least

I really like being able to confirm that something isn't made up or blown out of proportion, being able to quickly check stuff like 'how many people even agree with this take (a lot of times people leave out the engagement of a post)' and 'is this a genuine person in the first place (check out their profile or other posts)' to not poison discourse with made-up issues
That said, as others in this thread have pointed to, libdirect should be encouraged so they can discourage traffic to the actual site
e: though nitter sadly seems to be out of commission for new tweets, rip

I'm no expert, but I found this blogpost insightful: BlueSky is cosplaying decentralization

The more I read about BS’s protocol, the more I think this is done on purpose.
Why? Because it allows BS to pay lip service to decentralization, without actually giving away the power in the system.
Another pretty good sign that BS’s decentralization is actually b.s. is the fact that the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) used by BlueSky are currently “temporarily” not actually decentralized. The protocol uses something imaginatively called “DID Placeholder”. If I were a betting man I would bet that in five years it will keep on using the centralized DID Placeholder, and that that will be a root cause of a lot of shenanigans.
it decentralizes the cost to the central authority by pushing data load onto volunteers, while planning to keep control by being the biggest kid on the “reach” block.

I definitely prefer the more saturated colors but the pictures are entirely out of context to a point where you can't really judge

Very fair, sorry if my message seems a bit harsh, I overall agree, I just also thought it is a bold declaration this early into the fold

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Kinda weird that they already advertise it as open source when they haven't done that yet

Sometimes I check out /r/technology and /r/worldnews through libdirect proxy, as well as the slightly more occasional tech-support hunt, but I don't feel the need to interact with it.

Saw a thread of people circlejerking "fuck spez" and giving a bunch of rewards to each other under a thread where /r/space was reannounced, and I was so surprised these people thought they were doing anything