1 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Seems like people don't know their Sting like they used to.

Hurricanes could, and did, wipe out entire communities. It's easy to forget how important the study of meteorology is, as well as how vital modern weather satellites are, in keeping people safe.

As one example of massive damage done in the not terribly distant past:

Does this mean those owing state taxes to Alabama can deduct all their frozen embryos on their taxes?

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4 - Lies

3 - Damn dirty lies

2 - Statistics

1 - Israel saying it's trying to flood Gaza with aid

I shouldn't feed the trolls...

I suppose the better question is, what did he do right?

  • Taunted Twitter CEO, culminating in what constituted a valid offer to purchase at a very inflated price
  • Tried to back out of his legally made offer
  • Fired the vast majority of staff that knew how to run the site
  • Fired all of the staff in charge of ethics
  • Stopped paying rent and other bills, despite having used the location/services
  • Demanded employees devote their non-sleeping lives to the company
  • Ignored all his other companies, from which he continues to draw paychecks (ok, maybe ignoring them is for their best interest)
  • Failed to pay promised severance
  • Change algorithm to promote his voice above all other
  • Rebrand off of one of the most recognizable names and logos in the world

And these are the ones just off the top of my head.

"I will accept no contrary advice from my councilors, nor advisors, nor my people!" said no non-megalomaniac ever.

It's a sad commentary on our society. It isn't nearly as healthy as I mistakenly thought it was 10 years ago -- clearly I overestimated how well things were going. That this many would throw away The Great Experiment just boggles the mind.

Nor the crazy inflation, apparently.

But totally not stranded... -NASA, probably

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Btw, thank you for creating. It makes my world a little nicer experiencing new art.

I love the skull subtly lurking in the sand.

It sounds like a bad breach, and I'm not arguing against that. I just want to point out my doubts that there were ever 2.9 billion Americans since the founding of the nation, let alone since social security numbers became a thing. Maybe if I bothered to read the article, it would make more sense.

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And this time IDF didn't shoot them!

AOC isn't even old enough to run. I am thinking you haven't thought through your argument as thoroughly as you think you have.

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I was thinking it is almost its own form of stolen valor, but I'm not a vet, so my opinions remain just that.

Edit: "it" being to denigrate Waltz's honorable and valued service, in case that wasn't clear

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But if it truly is superior, won't I as a consumer favor those recordings with spatial whatever it is by listening to them more, thereby encouraging the producers with more money because of the increased streaming over the others? Surely making such recordings a favored class where payments are concerned is just a form of double dipping?

I've heard you can just email one of the authors of the paper, if you're looking for a specific one.

I'm a paranoid sort. If I paraded a quarter of the signs, flags, offensive bumper stickers, et. al., of some of my neighbors in my red state, I would just expect that my property would be vandalized, my family threatened, my life endangered. I'm intentionally avoiding showing up on any "lists" that might be composed regarding people from different tribes. It's not right that this is a problem, but it is reality.

It looks like Snoo's drunk uncle. What's with the 5 o'clock shadow?

Anyone recall how Trump harped on Biden being too old in the last election? And now he's older than Biden was then? It drives me crazy that the demented fool Trump thinks he's a spring chicken relative to Biden, when they're practically the same age. Oh, and all the other things drive me crazy, too. Trump is my 1 star Uber driver to crazy town.

The Mult will just go back to wearing diapers and carrying rattles at rallies and other events. Because, as they'd tell you, that's not weird at all. Now, tan suits, don't get them started.

I'm not entirely familiar with how contempt of court works. Wouldn't this be grounds for the bench to issue contempt charges?

That did seem a little odd to me. I suspect there's at least a little more to this story that the article didn't include.

Iirc, it all started with a misprint for a phone-Santa promotion that accidentally used a number at NORAD.

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I was going to just ask, "Why?!" but I think you summed it up pretty well.

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Gotta watch out for those 5-year-old Hamas members, I suppose /s




... Uh, everyone, don't summon Boebert. I'm going to be listening to reggae themed political lies until I can hire an exorcist. And those weekend hour rates, yikes.

I noticed my mental health was having serious issues due to climate issues and had to step away. I keep tabs somewhat, try to do what little I can, and hope somehow things will turn around. Years ago, I didn't see any way we would see our way safely through the Cold War, and then out of nowhere it was over. I see no way out of climate disaster, but hope somehow out of nowhere a solution will present itself for this one, too. That's the hope I hang on to, and it helps me.

AbanTEDment Cruz? I'm not very good at this game, but it's fun.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dropkick Murphys' The Season's Upon Us yet.

It's a paraphrase from a Patton quote. I don't have the exact quote readily available, but the gist is, "The objective of war isn't to die for one's country, but to make some other poor bastard die for his."

Might be more accurate with the image of Grandpa yelling at the sky for Trump.

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I have an old (2017) Windows 10 box that is ineligible for Windows 11. Originally purchased to run my Oculus Rift, it now just streams YouTube and Twitch and plays some old Steam games and occasionally school related stuff (Lexia, Scratch, stuff like that).

I started thinking that, rather than worrying about an unsupported Windows OS on my network, I might upgrade to Mint or Ubuntu.

So, my question(s) is/are, how much of a hassle will such an upgrade be? Will I need to wipe the drive, or can I keep my files without having to back them up first? Can I run Windows games on Steam with Wine? Are there good 3D card drivers nowadays?

I'm reasonably versed in using Linux as a user, less so as an admin, in case that affects the way you answer.

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It was Oliver.

Clarence Alito Otherfolk? Man, that guy.

That's a great solution to win an election if it were easy to find a golden candidate that people like and can't be portrayed as less than ideal by the other side. Right now, I'll happily settle and vote for less than perfect if that candidate is the only one not courting fascism. And I certainly won't go throwing my vote to someone else just because the only guy standing between democracy and tyranny isn't checking all my boxes. No, sir. Democracy is too important to throw away just because "I don't love one candidate and actively fear the other, so I just won't bother." Democracy is my single-issue this election. Get out and vote, because this time, democracy is cracking, and it is at risk of collapse to fascism.

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You're basically correct, in this case. I've chosen my official "side" as that of humanity. I'm not fully certain what that means other than I feel for the protestors/people of both sides and don't want bad things to happen to either. The governments directly involved here, such as they are, are in the business of revenge and power. The people in general are being played by their governments, pawns to be sacrificed or otherwise used to further the purpose.

To paraphrase Gilbert Gottfried: You fools!

I thought the exact same thing! At the time, I'd heard rumors that the entirety of USSR's air defense was smoke and mirrors. This isn't helping to refute those decades old rumors, if there is anything to refute.

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All the better to claim the DOJ is interfering with elections. Ug. I just threw up a little in my mouth.