2 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hamas is evil and anyone on here supporting them are complicit in supporting evil.

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Hamas is evil, they’re a literal terrorist organization that uses fear and violence as their primary tools and methods. The situation Hamas operates in is absolutely nuanced but saying a terrorist organization is evil and supporting a terrorist organization makes you complicit in supporting evil is not an indicator of a simplistic world view, it’s stating an objective fact. If anything you’re the one expressing a simplistic worldview by ignoring the obvious truths of the situation and its various pieces in favor of obfuscating the parts of the situation that are self evident and clear.

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Thank you, some of the most toxic content in the fediverse comes from there and am happy that this server’s experience will be better now.

I swear the most annoying part of lemmy are the people who think all open source options are better than all closed source.

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lol what a lame post

The people that use it this way ruin it for everyone else.

Cuz we’re on an anonymous forum basically?

That’s why it’s in quotations

It’s honestly concerning how so few people understand the world isn’t filled with good guys and bad guys. The collective conscience is so naive and ignorant.

Mods aren’t employees so the ADA wouldn’t apply here and constitute legal discrimination. Albeit this is pretty dang negligent from a business perspective.

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I’d suggest taking your own advice, buddy.

Get your ads outta here.

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I’ve given you as much of a response as your comment was worth. Have a good day.

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One of the points of federated and decentralized social media is that there’s no need to profit. The concept is that communities are built by individuals instead of a central institutions and the communal gain is what incentivizes folks to host servers and participate. I see it as a similar ecosystem as the open source software community who constantly gives everything away for free because it serves the common good, enables faster innovation and widens the spread of knowledge that makes everyone more successful/efficient at the end of the day. If these decentralized social networks can provide the same level of benefit as Reddit, I.e. people adding “Reddit” to their search queries to get first hand answers, I think that’s the singularity point at which people will realize giant social network corporations are completely unnecessary. I can’t wait. Seems inevitable to me because the entire business model of the current centralized networks is unsustainable - part of the reason you see Reddit making such drastic moves regarding their API or Meta investing in anything and everything outside of social media or Twitter throwing unnecessary digital products at the wall and hoping people pay for some of them. Once decentralized social networks are mainstream the ad target pool is going to be greatly affected and these companies will collapse under their own weight if they haven’t pivoted to something else.

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Major shareholders sign term sheets which always govern the terms of who is prioritized with profit, major decisions or in any economic event. Breaking term sheets is breaking a contract which is illegal in the sense it has legal consequence for not being adhered to. Especially if it involves a public company and is under SEC jurisdiction.

My partner got like $700 bucks last time one of these happened.

Appreciate the comment. I agree voting in theory is a good idea but I think a majority of people use it as not intended and it’s creating a net negative experience for the social media that utilizes it. Too many people use downvoting to show dissatisfaction with an opinion instead of the intended this doesn’t add to the conversation. Dog piling is a major issue IMO, psychologically many see negative votes (or many downvotes) and are inclined to treat those comments or posts with more derogatory comments or oppose the commenter before even reading the full post or comment. That’s a very real general example of functionality that’s shutting down engagement and being contradictory to the intent of the social media system being used. For a specific example, browse all with the new filter on lemmy and look at how many posts get downvoted right out of the gate that are perfectly legitimate posts for the communities they’re posting in. The moving good content to the top of your feed intention of upvotes doesn’t really work well in the fediverse without algo based feeds and the top filter could easily switch to views and comments to get the desired results without all the downside of how it is now.

If this were a minor issue I wouldn’t be commenting and would support the standard just ignore votes spiel but it seems to be that most people cannot handle the current voting system so I still see no benefit to them in their current form. The fediverse is the perfect environment to iterate and innovate on a system that doesn’t work as intended.

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Still won’t help you get around a permaban if that’s what you’re thinking. Can’t think of another reason why you’d want to buy one.

Seems interesting.

I think upvoting and downvoting should be removed in its current form. There should be a way to report content that doesn’t contribute to conversations or is hateful and if you want to know how popular a post is go off of alternate engagement metrics like views/comment count.

I genuinely see no benefit to upvoting or downvoting if the above mechanisms are in place. Upvotes are something many folks get obsessed with and downvotes are too easy to spam, especially on a social network that consists of mostly anonymous users. This post is a good example - it’s adding to the conversation and trying to spur engagement with the community but at the time of me commenting it has -1 upvotes (via Voyager since it aggregates downvotes/upvotes). What is the point of these mechanisms - they should be left to Reddit and the fediverse should innovate in this area and make something better than what we already had.

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It’s very good. D4 was also really good to be fair too, minmaxers just screamed a lot online while most people just played the game. I intentionally played a fire sorc this season because these people said it’s unplayable, currently in wt4 and doing tier 20 nm dungeons with my level 65 character so those people were obviously wrong.

He’s garbage. Human garbage.

I can't stand "this is the way". Everytime I read it I imagine the person saying it having absolutely no personality or uniqueness about them. Feels like the ultimate NPC statement.

If we don’t get a Picard covering his face with his hand in shame I’ll revolt lol

This dude thinks he’s a Vulcan lol

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What? Taoism has millions of practitioners and since it’s not an organized religion there’s probably millions more that are uncounted, myself included. Also a major part of the belief system is karma so we absolutely believe in standing up to evil in all of its forms because that’s how you reduce suffering and create more good into the world.

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Thank you so much - I was literally googling how to tag communities on lemmy before posting and couldn’t find anything!

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Underrated comment. I understand making a comment every now and then that's negative (people should be free to reasonably complain) but whole subs devoted to hating on something create the most toxic environments and echo chambers on the internet while inadvertently contributing to the popularity of the thing they hate. The universe grows what you give attention to so I think its best to focus your attention on things you love instead of what you hate.

All religions are not shit. All organized religion is. You don’t ever hear of a Taoist committing these kind of acts.

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If you have an Apple chip Mac Voyager can be used on desktop.

I assumed the person I was responding to was talking about a violation of employer/employee regulations. When it comes to social media, I don’t believe the telecommunications pillar applies right?

You are my hero!

I’ve seen some people using this format within a specific server, !nerdgeist, but it doesn’t seem to link in any of my lemmy apps.

I think I’d rather pay $20 a month for unlimited movies instead of like $10 every time. Heck, even at $5 a pop it would still save me money compared to the sub. If we’re talking about a product we don’t need or use on a recurring basis I totally agree subscriptions are not optimal but in this instance i think consumers are getting a fantastic value.

Speaking truth. People who think all country is garbage are about as bad as the people who used to say all rap is garbage or all pop is garbage. It’s elitist and ignorant.

This is just a case of making the game as profitable as possible. Most people still haven’t upgraded to the current generation and releasing the game again means a ton of money is gonna be made. This isn’t some result of fan outcry, EA just wants to get that bag.

Definitely not like Skyrim apart from the fantasy setting, the game is narrative driven and everything is handcrafted by the devs. Skyrim has way too much randomly generated stuff to feel as rich as BG3. The game also is based off of dnd rules and is not real time action oriented like Skyrim, when not exploring you do things in a turn based mode and have to manage actions/bonus actions/and spell slots to do things. You also manage a party of 4 players and not just the one you make.

If you get the game and don’t have experience with DnD, definitely watch some battle mechanics videos cuz the game isn’t gonna explain all the nuances you should know to be effective.

I really don’t get this complaint in regards to movie theaters. $20 bucks is so little for what you actually get. I can’t think of any other entertainment outing that inexpensive. Subscriptions can really suck sometimes but not in this instance. Even if you go twice a month that’s still a great value, especially since most amc’s have laser projectors now and they are noticeably better than anything we’d have at home unless you have a home theater. Plus you can go to Dolby, imax, and 3d stuff at no extra charge.

Man, you’re an asshole, a bigot and a dumbass. How’s that for weak? Congrats on being the evil in the world.

It has the limitation of terrible quality 99% of the time.

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