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Joined 1 years ago

Just a small database patch, don’t mind spez doing some deleteItem calls.

Chemists would know there is no J on the periodic table :-(

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I’m going to guess “all the precious metals in manufacturing of the EV are so much worse than my gas cars!” Nonsense that the oil industry has been shilling online with bots for years to slow adoption of EVs among specific demographics.

Even though this myth has been debunked a hundred times, by folks like MIT, and in Reuters they showed if you live in an area that’s exclusively renewable power like I do, then I actually broke even 4ish years ago; within 3 months of owning my EV. Source: Reuters article, norway vs us ev break even point

But hey, I’m sure that propaganda of “just buy a gas car! It’s better for the environment” will make sense eventually once they figure out how to ignore more science.

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True. The headline is sensationalist. It’s not unusual to have these types of effects from medical device testing, animals scratching at scars etc. but that doesn’t excuse the outright lying from Musk. These people signing up for the trial are insane.

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Totally. If we’re going make real change with this we need hard enforcement that says “you must provide a default setting that can be set per browser” or something that avoids the entire need for sifting through their cookie menu to find out I left one turned on. But this is peak example of ineffective laws to govern the internet made by people who don’t have any experience in computer science. I’m sure we will continue to see “do not track is just a suggestion” messages continuously. Or the requirement for each individual website to specify what type of tracking in absurd detail.

Transylvania. Obviously.

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Seems like a patent troll…

All three of the Touchstream patents in question are titled "Play control of content on a display device" and detail "a system for presenting and controlling content on a display device" that uses "a network, a server system coupled to the network and comprising one or more servers, a display device coupled to the network and having a display, and a personal computing device operable to transmit a first message according to a specified format over the network to the server system."

Play control of content on a device. So…remotes violate this patent? Cmon.

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I don’t know if calling them “corporations” is even accurate. That’s being too kind. Anonymizing the villains of this story.

It’s not the random Amazon delivery driver. It’s Jeff Bezos. He’s the baron here. Name and shame.

It’s not the random engineer cleaning up Elon’s latest temper tantrum at Twitter, it’s Elon musk.

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Okay but am I the only one disturbed that somehow tomatoes are too expensive but pizza…which is made with tomato sauce…is getting cheaper? Unless…what is dominos making their sauce out of?

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And I mean; can we just not ignore hydro at all and point out that if you own an EV in most of Canada you have broken even after your first year of driving then? Because we don’t get a choice to use “clean beautiful coal” like the trump folks want! We only get that dirty hydro!

So. Yeah. I’m happy with my EV. I bought it because gas prices are completely outrageous in British Columbia (2 a litre or 8 a gallon for the U.S. folks) I honestly didn’t think I was helping the environment so much as helping my wallet. Turns out it does both. Cool with me.

Yeah! Thank goodness for that magical gas appearance! And there’s never any rare earth metals used in those pesky computers on cars these days! Nobody has touch screens or anything! It’s all switches and dials like we used to have in the 70s!

Right? ….right?

So to phrase this appropriately: you could say the apartheid blood emerald trust fund baby is experimenting with dangerous technology on disabled people because he views them as less than human. I don’t think it can be viewed any other way than sleazy. Besides it’s not like people with disabilities are so desperate they don’t care about their quality of life.

Called it way above in the comments didn’t I? I must have ESPN or something.

So just so we’re clear; if there’s published scientific data around it: it’s a conspiracy of scientific censorship because of the “climate narrative”, but if it’s unproven opinion narrative that works for the oil companies profits that happen to be huge public policy lobbying forces; it’s definitely the truth. Because obscure scary reasons, “not many people know this” Got it.

I agree here. Hope my comment didn’t downplay the severity of this. It is horrible and the investigation needs to continue. But I stand by saying the headline makes it sound like a Saw movie.

That being said, I hope the whole thing gets shut down at this point. It sounds like vapourware. Like full self driving I’m sure it all just works. Just wait 2 more months and they’ll release it. Yeah. Right.

I wonder what they thought that Prius’s battery was made out of. Must have been gas cells or something. Couldn’t be one of those pesky rare earth batteries.

I think some of the points you have to look at demographically and use privilege to correct it. I’m not a woman, but I’ve seen women I work with have their ideas “shot down” simply because it was from them even if it was paraphrased a minute later by a man then magically it’s perfect!

I often make a point of correcting that in my org by saying “This was a good idea the first time from (woman), why did we move on from it last time?” So then people who shot this down have to awkwardly explain why they “didn’t understand” or make up some excuse. It works to highlight that maybe you just weren’t listening. Because it was a woman speaking. It’s unfortunate but it’s common in FAANG. I’m just tired of seeing it as someone who’s worked with some really incredible women who left the industry because of the toxicity.

Right? And it says she’s in Vancouver. That’s how you know she’s desperate because her wait time at VGH would have her bled out in the waiting room!

In all seriousness though; this screams wildly of startup bro culture. Especially the part where she said they had this “verbal agreement” yeah, they didn’t want anything written down because they know how screwed they’d be.

I hope she lawyers up!

As someone with way too many years in the tech industry having suffered these toxic brogrammer cultures I can confidently say the reason unions won’t take off is people assume if “I am in a union then as an engineer I’ll only make as much as the project manager, and I want my 300k TC!” Which is completely incorrect but good luck convincing these younger engineers that, I’ve been trying for years.

/u/maxwellhill on Reddit was suspected but never proven to be Ghislaine Maxwell, they went dark the same time as the arrests etc. they were a power mod across some huge subreddits like worldnews, travel, badcopnodonut, etc.

It’s a bit of a conspiracy theory in my opinion and fellow mods have dismissed it claiming they’ve seen/spoken to maxwellhill and but who knows, this type of thing takes off on Reddit, ala the Boston Bomber thing leading to that poor kids death. I take this stuff with a grain of salt.

2023 and we’re still making clubbing baby seal jokes on the internet. I love the world.

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It’s a UAE state owned company, even says so in the bot summary if you didn’t want to read the article. This is a bigger issue than just Australia unfolding.

Yeah, I mean to be fair I’d not consider tech reporting as the tech sector or industry. Like what she’s doing. Eng, product, hardware, applied science, eng managers and maybe program if you’re lucky to have tech program managers. But otherwise you don’t need any engineering degree for their work.

I love this. I want this to be the answer.

Help your fellow canucks out and tell us who’s doing this! I’m happy to save myself some sanity and not attend the weekly superstore circus.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m here for it. Nostalgia from the old days of irc.