28 Post – 504 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Trying to think of a way to profit off the haords of concern trolls taking about "destabilizing the economy" if this ever became a thing. I don't know much but I know if the first thing happens the second thing is guaranteed.

Please let me know if anyone has an idea. Maybe like a "save Google" coin or NFT?

Remember in, what was it, 2008 or something where the FBI or CIA, I can't remember, were intercepting calls between foreign leaders. You think that stopped?

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I love you, tho, bro. I know I have no more right to this land than anyone, as we are all guests on this spaceship.

Btw if you haven't already, watch gangs of new york. Us Americans are all the product of one immigrant or another. Doesn't matter where they were from.

My thought is they, government agencies, hackers, whoever, could spam these calls hopeing 1) to disrupt governments internally and 2) create distrust in actual communications that may get leaked.

It's so sad so many will brush this off.

I cant be more ashamed then I am of my fellow country men. I knew shit was wrong growing up. I did my best to stay out of their way but to see it so clearly in their politics I just can't anymore. Americans are a ravenous people. We harbor them. We protect them. That is what we are.

Eugenics getting freely discussed by a presidential candidate. Shame on me. Shame on all of us.

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We knew it. We said it. Its plain as day and the news media will ignore it. The pundits will walk it back. The public will defend it. And we will be Christo-fascists.

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Pretty much. I'd rather a revolution break out then see this NAZI be president again.

Many of us are plagued with the "not us" syndrome. They hear about the awful events that shape our history and say, "not us, not here, we are better." Deep down we have to believe that but when you become so delusional that all you can say when faced with any truth about the world around you is "not us" you've got a problem.

Then the news media whimpered away with their tale between their legs. Wouldn't want to offend a NAZI.

I liked reading your response. Wish I had a meaningful response other than there is no way I'm going to feel bad for media companies. If they've painted themselves in a corner I'm sure it was greed that got them there.

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It's probably not to hard to repair the relationship with the person who you scared off. Just go back to them and be honest. If they don't like it or they hold it against you that's not someone you want to be friends with.

Lay it out bro. Tell them, I want to have a friend, someone who's got my back so I can have theirs. I'm super hyped about it and I should be because it would be dope. I know I'm not for everyone but I'm a trustworthy dude and when I say I watch out for my friends I mean it.

To avoid getting taken advantage of look for some sort of reciprocal sentiment. But also, trust is not about making sure it's safe to trust. It's a leap of faith. Knowing someday that your trust will be broken but also knowing you're strong enough for that to happen. Then just build your friendship strong enough to survive it.

Worse is the Supreme Court not honoring centuries old treaties in water rights cases for native tribes. These people were promised the land and now the government wants to say the right to water was not part of it.


It's not pity. It's empathy. It's what you lack.

It's the ability to say, if this were me this would suck. If this were me I would be devastated and even though the consequences are of my own making I wouldn't mind if someone lent me a hand.

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Consumers mostly don't even care about the content. Over the last 15 years they switched from cable only to now be back on cable again disguised as streaming.

So that's like voluntarily friendless?

I will say though. People aren't there for you to fuck them. So who cares if they have a penis.

Everyone here forgets cable was under threat of piracy until streaming came along. They think the US has cracked down but pirates have gotten more advanced. I just can't get over these streaming services not realizing if you take away the only safe port then all that is left is piracy.

No, why would you want to be friends with a loser like me? That must mean you're a bigger loser. I wont be friends with losers.

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I was mostly joking with my title. I don't know if I'm an asshole. I do possess asshole like traits. I'm deeply against any type of conservatism. Interacting with people drains my energy so I can be glib after a while of hanging out. I'm probably just as sensitive as I am insensitive at times too so I spend a lot of time ruminating things that shouldn't be taken as an offense.

I think in the long run it's just difficult for me to establish a friend because I'm not sure what I want out of the relationship other than just having someone around to shoot the shit with. That means I need to have an interesting take on things but I'm not that interesting.

I think friendships are a give and take and I over give when it's not necessary while also being absent when it's most important. I also dont take ever. Thinking I must be self sufficient in all things.

I don't know. I should probably do better.

Everyone poops.

The idea of meritocracy is such a bullshit lie it's laughable. We need it so our children don't live in a world without hope but much like santa claus they should shed the idea around the time of college. There are merit based reward systems. Ladder climbing is real. Only, many of them are corrupted by politics and mismanagement. Even if you succeed in an isolated merit based system it's only to incentivize more production and you will never reach the level of CEO or what ever.

What we should teach young adults is that life is a lottery inside a lottery inside a lottery. Success is about increasing your odds by taking as many smart bets as you can. Bets where the reward is great and where you don't have much at stake if you lose. Betting with other people's money is the most efficient way of extracting value. The meritocracy isn't real, so neither is the morals around it. If you want nothing but an easy life this is how you do it. If your can't in good conscious gamble with other people's livelihoods we will see you on the ladder.

There are probably some cases where it's true it was irresponsible to build somewhere. For most people though, they may have been born there; they may have had to move there for work. Denying pity to people who have suffered a tragedy without ever knowing their circumstances is heartless. The world you want to live in would step over you in a minute the moment you fucked up.

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They don't have to balls to think for themselves.

I can agree with that.

Global warming is a tragedy. The greatest tragedy of our time.

My point is our culture needs more empathy. Outrage and anger, there's enough of that. Empathy, even for those who made a mistake.

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Empathy isn't reserved for only animals. I'm talking with a child.

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... no I want you to have empathy for people who just lost their homes. It's OK though. I have no problem letting you go off in your hate filled tizzy. I know nothing I do or say can get through to you. We will see you on the otherside, though. When the, "it could never happen to me" turns into "why doesn't anyone care?"

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It's OK to have empathy for people who fuck around. I mean they got their just desserts. No need to kick them while they are down.

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That is not at all what I suggest. You sir, are being difficult.

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I was just kidding. We can be friends. What now?

Thanks for this not insightful look into mental gymnastics.

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How can you know that about every single person in the path of a hurricane.

I'll refer you to one of my earlier comments. Waste of time.

Why always the fucking toilet paper? Time to finally get the bidet.

I loved the first season of invincible. The thought came after watching a gif of captain America splitting a log with he bare hands. Like there should be PPE for just being around a super hero. He split that log with enough force to send a splinter strait through someone skull.

Like deku in my hero flicks air to create a pressure wave that can propel him into the sky. The insane amount of force at play should have more collateral damage.

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Man, some things other people probably just couldn't understand. Like I'm imagining a friend coming up to you and asking if you wanted to come over for dinner and being like, "were having your favorite, spaghetti again." With your mom right there. Then you taking hell for it and your friend never knowing what they did wrong.

I had a friend who's fridge was always packed with awesome asain food. We would be there and he would be like ah, man, we got nothing to eat. I'm like, what about all this? He, was like nah let's have frozen burritos or some shit. I miss that kid so much.

Ye ol bait and switch

Then WoW is released and everyone and your mother is a gamer now.

I learned something. The Koch brothers have some sort of secret campaign to make people afraid of not being able to wipe their ass during a disaster. I'm sorry, people, toilet paper is a luxury I will forego if the end is truly upon us.

I just can't relate to other people. It makes me think these guys get up in the morning, check their TP stash first thing, and breathe a sigh of relief knowing their ass is safe for what ever diarrhea related emergency life has in store that day.

I'm not saying I'm going to start a revolution. I'm only saying it's time to break the chain, again.