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Joined 1 weeks ago

If anyone ever doubted that the DNC and the GOP weren't on the same team, just watch as the DNC let this opportunity slip right through their fingers. Access to the greatest political, strategical, minds and they will let this opening wash away into a river of fascism.

It's a play, we are watching theatre. Meant to keep you distracted. Meant to keep you oppressed.

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This whole media narrative of "Biden should step down" is all fabricated.

All fabricated to help trump.

Trump should step down. Oh ya, we know he won't and it would just be dismissed by the people it should matter to. This narrative of Joe stepping down is an attack designed to go after people with morals and standards. Which is sad, that being principled will be exploited by our so called 4th estate.

Only someone voting democrat can agree in ernest that someone with limited mental capacity should not be tasked with the job of president. Why this is true, is the entire problem.

Nope. Impeachment is part of a process to remove a president. Conviction in the senate only results in the president being removed. Crimes are prosecuted in a court of law. Not by a political process.

I don't hang dong.. I place dong on a fleshy cushion where it pleasantly sits in its turtleneck among a field of tall grass.

All that’s needed is people not denying Biden is doing Fascism already. Just be honest.

Ok. Joe Biden's policy on Palestine is disgraceful.

What now?

Did we fix it?

Seriously, I'm not even mad.

.... Bernie is an independent

What the ruling class wants you to believe is that they have the ability to subjugate everyone. The heart of power will always be with the people. Despite whatever military force or technology they think is under their control. They keep us glued to a screen and at odds with each other hoping we will never harness that power.

Then you're not paying attention. The bills getting passed, the executive orders, and the deals being made are all for your benefit. We can argue about how impactful they are but it's policy that benefits you that isn't a slight to others.

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That's the deal with all the nonsensical lying Trump does.

You take a focus group, find out what upsets everyone most but also seems plausible or conforms to some bias. What ever that is you feed into the disinformation machine then Trump seeks it out and latches on to it.

Your welcome, you have the whole picture now.

Actually, they are in touch. In touch with fascism. Won't be long now. Soon enough we get to spend the next four years guessing. "Will there be a 2028 election?" Don't you worry, there will be an, "election." Just like Russia has an election. Sorry guys, it's all but over. I hoped you liked having rights. Thank God I don't have fucking children.

I see what's happening here. You want me to absolve you. I asked for people to be conscious of their community and start working towards a common goal. Luckily for you im the absolving fairy.

Let's start the magic. Whoosh. Whoosh. It's surrounding you now.

The idea that people need to work towards a common goal together is illogical. Only brute force can tame the masses.

Now chant!

~I won't lift a finger~ ~I won't lift a finger~

You are now absolved.

Why didn't you just ask?

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Right, I know nothing and now your absolved. Absolution is yours. Carry on.

This is again another type of programing. People arent an engineering problem. Politics will never be removed from emotion.

I've told my solution but you instead want a silver bullet. Everyone wants a silver bullet. The silver bullet doesn't exist and will never come.

We need to build our communities stronger, and need to stop being divided by people with obscene wealth; the people with something to lose if we do just that. Thats what will get us to the next obstacle.

Instead you will wait around for a charismatic leader with the answer to all your problems. Who has come to save us all.

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This is your programming speaking. Fear, uncertainty, doubt.

People don't unite under solutions. They unite under ideas.

There are a million fucking problems, each require their own solution. Each need to be defined, examined, and tested. No one can sit there and say, "just do this."

The work we are doing, and the work that needs done are in opposition to each other. Right now we are working to feed the system. We need to be working on maintaining the system to feed the people.

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Make socialism happen then

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You cant even see there is something fundamentally missing, that being the call to action. People rather endlessly argue about for hundreds of years.

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Oh man seething sarcasm, I'm great at this.

These ideas are actually good. I can't imagine why they won't be implemented immediately.

... this need inside you to "win" or "be right" its.... pathetic.

Ha ha ha more thought terminating responses. You've certainly outwitted me. Please wait by the door for your prize.

I mean, not treading the same path. I mean defying what we think is the inevitability. Human brains are capable of great things but they are not capable of predicting the future. The future needs to be shaped and molded real time.

Your incredgulousness is so fucking bizarre. You see the same thing day after day, with no changeand you are upset. And I tell you change needs to just go ahead and happen. And you rather it not.

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... if you have no will to make it happen. It won't happen.

Say I "read theory" what will that change??

Name one thing that will change other then one more person subscribing to lofty ideas that are nothing more than lofty ideas.

You're the one out here "Vibing to make it happen."

I expect nothing of you. Blood from a stone. Lead a horse to water. Anon posts in the woods and no one's around to upvote.

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Your programming told you to exact a thought terminating quip because I challenged your paper thin grasp on reality. Next you will seek affirmation.

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and are probably insane.

Why would I seek affirmation from someone who is nuts?

A question directed a me...

Why do you even feel the need to respond?

Can't you see there is something wrong with you?

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You haven't met me, you don't know me, this is an anonymous forum. I could be a salty dog or maybe a limp dick like you but I won't change a damn thing.

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As if Lucas didn't create star wars for that sole purpose.

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There is nothing the shitposting community hate more than shitposts

We all sit back and act like we know how to fix it all but really we don't. What we do know, and what we need everyone to understand, this ain't it. Everything else we are capable of improving given the flexibility to make nessisary change and allocating the resources to appropriate people who have real philosophies and experience to make the change. Getting everyone on board needs to happen first.

How? How? How?

Stop listening. Stop listening to the internet. Stop listening to cable TV. If someone says nothing is wrong and nothing needs to change they are benefiting from the purposefully broken system. Stop listening.

Listen to your neighbor. Listen to the teachers. Listen to community's. Once we can do all that. Then we need to unite all communities under the common goal of providing rest. The builders have built. The creatives have created. The workers have worked. Now they need to rest. They need to heal. They need to raise children who know what a bright future looks like so they can appreciate this life and their own humanity.

Now, everyone panic and tune out because sadly, I've given you an impossible task and you will never overcome your own programming.

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I don't care what you claim. It's not helpful. It's not having any impact. Change course.

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I don't know, man.

This problem won't be solved by me alone.

Know how I know you are completely fucked in the head? You think you can fustrate me more than I am already frustrated with the current state of things. We are rock bottom. There is one way out. If you want to stay in the mouse trap you are going to stay in the mouse trap. Nothing I say or do will lead you out.

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I haven't provided the solution. Get fucked. HUMANITY hasn't provided the solution, and it wont! Because if the goal is to have us both walk 100 miles that way and you won't get off your ass until you think of some shit way to do it, it doesn't matter if I ride a fucking dinosaur to Timbukto. Short of knocking you on your ass and carrying you there, I can do nothing for the cause.

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I don't need to argue with you. End of story. Stop thinking of me as someone who will be influenced by your words. Start understanding that no matter if the ideas inside your head are brilliant or ill founded they have no impact on the void of social media. Social media isn't for individuals to influence each other. It is for collectives to influence individuals. If you would only look you would realize youre doing the work for them.

That's the thing. Where we are on the path, or cycle, of human suffering doesn't matter. You have to break the wheel.

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99% of social media doesn't mean anything, it is people attempting to influence you in the easiest way possible. Sure if 80% slip through the cracks who cares but the 20% represents millions. Turn it off. Build strong bonds with your community and kick anyone to the curb that says things should stay the same.

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I think they’re doing the bare minimum to say they tried

This is my exact meaning. We have no conflict.

Edit: Please, preach about the genocide in Gaza. Go right ahead, do it here and now. Everyone knows the stakes by this point. Let Gaza be the straw that nosedives america into fascism dejure. The supreme court just enshrined it. The plans are laid. If you can't stomach Gaza you are definitely not prepared for what comes next.

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Want to stomp your feet and scream about how all the legislation passed just wasn't enough. It's not "real" governing. Feel free.

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None of what I said reflects how you just resigned yourself. Go pick a fight with someone who cares.

I think democrats, today, do try to govern. Their attempts often feel like they are just going through the motions. It must be hard trying to do your job when you see everything crumbling around you and you have a reality TV show host threatening to tear down everything you're working on.

If Biden, today, decided he wanted to extra judiciously "save democracy" the democrats would terminate any moral high ground they ever claimed to have. They would see revolt from outside and from within. Their only choice would to be bring everyone to their heel.

We know there is no such thing as a benevolent king. If I had to choose between DNC or GOP dictatorship I'd prob go DNC. Except I've watched the DNC pretend their morals are superior. I watch it as they crush us all for the sake of decorum. To the DNC we are just a wall dressing while they enjoy all the privilege power affords them. Given absolute power, they abandon trying to do the right thing and dictate to us how capitalism is the only way.

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It doesn't matter. Democrats. Republicans. Neither would be serving the people anymore they would just be fighting for power.

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