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Joined 1 years ago

You can’t just write an essay like that and not tell us what terms you used for your searches

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People hyperfocus on the 1% of crazy feminists instead of the other 99% who are actually normal and reasonable. Sadly that 1% are doing more harm to the public image of feminism than good.

We live in an age of twitter screenshot outrage and that pathetically emboldens some peoples beliefs so the root cause really is social media. Nothing more nothing less.

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“We” isn’t this the case of other billionaires getting mad at one billionaire?

I’m just glad some mods are smart enough now to realize that putting subs in nsfw mode is the way to go. The subreddit shutdown, John Oliver spam, etc, really didn’t accomplish anything. Like, why would Reddit admins even care you’re spamming John Oliver? You’re still getting them ad revenue.

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It’s more safe than closed source because it’s open for all to view and edit. Of course if nobody looks at it then it’s as good as being closed.

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And that’s a good thing

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Yeah I will never not dislike Ubisoft games on principle

I feel bad for the people in traffic but the protestors only get to this state because of repeatedly being ignored by the government. If normal protests aren’t cutting it anymore and you don’t want to be violent then what options do you really have? They (gov) just don’t listen.

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You don’t want most of r/NBA here. Trust.

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I can’t wait to drive with a 20 dollar Logitech gaming controller instead

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Great, permanent nsfw worked. Their next move is to run an active campaign to get people out of Reddit and onto better alternatives. That’s all that’s left now.


(Just my personal observation)

Basically during the subreddit lockdowns most of the users there didn't and still don't give a fuck about the api changes, which is understandable. The NBA finals were going on at the time, and while that contributed towards their disdain towards shutting the sub down, I personally think even if it was off-season they still would have the same attitude. But none of that actually makes them poor users.

The issue primarily is that the whole fiasco revealed a lot of their true colors. Most of the posters are willing to bootlick and grovel as long as they get what they want; which is a place to shitpost/discuss the NBA. They do not care how trash the official app is and generally think the people complaining are crying nerds that need to touch grass. It's fair to not care about people complaining about using unofficial apps, but not understanding how the api changes eventually affects them and their precious sub is sad to see. Even worse was when some of them went out of their way to disseminate misleading information everywhere.

You know how Reddit started degrading as more and more """normal""" people started piling in? That's them basically. They never came to the site early on to grow it, only near its twilight years to inevitably cause its downfall. This place right now is awesome, but once you get a userbase that's comparable to youtube comments, it gets bad.

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When your headline is that every week for the past 20 years it gets desensitizing, yeah.

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I mean the second I got physical they all backed off. It was as easy as that for a chill highschool life lol. The punishment was well worth it. Bullies are usually complete pussies anyway.

Chris Handsome

Good riddance. Shame he gets a golden parachute

It is different. I had cause to go back a week or two ago to look for an old post of mine and I did have a bit of a poke about in my old subs too. It was like a war zone. Blatant no fucks given racism, incel level women hating, transphobia and ableism of the most vitriolic kind. And these weren’t just the massive general subs, some of them were niche interest subs where I felt I belonged at the time. Has it changed to become like that since June or was I just so used to it before that that I’d never noticed how toxic it was? Did I just used to shrug and say to myself ‘well, that’s just reddit’. Literally everyone seemed angry and hateful.

Am I taking crazy pills or something? Subs and users get put down HARD over that sort of stuff (See r/politicalcompassmemes). I haven't seen content like that unless I actively searched for that sort of stuff due to morbid curiosity. Would you mind sharing the subreddit/posts in question? Not to deny what you're saying but I find it hard to empathize without any evidence.

I also don't understand this infatuation with "old reddit" when that allowed subreddits like coontown to exist.

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For some people that’s just how dating works out

So who actually owns the server this instance runs on? Doesn't it just mean they do whatever they want? So confused

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It’s hip to be racist against white people, did you forget? /s

I agree with the others, you sound like the type of person that the emergency fund is designed for.

There’s no good discord alternatives with all the features unfortunately. It’s a wait and see type of thing.


Find a hobby besides reading bad news on the internet, it’s not that hard

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Half this thread is mad discord saves messages and the other half is mad that discord doesn’t save messages. You can’t make this shit up lmao.

I’ll eat all the downvotes but objectively discord is the best chatting service available to the public for discussion. Blows irc out of the water easily. The only point I’ll concede on is the phone number bullshit but otherwise I’d take it over anything else.

Never had issues using their search feature for dev discords. It’s keyword based; truly stupid simple and easy to follow.

And yes I’ve used irc actively. It’s delusional to think that is somehow easier to follow.

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And that’s why I’m forever AMD

Wow he said a slightly negative sentence about the terrorists he promised to limitlessly fund that genocides brown people. If anybody was wondering why he's unpopular it's this shit.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Such as…?

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Elden Ring + Doom Eternal

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The other poster beat me to it but I was going to also cite Daryl Davis as an example. If a black person is able to get Ku Klux Klan members to change their ways then anything is possible. You having a defeatist attitude is what keeps this status quo going.

The real credit goes to the heroin addict that smashed his head through this fence to setup the perfect frame for the photographer. Never change Seattle o7

You know that doesn’t justify your cold hearted comment right?

That’s fair. I agree it should have an option to use a different identity per server while having your account centralized only on their service.

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Higher file size uploads and streams.

I hope you have the joy of knowing you said this when you see a pic of a starving child in Palestine.

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I was just so used to it I became inured to it but revisiting it after several months away it was impossible to not notice.
