1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

New fears? New to him? Not New to anyone paying attention.

I could probably do a better job running your country than the guy you elected since I know when to give the problem to someone more qualified.

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Hello! Resident Genderfluid person here. Usually you can just ask their name and that works to get them to give you the greeting they like. They look like a James, but give you the name Samantha? Probably safe to use she/her unless doing so has them ask you to use something else. IRL, at least.

Online? It's usually in a bio or they will tell you if it is functionally relevant. The only people I (anecdotally) have seen devolve into scree when accidentally misgendered were people trying to start something or acting for the sake of poisoning the well.

As far as using non conventional pronouns irl, you probably haven't heard it since it is genuinely dangerous to be outed in a lot of places. Look up gay/trans panic laws. It's dangerous to be queer in America with Conservatives having so much sway right now.

Well, I've had to remove multiple people that used to just be right leaning for outright fascist statements and ideas in the last few months as they've deteriorated into hate speech and ethnic while I grew up conservative...yeah, I can't support that shit.

Democrats are a mild improvement at best but at least they aren't constantly being approved of by the KKK and being touted by mass shooters.

I'd like a proper left-leaning candidate, but with America's history. They'll end up assassinated.

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It helps the gamer socks fit better, trust me.

Late Stage Capitalism: Poverty is worse than anytime after slavery, wealthy people have never been wealthier, police brutality is at the highest since slavery, workers rights are trending back towards the second Industrial Revolution, politics recognizes corporations as people (thus robbing those who cannot compete with billions upon billions of dollars), civil rights are receding, basic necessities are becoming scarce, the environment itself is being poisoned for profit, etc.

Undertale: You've progressed through most of the game. You didn't strike out at the monsters. You've done everything you could to avoid hurting those around you and yet strive for escape. Over and over You've been put up against a wall with your enemies striving to end you. You could fight back, you could react to this world of monsters and become like them, a monster.

But you didn't. You stand before a mirror in a house very similar to the one you were in at the start of the game. Looking into the mirror, you are affirmed.

"Despite everything. It's still you."

Despite everything I've gone through. Despite the hunger and gnawing to give in. To respond to the hatred and harm that has been inflicted on me with fury and bloodlust equal to the twisted delight others have taken in my suffering. I didn't give in. I didn't lose my joy in making others smile. I didn't give up my interests and the rare and disparate moments of joy.

Despite everything. It's still me. I'm still here. I'm not a monster.

I'm confused. You are here and engaging, but you think it is an echo chamber? Echo chambers aren't really conducive to outside opinions. I'm here and definitely not a liberal, I'm a humanitarian.

As long as you don't see any person to the left of you as a Liberal, you'll find a decently diverse pool here!

Stick around, smell the flowers.

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Depends on how they feel about trans people, test the waters. A subtle way is to ask a guy (or a few) role model(s) near you if they have ever thought about what it is like to be a girl.

My parents are fairly conservative, and I ran into the snag of the FIRST guy I asked was like "oh, yeah. All guys think that." And then I just bought it for years.

Still, it is good to plant the seed.

Confirmed good boy.

They would fall fast. What would the threat of death mean to a revolutionary? You will fall, and I will see it with my own eyes.

I'm a human-by-approximate over here. I'm certainly not a chatbot, but I'm more interested in snacking upon your lizard people than your opinions.


Yes, those ceasefires! The ones that let non-combatants escape, aid to reach the dead and dying, humanitarian efforts to make headway even if only for a short time.

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Don't worry everyone. Blue is exactly the same as green, but colored differently. As someone in the blue, friends with green.

"Fought and bled for some oil executive to have their number to go up". There, fixed it for you!

I've consistently done everything I can to make those that society has left behind or treated poorly have some comfort. Some joy. Some happy memory of someone who was genuinely happy to help them and be fulfilled by it.

At the same time, let's use your own argument against you. A gender studies degree? So you are aware biology and gender studies exist beyond what you are capable of understanding, and yet still refuse to accept their outcomes?

You fought for this country, showing you believe in awarding recognition based on merit. So if someone takes all the steps and jumps through all the hoops to transition to their ideal gender, shouldn't the merit of their struggle be awarded?

TLDR: You are wrong. Easily wrong. That's alright, I used to be wrong, too. It really f***ing sucks and I hate being wrong. That's life. There is always more to learn and new things to experience. There's a whole world out there, and that isn't even counting the mysteries of space.

Cause EA buys them and then makes them develop under the barrel of a gun

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He did literally have a team of lawyers and fellow Republicans trying to help with the lazy coup, but he still could have put in a lot more effort.

/sarcasm/Good news, in 2024 it looks like he'll get another chance!/sarcasm/

Christmas Tree knife

Congratulations! Skirt go skinny.

Also, very important. Pockets are a rarity >.<

I once took an acquaintance's, that I no longer have any contact with, math final in college. She had been out of school for 6 weeks taking care of sick relatives, but she was late on submitting paperwork for an incomplete.

My payment? A 3 Musketeers. Worth it.

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They needed SOMEONE to like Footloose. Couldn't swing even me into liking the Emoji Movie, though.

Warframe. I've been with the game since it's founding and find it to be a blast. The evolving story as they tried out new things and reworking core mechanics with huge improvements is just something I deeply enjoy.

A 17 year old and an 18 year old are only a year apart in maturity. It's essentially comparable to a 17 and 16 year old. 2 years apart starts to get gray as far as morality goes. I'm against 16 and 19, but i can imagine extremely remote cases where it might be acceptable, but that is stretching my objective capabilities. 16 and 20 is too far. As you get closer to 25 and the brain is fully developed, the margins get wider.

For instance, 18 and 22? That goes back to stretching it. 19 and 23? Back to morally Grey. 20 and 24? Fine.

Ephebophelia definitions are meant to cast a wide net to protect as many people as possible. Just get over it for societies greater good.

So what is your take on when someone with XX chromosomes experiences standard expression of FOXL-2 for part of the gestation, but stops functioning before finishing primary sexual characteristics?

How does that fit under a biological classification? Are they meant to bear children? Be a father? Will they ever be a boy? A woman?

Furthermore, are there other genes that inform your thesis to the above statements? How would their expression through developmental stages possibly affect the expressed sexual characteristics in both normal and impeded function?

No worries! Dunking on transphobes brings me joy. It's a nice, easy way to enjoy my day. Like taking a walk or hugging someone.

Well, in actuality, you would socially transition. You would try out girl's clothes, girl pronouns, maybe a different name. If you stopped, as you would have obviously done, you would just socially transition back. Life would go on. There ya go!

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Yeah.... heavy sarcasm I'm loving the two terrorist groups slugging at each other right now. So good.

Woof, now aren't you a tall drink of water~.

Overwatch 2 has entered the chat.

Nah, I find being a humanitarian feels better and offers to help more people than conservatism.

You right, thiugh.

I wish I could be surprised. Both him and his successor were a little too happy dropping bombs on Muslims for me to be actually surprised.

Dope af stuff Felix and Mickey, Noir Buddy Cop stuff? Excited.

If it was one kid? I'd have doubts. Once it passed into double digits? Nope.