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Joined 12 months ago

So defederated a whole instance because one community on lemmynsfw has pictures of (verified) adults that don't look adult enough? That seems... extreme, and rather insulting to the women whose bodies/appearances are supposedly too close to actual children to be worthy of attraction. Glad that's not my instance, though to each their own.

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Yes, in the same way a tomato is a fruit.

They're about as good as you could expect from a major cloud storage provider. In theory the encryption means that Mega can't access your files, but they're expressly very cooperative with government agencies so don't bet on anything you put there being entirely secure. I haven't heard of any major problems with them though - it's what I've been using for cloud storage the past few years and I haven't had an issue. As long as files aren't shared and therefor at risk of being reported there's not much to worry about, though in the case of things getting reported it's a 'take down first, ask questions later' type deal.

Here's a transparency report from them (how much to trust it is up to you):

Wow, this seems really useful! What a neat feature.

Titles like this annoy me. If you have something interesting to say - which is the case here - say what it is. No need to obfuscate the topic. It wastes time for everyone.

Anyway, it's kinda hilarious that the only way to make a proper circle in PDFs is with line caps. What a bizarre format. I hope it's succeeded by something better sooner rather than later, I can't think of any time they haven't been a pain to work with.

To be clear, you need it to cost more than $400?

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There's some further correspondence in the linked post, and yeah that's basically what it boiled down to. What a strange world. I can't believe that's a real law.

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Funny this comes up, I just made jerky at home for the first time a couple days ago. Much cheaper and very tasty. Easier than I was expecting too.

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Found some more info. It'll get you high, but looks pretty dangerous.

That or holding ctrl. Or dragging and selecting with a box.

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That's beautiful, thanks for sharing. People like you and the judge, who will go against the grain to do the right thing, are what let me hope that we as a species might someday be able to get our shit together.

I don't know about pasta, but cooked rice can go bad within a few hours, definitely wouldn't eat it after a few days. Unless you mean dried rice but I don't know how you'd cook it without boiling water.

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Great idea! I like that this also solves the problem of porn instances often defederating from each other and often being defederated from non-porn instances; with your site one account can access all the porn.

The 30% cut Steam takes is quite a bit. Considering the near-monopoly it has on game distribution, that could easily mean the difference between turning a profit and not for an indie developer.

Personally their efforts towards things I support (PC handhelds, Linux gaming) and the convenience of the platform outweigh the things I dislike, but being frustrated by its problems is understandable when people don't really have another choice.

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Fuck yeah I would. As long as it's cheap and relatively safe I'd take instant transportation over spending hours sitting in a metal box any day.

I don't know much about how any of this works, but my guess would be the embedded browser on Connect hasn't been set up to block tracking? In which case you might try enabling the 'open links in external browser' option and see if you still get tracking attempts.

Seems like an overreaction considering how many degrees of separation the instance has from actual pirated stuff. No pirated content is hosted on dbzer0, no direct links to pirated content either. Even if a copyright holder takes issue with the community it would seem unlikely for them to target one of hundreds of instances which federate and have it cached rather than the actual source instance itself.

That being said, I don't know where's servers are located, some places are pretty strict with piracy. Even if it's a small chance I can see how, from the perspective of an admin, it wouldn't be worth risking the whole instance and potential legal action.

Still seems like an extreme response to me, but hey, beauty of the fediverse and all that. I chose a small instance specifically to avoid defederations like this and I'm perfectly happy with it (thanks for hosting neo).

It really doesn't work as a replacement for google/docs/forums. It's another tool in your belt, though, once you get a good feel for its limitations and use cases; I think of it more like upgraded rubber duck debugging. Bad for getting specific information and fixes, but great for getting new perspectives and/or directions to research further.

I think the point they were making was that someone whose home, safety, or means of income were damaged or destroyed would have a different perspective than someone who wasn't adversely affected, regardless of the big picture.

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! has been pretty busy today, thousands of comments in the last 24 hours.

I hate this so much. People should be free to act like they want (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone), because why the hell not? What's so objectively better about acting in the 'normal' way? But everything outside the very narrow idea of normal is treated like a problem by default.

I have some tics that come out when I'm alone that I've filtered out around others as long as I can remember, and honestly I think that's part of why I feel so claustrophobic in social situations. I don't even know how to act like 'myself' in public if I want to.

Seeing people being themselves regardless of how it looks to the current typical sensibilities is the only thing that lets me feel like I might be able to do the same. So fwiw, every little bit of rule breaking you have done or will do makes the world a little better for me, and anyone else who doesn't feel welcome. Thanks.

This was my thinking too. In principle I support restrictions on the data AI can be trained on, no question - but practically speaking the only difference restricting it makes is giving whatever companies gobble up the most IP the sole ability to make legal AI art. If a decision like that was made, there would be no more stable diffusion, available to anyone and everyone for free; the only legal options would be e.g. Adobe Firefly.

I prefer TV series as a medium; I have trouble sitting through a whole movie, and I think the way series have 'chapters' like a book is really helpful for a lot of stories. There's also just a lot more detail you can put in a long show.

All that being said, I'm so sick of series that don't go anywhere, or get cancelled prematurely. Other than miniseries like Queen's Gambit it seems like so many just sort of wander off into mediocrity after some seasons. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Outer Range (soon)... Now I wait for series to end before picking them up, at least in the case of plot-heavy shows like those. There's less of an issue for comedies and other types of shows where the story isn't the main draw, so that's the sort of TV I end up watching the most.

I don't know about others' experiences, but I've been completely stuck on problems I only figured out how to solve with chatGPT. It's very forgiving when I don't know the name of something I'm trying to do or don't know how to phrase it well, so even if the actual answer is wrong it gives me somewhere to start and clues me in to the terminology to use.

Thanks for making it a nicer place for everyone!

Books, music, movies and so on all have big differences in how they're best presented, what sort of information they should have, how social features are best integrated. I don't really see a monolithic site that tries to do all of that being better than separate federated sites that can cater to their own unique focus.

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There are dozens of us. Dozens! comes to mind. It's not exactly a single subreddit but it has a strong focus on nature-related stuff.

AI has been around a lot longer than LLMs. Intelligence can mean many different things.

What a great idea! I hope this goes well, it seems like a great solution to the profitability problem of the Fediverse. I wish more sites and services used this model.

Fwiw it does have a 'Lite' edition that doesn't include any theming.

Social media's whole thing is the social aspect - if a community and/or its users are entrenched somewhere, they're not likely to move because a minority has issues with the platform. It's not unreasonable to want people to move away from Facebook/etc., but it's not really true to say that's a choice everyone has, if friends, family, and the communities or activities someone wants to engage with are there; if the options are communicating with loved ones on an 'unethical' platform or not communicating with them at all, it's unreasonable and unfair to expect everyone to choose the latter.

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I agree. In this case the pictures in question include the model name, who you can research yourself and see is above 18. That community is strictly moderated, and requires model name, source, and age verification.

I'm surprised there aren't more distros that come packaged with it. If someone's used a graphical text editor in the past decade, then they know how to use micro. The only distro I know of that has it by default is Garuda.

This was just posted a couple hours ago. It doesn't seem to cover what you're having trouble with, but it might be a good place to put what you've learned if they're open to contributions.

I'd personally recommend Garuda, as that's what I've mostly settled with. It's everything I like about arch, but with lots of little changes and utilities that make it both easy to tweak and easy to just use. The built-in btrfs/snapper is particularly nice. I get the whole toy thing though, it doesn't give off the most trustworthy vibes. But if you can look past that it's a great distro. Take a look at the lite edition, it comes without theming and most of the bloat.

That's useful too, but sometimes it's hard to find them by keyword. Plus if the answer to a post is 'there is no community' and the post gets popular, it can be a nice way to kickstart the creation of a new community.

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What you're looking for is OnTheSpot. Just ripped my library of a few thousand a few weeks ago, went very quickly and with full metadata.