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Joined 11 months ago

In one sense, I'm glad they put this stupid barrier up so that I don't have to keep deleting the forced upgrade as part of regular Windows Updates like I did with Win10, but on the other hand it's bullshit that they're creating so much waste for no other reason than personal profit for their company.

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And all it analyzes is people's driving record and the current model of vehicle they're trying to insure. Someone who got rear-ended in a Honda and had their car totaled who is now trying to insure their new Tesla would be included in this even though they didn't crash their Tesla nor were they at fault for the accident.

Low-key way of informing everyone that nobody ever calls your landline.

There's no such thing as a free market unless you're talking about places like Somolia where there is no government.

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Be honest. You tried microwaving it, didn't you?

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Weird that this 'study' keeps getting picked up by different outlets and attributed to LendingTree who specifically notes at the top of said study that they don't endorse anything within it and it's solely the opinion of the author.

Furthermore, this study is obviously flawed as it states Pontiac, Mercury, and Saturn as the vehicles with the safest drivers, even though none of those companies have produced a car in around 15 years. The data is also sourced from people filling out insurance applications and doesn't actually account for who was at fault for these accidents, nor does it even track the type of vehicle involved in the accident. It simply tracks who has an accident or DUI on their record and what vehicle they're currently looking to get insurance quotes for. It's clickbait in its purest form.

And this pardon would only apply to a federal conviction while Trump is facing charges in both state and federal courts.

Why even bother stealing a real diary when they always just fabricate a bunch of bullshit with their claims anyway?

Dopamine snowball applies to lots of things like online shopping or following an exercise video. If Texas Republicans want big government regulations such as this, they need to follow through.

Apart from that, the results are often pretty terrible unless you use the exact terms from whatever page you're trying to find. I've also seen a lot of people stating that search results keep changing every time they refresh the page as well.

The problem with this is that every vehicle would need to be built around the same battery pack dimensions, have the same amp-hour rating, same voltage, same cooling system, etc. I seriously doubt that would ever happen as nothing like that has ever existed in the 120+ years of automotive history.

Surely there is a name for it in Brittain since their soldiers probably use something similar.

What happens in the alps, stays in the alps.

Sitting in the middle seat of a work truck can get a little gay if you're driving a manual and need to shift into 2nd or 4th. Joking aside, I would probably use any excuse not to sit there because it's incredibly uncomfortable to straddle the transmission hump.

Well Bob Swan did dump $20 billion on a single stock buyback that only elevated the share price for like 2 weeks and Brian Krzanitch saw delay after delay on 14nm which resulted in turning their two year lead into a two year defecit. There's definitely truth to Pat's words.

I also saw that video (note $60k CAD about $42k USD). Hyundai is really going to need to figure things out if they expect Ioniq 5 sales to continue because insurers aren't going to keep paying out $60k every time someone drives over some road debris and customers aren't going to be happy about insanely high insurance bills or paying more than the MSRP of their brand new car to replace a single component.

I wonder if the prices are due to Hyundai having supply chain issues and designating every pack toward new vehicles.

A car sitting 6 feet in the air is also a highly dense storage of energy that could be released at any moment. I do get your point, but there are ways to mitigate the dangers associated with working on a pack, and they're not as volatile as you think. Being exposed to air isn't going to cause a cell to explode as the lithium is mixed with other chemicals inside the cell to make it fairly inert. The danger comes from short circuits, whether it be a puncture or bridging contacts with something conductive.

Plus imagine if you crash or sell the car after 5 years and then lose $3k for nothing.

How much business do they expect to get as a pizza delivery company without delivery drivers? I'll bet this goes really poorly, the franchise shuts down, and then the owner goes on Fox News talking about how "the new wages in Commiefornia forced me out of business!"

It'll be necessary to remove the interior so they can access both sides of the panel for removal/installation and not catch anything on fire while welding.

Best bet will be to ask around local autobody shops since they'll have the most accurate estimates. I'd personally just sell the car if it becomes a bigger issue. Repairing is likely cost prohibitive.

Same except I was at about 10 years. I don't even find it useful to include "reddit" in my Google searches as many communities are locked down unless you sign in to an account. Can't say I feel too bad for them.

I honestly thought it wasn't terrible and would have benefitted from fleshing out the rest of the story. It was definitely a huge departure from the styling of SGU and Atlantis but not horrible on its own.

That looks like it's gonna be a ton of work if repair panels are even available. I dunno what labor prices are in Lithuania, but in the US that could easily cost $5k or more. They'll have to strip the interior, cutout the rust, shape patch panels to fit, weld them in, repaint, and reinstall the interior.

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In order for you to sedate someone, they must already be under control right? Or do you jump into the dog pile with a syringe full of ketamine?

Furthermore, you're unlikely to have been there for the initial encounter so who are you to judge whether someone is trying to hurt police versus someone who is being assaulted by the police after having committed no crime and is only trying to protect themselves from a bunch of roided-out criminals? These fights often involve police kneeling on people's arms and legs, immobilizing them completely, while shouting "give me your hands" or "stop resisting" so that it appears to bystanders that it's a two-way fight and not just a motionless person getting the shit beat out of them. I can't count the number of bodycam videos I've seen where you can clearly see the 'suspect's' hands pinned down by other police while being punched in the face for not putting their hands behind their back.

It's suspicious that all three top slots went to vehicles that haven't been produced in ~15 years. It clearly indicates (among numerous other things) something wrong with the data/analysis. I have major doubts that someone currently driving a clapped out 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix is the safest driver on the road.

But what does that number even mean? There are also 278 million vehicles registered in the US and only 233 million registered drivers, so I'm betting a lot of those 16+ year old vehicles aren't people's primary mode of transportation. I spend 2-3 hours commuting on the freeway and certainly don't see 1 in 4 being 16+ years old. My own car is 10 years old now and I would say it's on the older side of what I typically see.

Use a firestick or Roku on the TV. I have a brand new TV and still don't use the smart features on it because they're generally not very good compared to one of these streaming sticks.

Kids as young as one year old are getting hooked on dihydrogen monoxide these days and 100% of users eventually die. It's a real scourge.

Be sure to use some sort of insect repellent around it. My coworker got one 3-4 years ago and within a year or two, ants began building a colony in the insulation inside the shell. The colony really thrived in the heat, and it became a huge issue.


But it does mean it isn't any worse as well. Plus lithium can be recycled.

EVs are fairly new while ICE vehicles have been produced for 100 years. This is why you can get an ICE for $5k but currently not an EV.

Where does that page state that their claim isn't true? All it states is "We don't track you" but it doesn't say that they don't allow other companies to track you instead.

Not if it's 5W30 Valvoline.

These are typically the big right wingers who later in life live in a constant state of rage because they're crippled or disabled and blame the government or immigrants for the fact that they live on a $1200/mo disability check, can't work, and have nothing to their name. At least that's my personal experience.

"Oh you want to talk to your wife before making the second largest purchase of your life? Who wears the pants in your relationship?"

My last car purchase involved something like this but without the misogyny. I knew exactly what I wanted, for how much, and had my own external financing. The dude loudly sighed on the test drive multiple times after trying to build a rapport unsuccessfully. I was perfectly courteous to him, but I wasn't giving in to his sales pitch one inch.

Sorry guy, I view you as the cashier at Walmart and not my buddy who's gonna get me a killer deal on undercoating.

Even the site hosting the study includes a huge disclaimer stating that it's just the author's personal opinion.

I can't agree with #1. The interface is that of Amazon's regular storefront and it often mixes paid media in with the free stuff or has stupid stuff like seasons 2, 4, & 6 being free while 1, 3, & 5 are paid. Maybe it's different in the TV apps, but the browser version is atrocious.

So we should continue mining single-use hydrocarbons because disposable vapes exist?