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Joined 1 years ago

I just tried because you made me doubt, but you can access your passwords offline with bitwarden. Your argument about trusting a third party is far more pertinent, i'm choosing to trust them but thats really my choice. It is also a limited trust: even in a case of a data breach, bitwarden is encrypted end-to-end with your password, even if someone gets access to your data they wont be able to read it without your master key.

Well that's pretty bad. I just switched to hyprland and like it, but I don't want to give those people a bigger platform than what they already have... Ah shit I'll have to think about that. Why can't we have nice things that aren't made by complete assholes.

So at least they are saying owncloud and ocis will still be maintained and keep their apache licenses... Still, acquisition of open source software is always a bit scary.

Music. Probably singing and acoustic guitar. I really like singing, even if I'm really bad at it, and I like getting lost in music. Yes I can listen to some music, but I feel like doing it yourself gives it something more. Someday I'll get classes haha, I need more hours in my day

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Never happened to me, but technically your account can get banned using Aurora since it's against the TOS. Also i mostly use aurora for privacy, so an different account only to download apps is a good idea. (Ideally you should even use the anonymous feature, but i had some stability problems with that so i switched to a throwaway account)

I've watched them so much, that when I started to learn english I just started to watch that movie in english, since i knew by hart half of what they were saying

Linux is built by the community for the community. I think trying to help people move to linux is just in just in linux users blood 😅

Interesting, i might give it a try when i finish setting up my new servers, havent been satisfied with other picture solutions, usually feels like they're doing too much haha. I just want simple and fast, so this might be it.

Since you're just starting out, I would probably recommend mint. I think it's the most stable of the "mainstream" distros and you'll have less frustrations. If you want to have a great experience with managing packages, I think installing and using the nix package manager is the best way to manage packages on any distros (and who knows, maybe in a year or 2 you'll want to try nixOs!)

Oh my thank you so much, this and no trafic data are my main 2 pain points with this app, now it's one less!

Personally I am conflicted. On one side gitea switching to a for-profit is worrying, even if they didnt do anything wrong yet. I like codeberg (non-profit behind Forgejo), but I also want to support devs actually working on the product. So I think for now I'll stay with gitea, but I won't hesitate to migrate to Forgejo if they start to act stupid

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NixOs is so much fun (it is my main distro rn) but I would never recommend it to someone who is just switching from windows for the first time. Any more mainstream distro would be better, but I would still recommend using the nix package manager because it's just so good

Not sure if you can do device local only, but it looks like you can self-host a sync server and not use the IPFS network: Requires a bit of setup but if you have a home server this looks like an interesting idea.

Other than what was already answered, I also like Coding Blocks (programming podcast), Tech won't save us (a sociological/ethical discussion on the tech industry) and DevOps Paradox (podcast on devops)

What's already mentioned is also very good, but I really insist on darknet diaries which is probably my favorite podcast of all time.

Could you link the bot repo? I was thinking of self-hosting but wasn't sure because I didn't want to only see subscribed content.

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I haven't tried it so i dont actually know what im talking about, but i feel like installing steam through flatpak is asking for trouble.

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I like it because i never took the time to setup neovim with plugins haha. Helix is a more out-of-the-box experience 👌

Was more thinking about running games in sandboxes, other than the overhead i could see some games not being happy with that

In a chemical reaction, molecules (themselves composed of a set of atoms) are rearranged in new molecules by creating and/or removing bound between atoms. Creating/removing these bounds will either release or absorb some amount of energy. When the reaction release energy, it is an exothermic reaction. When it absorb energy it is an endothermic reaction. Fire is the energy released by some exothermic reactions, in the form of heat and light.