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Joined 1 years ago

I don't think the war will end until Putin dies. Whether that be next week or in 20 years.

There's no way for Putin to retreat and save face. The world can't afford to allow Russia to win. It will be a horrible stalemate of slaughter until Putin dies and can be blamed by both sides, to be able to negotiate a way out.

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A device to allow me to spread cream cheese evenly on a bagel without getting all over my fingers.

I'm thinking some sort of rotating bagel mount with a silicone tapered spike.

1 more...

Okey dokey, you go first.

The old Microsoft approach, slowly make it shitter, then charge you (make you upgrade) to remove the shit we've snuck in.

Cold turkey is the only way, for your mental health and the quicker demise of the cesspit that is reddit.

Stop buying groceries... it will end soon