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Joined 1 years ago

Can’t wait to not be able to order one.

I realized too late in my life that friendships of any kind or flavor all have a lifespan. This can mean anything, five minutes in line at the movies, childhood into high school, a semester of college, or your whole life.

Context: the friends I’ve (m35) had since childhood and into my adulthood have slowly and silently withered away due a multitude of reasons but mostly because we each have things going on in our life and those had taken precedence over cultivating and caring for our friendships. Sure we text for holidays or birthdays, but it all feels hollow compared to what we had together for literal decades.

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I can understand and get behind this sentiment. At an old job we had iMacs and I would use Apple’s numbers program to make pixel art in the tables by coloring each cell.

Don’t get me wrong. I love Fedora, but with the things they’ve done recently, I really don’t think what I want from an OS and RH wants are the same anymore. I’d prefer to separate from them while I have the opportunity before I’m invested to the point of staying because it’s too hard to migrate.

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If you have a GBC I would recommend super Mario bros deluxe. gives you SMB and the Japanese SMB 2 along with a bunch of of unlockable QoL fun feature like time attack, save files, and a red coin challenge.

I guess I’ll bite.

I’ve been with my wife since high school and we married after 7 years. So all-in-all, in total we’ve been together 16 years and have one kid. After all of the time invested and my age now, having more than one partner sounds exhausting.

If I was able to do it over differently, I don’t think I would. I grew up catholic, so the idea of monogamy was part of my upbringing. But having had access to the early internet I was exposed to just about anything you could imagine. Having read and listened to many people talk about poly relationships in my younger years, while enticing to have more than one partner, it still sounded harder to deal with or navigate than one person.

I might suggest you take a look at Jellyfin. similar to Kodi but I feel it has a polish that kodi lacks. I was in your position years ago, and I will always recommend either Plex or Jellyfin.

Any chance you remember the brand or manufacturer so that I might look for one, for myself?

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Apple ][ e: pictures of me playing point-and-click story games.

Ubuntu 4.10 “warty”

We talking about Dan Hibiki, the "joke" street fighter?

This sounds like what I’m looking for. What is their support for steam, blender, AMD CPU/GPU support, and do they use flatpak, or is it more of an APK setup?

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If you are getting a copy of the book and they say it’s from the hardback first edition or at least the hardback then you have a decent chance to find online resources that will tell you how many pages that particular edition had. If it’s a straight up epub from another source and not scans, then you could use some software to do a word comparison and see what the changes are/were between copies. Thankfully if it’s the book or series I think it is there were no abridged (shortening the book by removing parts that don’t contribute to the story) copies made that I’m aware of.

I love coffee, but as I’ve gotten older acid reflux has been a more common issue that I must remedy. I currently drink a loose-leaf oolong green tea, called “milk oolong” it’s gentle on my stomach and provides me with some caffeine, and I make enough to last me most of the day in a double insulated mug. During the spring and summer I cold-steep 10 bags of Lipton’s black tea in a large pitcher over night and use that for the next 2-3 days.

I feel like it’s a great time to pull up the 4k bluray and do a remaster screenshot, since we missed the 10-year anniversary.

I waited to see if anyone mentioned it, but, POD. A old 1997 racing game from Microsoft built by Ubisoft. You can get the gold edition on GoG for rather cheap but I would absolutely love to see a remaster or remake. Unfortunately I would rather it not be made by Ubisoft as I don’t want to be forced into a separate account login setup from Ubisoft.

Since I can’t edit my post (not sure why, just can’t) this parent post should help people.

My leaving Fedora and by extension RH, mostly is about not supporting in any meaningful capacity any associated with RH. My hope is to find something similar to Fedora, I’m getting a lot of recommendations about OpenSUSE tumbleweed and endeavorOS. Since my setup is AMD CPU/GPU it seems while not the perfect choice POP!_OS isn’t for me. I think as long as the distro supports vanilla Gnome or as close as possible would be great.

The slow, but sure, withering itself wasn’t painful, but after having a phone call with my friends and realizing that were I stood in their life was no longer even their priority, or on a level where they might actually care if I disappeared it wouldn’t matter or cause any alarm. Which is more sad imho than just not knowing.

I can confirm that the script still works, but sadly the site owner of Vim has removed the file from the server. The script sees a file link but will download nothing. When testing the script with just NES, it will see a game, but will throw an error of “remote files name has no length”, so going forward you could test via a vpn and see if they adjusted their files to be available via a country that doesn’t care, or they just haven’t gotten around to cleaning up their file directory list post removal.

P.S. the script showed that 23 field failed to download so one can assume those files were the one Nintendo decided to have them remove.

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Last question if I may, what recorder did/are you using in tandem with this splitter?

11/20 I feel slightly upset by the fact that it’s still a 50/50 coin flip for me which was which.

Every section had missing downloads. But with some web inspection, I found some interesting obfuscation using what I think is JavaScript on the web pages that “used” to hold the download links, for the files that were requested to be removed. If we can figure out how to reverse the code to reveal the link again we could grab (assuming they are still on the server) the files manually.

If you want to chat about this I’m on matrix

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My profile has my matrix name. I figured people have known that was a feature for lemmy profiles, but I guess that was my mistake.

According to the cube rule ( the hotdog is technically a sandwich and not a taco due to the bun only really being two parts of a whole.

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