4 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Musician, Comedian, Grognard,

Damn dude. What am I gonna do now?

Damn dude. What am I gonna do now?

Damn guess I’m never gonna make it as a true meme artist. Oh well, at least you laughed your little ass off from numbers 1-5.

2 more...

You’re totally right! Lemmyshitpost is the best place to have a serious and nuanced discussion about the atrocities committed by Xi and the CCP. And here I was thinking this was just a place to SHITPOST ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This is fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to explain

This is so well done!

I’ve been playing Victoria 3 and I just can’t wait to have fun


Loving this resurgence of speed metal. Really into Traveler lately