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Pedophilia is literally excusable for Republicans if it has that magical R next to the name (Roy Moore anyone?) But as soon as it's two consenting black people having a consensual affair, with no obvious reason to believe involves any conflict of interest, somehow that requires an investigation?

This is more racist misogynistic (double standards that powerful women can't enjoy sex) "rules for thee but not for me" BS.

They don't want trans people to exist as anything but a porn category, so they treat us as just that, a profanity. It'd be funny because of how pathetic it is, but real people are dying because of this.

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And yet we persisted. There's nothing like having your existence legislated, debated, and lied about. This countries march towards facism has to be stopped at the polls, please vote.

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It's not even originally in the Bible's earliest translations to prohibit gay sex, originally it just condemned pedophilic sex and attraction and it was changed to target gay people instead of the church's own clergy.

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They died because they were trans. They died just for existing and because they were different and people are afraid of that difference. I don't care what the exact biological mechanism was that killed them. I care that they died as a result of a beating (or because of the emotional trauma of that beating). That should never happen in America for anyone be they black, a woman, or an innocent gender nonconforming child like this.

We are headed to a dark place in American history if we don't fight for trans people and every minority right now.

I hope it's more due to the fact that he had a stroke rather than he's doing it intentionally. Either way he has had a complete shift in personality and its disappointing to no end that he's not who he was when elected.

I'm not worried about Biden's age mostly because I think this comes from the racist fear that Kamala Harris isn't capable of running this country.

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I don't support nazis financially. She is one and it's not even a question anymore.

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Other examples have been given, but bottom line she supports trans erasure just like the nazis. She finds herself in the company of nazis. She makes nazi arguments. It's the "walks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck" argument.

Any vote that does not prevent Trump from being president is a vote for a Trump/Putin collaborator.

To think sustainability in agriculture is not about climate change is rather a narrow definition of climate change.

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They're gonna happen eventually if nothing improves. There's a breaking point to this all that we are on a collision course with.

They wouldnt be trying to throw trans people, women's rights, immigrants etc. under the bus so hard if they weren't desperate for the distraction. Genocide is the last gasp of empires as they fail. And we will fall if trump wins or further damages democracy.

Really? They haven't won anything. They've made progress, they are advancing a genocide against trans people like me and I'm not even this doomery, but the resistance to any destruction of this country will grind it to a hault again and again. They havent won the popular vote in this country in decades.

Get out and vote. Organize and resist. BLM was the biggest civil rights movement in the world. Covid shut this place down. Resistence is as easy as organizing a stay at home day.

And oh look the unions are already planning it.

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Congrats and be safe!

You can compare human intelligence to centuries ago on a simple linear scale. Neural density has not increased by any stretch of the imagination in the way that transistor density has. But I'm not just talking density I'm talking about scalability that is infinite. Infinite scale of knowledge and data.

Let's face it people are already not that intelligent, we are smart enough to use the technology of other smarter people. And then there are computers, they are growing intelligently with an artificial evolutionary pressure being exerted on their development, and you're telling me that that's not going to continue to surpass us in every way? There is very little to stop computers from being intelligent on a galactic scale.

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They are the biggest producers, but that is because most of the world places their production in China and India. America is the biggest consumer of those products.

It's very easy to resolve, most kids that participate in sports are themselves (shockingly) also kids and will not have gained any advantage if allowed to transition early enough. Even a year or two of puberty is going to shed away very quickly.

(And leave us older trans people who are no longer teenagers who might have gone through a full puberty to have that advantage not participate in sports, and leave kids alone to transition and participate in their chosen gender.)

Either way this is a problem that resolves itself if trans people are allowed to accept and be themselves when they figure it out, which would be a lot more possible if people actually took the time to understand us.

Also genetic advantages like Micheal Phelp's lungs and body have always been a part of sports. So if we happen to want to play sports we're still women playing sports with a genetic disadvantage in every way that matters to us like having babies. (sports are the last thing on most of our minds)

Either way stop making trans people the center of your political battles. We just want to live without you fucking up our lives. We aren't anything that matters to the vast majority of instances. We are the rare exception. Go figure out that they'd rather you argue about us than about the actual issues like health care, abortion, union rights, civil rights, etc.

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With a 1% regret rate it is not something that trans people have an issue with. You can count on one hand the number of trans individuals that have gone back permanently. Also puberty blockers are completely reversible, it's not until months on the actual hormones that people start getting permanent changes. And even then that isn't that irreversible.

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And the discrimination that I face as a trans person is very different from the discrimination that a person of color feels in this country. The remedies aren't the same, and umbrella terming discrimination just sweeps it under the rug and fails to provide a tangible set of goals to fix.

Fixing discrimination globally all at once is impossible. It creates apathy and makes us all bystanders to the problems. Legally ensuring that the nurse or teacher doesn't misgender me is a very fixable and tangible thing that is very easy and clear cut.

Agreed, people's lives are on the line. Republicans have made it very clear they intend to kill more women, lgbtqia people, black people, and other minorities if they regain power.

Nah it's pretty scientifically accurate and discluding trans people from the idea of being normal people is insulting.

Writing is on the wall for the entire world. What the writing says and where we go with it is still up to us. There's only one thing left, and that's stay and fight.

I still pass a place in California where they have a bunch stashed. I don't think they are selling well either.

Nah I've got you tagged for this too. Biden has to be supported at this point, my life and many others are absolutely on the line. Defeating trump, trumps any and all concerns about Biden.

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Read your own damn study. You are selectively omitting the words right before "of the 139 participants "

"Sexual orientation was ascertained for both fantasy and behavior and then dichotomized as either biphilic/androphilic or gynephilic. Of the 139 participants, 17 (12.2%) were classified as persisters and the remaining 122 (87.8%) were classified as desisters. Data on sexual orientation in fantasy were available for 129 participants:... "

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As far as I know indentured servitude is illegal in this country already, I'm pretty sure that's reason enough not to pay.

They are conscientious objectors in that sense and I'm cheering them on.

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Right off the bat that study is about sexual identity, ie- sexual preferences, not gender identity ie who one is.

And the are much better studies that are far more comprehensive

"found an overall rate of 1 percent for regret after surgery for both transmasculine and transfeminine surgeries."

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Mandatory employee stakeholder status for every company, so that each company is 50% employee owned, it works in Europe.

I know his troubled history, I'm trans, I'm a socialist. I do not believe there is any other way for me to survive without a Biden win, and black people in South Carolina overwhelmingly put Biden in charge of the democratic party over Bernie Sanders and I respect that choice because he was there to uphold Obama's legacy.

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I have a counter argument. From an evolutionary standpoint, if you keep doubling computer capacity exponentially isn't it extraordinarily arrogant of humans to assume that their evolutionarily stagnant brains will remain relevant for much longer?

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Holy wall of unparagraphed word salad, Again you are not understanding what is and isn't an evolutionary process, a disease can wipe out half a species and that is considered a process of evolution. You don't have to be intelligent about it, all you have to do is continue to increase complexity due to an external force and that is it. That's all that is needed to have an evolutionary force.

With computers we don't have to know what we are doing (to recreate consciousness), we just have to select for better more complex systems (the same way evolution did for humans) which is the inevitable result of progress. Do you think computers are going to stop improving? The road maps for chip architecture for the next ten years doesn't seem to suggest it's slowing down yet.

And like the fractalization of coastlines, facts, knowledge and data are completely unlimited, the deeper you look the more there is.

On top of all of this you have the fact that progress has constantly been accelerating in a way that human intelligence is incapable of percieving accurately.

Therefore computer intelligence is vastly going to outpace or own. And very soon too.

Yuuuuup and it was the only one they could pass because of the one seat majority Joe Lieberman afforded them and he was bought out, the original Kristen Sinema.

Still saved a lot of lives and still infinitely better than what was before it.

Seconded, transgender is more accurate and how we describe ourselves.

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Obama changed Healthcare forever he gave me the Healthcare that saved my life literally, again trans. His hope and change was a step forward. But you don't sound old enough to remember what it was like before that. And he was betrayed out of his congressional power immediately after by Joe Lieberman.

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Schiff has been a powerful voice in the house, he's been there long enough, he's a tough as hell lawyer (and is hated because he has lead several impeachment proceedings with great success). He's articulate and a powerful advocate.

Performative protests are a warning that things aren't right. And French history has shown a penchant for heavy sharp falling objects to the back of the neck as the next alternative.

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It was in large part because he thought woke Twitter turned his daughter transgender. It was always personal and petty with him. That and the Saudis wanted to put their money behind his takeover because Twitter was seen to have played a crucial organizing role in the Arab spring uprising.


I am applauding the act of resistence, I don't think the fact that garnishing wages is a consequence should dissuade those from trying to take a part in resisting. It doesn't make the debt culture we saddle our children with, for a chance at survival, any less immoral. Any resistence in such a culture is therefore a moral obligation.

The laws of physics are no less or more applicable to our own biology in terms of complexity, density, scale, and information capacity and in most ways is far less efficient and accurate than their silicon counterparts.

There is nothing to suggest the growth in computer intelligence is going to stop occurring or it's doing anything but just getting started.