68 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wonder, how many schools could you build for $44billion?

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Hottest day ever.

Until next year.

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Someone posted a huge list of “reddit alternatives” and I went through them one by one, Kbin/lemmy links were right down the bottom but I’m so glad I persisted- there were SO many far right “anti woke” style websites on that list all trying to become social media, it really opened my eyes. im positive this is not a coincidence, & would not be surprised if there are some pretty bad folks/nation states are behind setting these things up to try & propagandise people.

Anyway, this place seems pretty cool, will hang here for a bit i think.

People and native animals start dying en-masse around the 50Deg mark, it’s horrific this is becoming normal.

First thing Trump did after the bill was signed was to fire the person who was assigned to oversee and prevent fraud.

Especially hilarious these same people constantly complain about ‘cancel culture’

Another day, another (serious) Trump crime. Lock the fucker up already, let’s do this.

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Blatantly unconstitutional laws aren’t worth the paper they are written on. Let the state try and enforce their bullshit.

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Just accept your lot peasants and obey

Guaranteed as soon as these lawyers get put under the hammer (and once it dawns that attorney-client privilege vanishes when committing crimes) will loudly testify how DJT asked them to do the crimes.

He’s toasted toast at this point. Even looks like Guilliani is going to testify against him.

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There are ways to have a fully smart home that doesn’t rely on internet access at all.


King Donald is above the law

Grow up idiot, he took it to the SC and lost every step of the way. He lost, get over it.

Best part is it’s only just beginning. It is going to be so much fun watching that corrupt piece of shit have his entire world fall apart around him. He was looking so positively grey skinned and cowed today “sniff… I’m legitimate”.

According to Republicans today, apparently Hunter Biden is a ‘drug lord’, and Trump stealing the government’s most important secrets is a ‘paperwork error’.

I hate these people.

To all you folks complaining about how such a policy would make the very poorest children not get anything to eat during a time of especially great hardship. Yes I know some kids will literally starve because of this, but have you for even a second considered thinking about things from a billionaire’s perspective and what they have to go through? Just for once? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

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This is fucking bullshit, conservatives are openly cheating the system, be it voting or court decisions. Shit like this will 100% destroy a country,

Everything started going wrong when the media split into separate bubbles of information.

There isn’t any debate any more, just demagoguery and propaganda.

Ted Cruz: “I don’t think Senate Democrats, if you had video of Joe Biden murdering children dressed as the devil under a full moon while singing Pat Benatar, they still wouldn’t vote to convict.”

As usual, the exact opposite of what would happen. It’s always projection.

Dude, in the comment just prior to that one, you just used the bible as a source of evidence to prove to us all that the bible is true. I have absolutely no doubts about who you think you are.

Since you seem to love proselytising to others I’m going to reverse UNO you dude.

Try reading: ‘The Demon Haunted World’ by Carl Sagan, or ‘The God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins.

Surely someone so confident in your faith as you can stand up to one little book can’t you? What do you have to lose but the ability to learn and grow?

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It will be the constant crimes and lying I’ll bet.

Imagine if Christian converted Apollo over to kbin, that would be hilarious. Give it a few weeks a good 20% of Reddit could quite easily continue exactly moreorless as they were but without Reddit at all…

Edit - Christian if you see this, I would happily pay a few bucks for an Apollo/kbin app.

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SC basically just making any old shit up to justify whatever right wing position they want nowadays. Something needs to be done.

.”.unless he wins the primaries, and then I will cravenly slobber on his cock like the rest of them”

No hate so pure as Christian love.

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That question needs to be asked over and over again to every one of his sycophantic supporters.

Why did he need to keep nuclear secrets?

It is utterly unjustifiable.

And dead people all over Jerusalem ‘rose from their graves and wandered around’… yeah.. sure they did bud. Whatever you say.

These are Stories. Not facts, stories. Stories written for children, about magical wizards.

You are the literal equivalent of the kid that -actually- believes in Santa Claus and can’t stop telling everyone around him that he’s the smart one who is going to get all the presents.

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Pence knows what he testified during the Jan 6 investigation, and I’m guessing what he told that grand jury means Trump is utterly fucked from his testimony alone.

So my guess is he is right now doing his best to bury Trump in public opinion for these early charges first, well before the Jan 6 findings come out and he really cops the blame for fucking over Trump later on (lest those pesky MAGA terrorists try and hang him, again).

“We should stop marginalising gay and trans kids, people have the right to live their own lives” = RADICAL LEFTIST AGENDA.

You MAGA morons do love your little slogans though, beats independent thought I guess.

Early days. But this place has real potential I’m feeling. Everything right now reminds me of the very early days of Reddit which is super ironic. Main thing for me is I’m have more fun watching this place build itself right now to ever consider gong back to Reddit full time, right now isn’t anything more than a good place to steal some good content to post for here.

It should be illegal to undermine faith in elections unless you have actual evidence- it’s harmful to democracy.

I would have thought the open fascism and corruption is also an issue, but that’s just me.

Also refuses to be a rational, normal, human being. Doesn’t mean he has a rats chance in hell of being president though.

Would you like to play a game?

Corrupt piece of shit should have died at the end of a long prison sentence, but money trumps justice in far too many cases.

May his grave long become the public toilet it truly deserves to be.

Trump was 100% in it just to enrich himself.

DeSantis, is 100% in it for power and hate.

I think I read somewhere Cruz has a bisexual daughter? Pretty typical of a Republican not to care until it affects them personally.

That are forgainst anything and everything depending on what the latest ‘hate week’ favourite is on right wing media.