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Joined 4 months ago

It's mostly because C is notorious for not holding your hand and not telling you when you mess up. Write one past the array's length? Might do nothing, might crash, might mess up some other data, might crash later in somewhere completely different.

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VVVVVV is awesome so it's cool

Copy Kitty: has a demo

Fun elimination platformer. If you wish Kirby did more with the power mixing from Kirby 64, you'll probably like it.

SQL blows for hierarchical data though.

Want to fetch a page of posts AND their tags in normalized SQL? Either do a left join and repeat all the post values for every tag or do two round-trip queries and manually join them in code.

If you have the tags in a JSON blob on the post object, you just fetch and decide that.

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Deep fried mozzarella

Fireworks are art. Art isn't inherently wasteful.

FWIW It was recently on the steam front page for me

Misinformation wants to be free

Oh boy 6AM!

They're still rambling about Hilary; they'll still ramble about Biden.

Damn why does all the software I want to use end up being developed by bigoted assholes. First nix now this.

I use a keepass vault thrown in a syncthing directory but like literally any file sync will do. If you get conflicts, KeePassXC can merge them

Only if you're trans: P

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Everyone in this thread needs to go watch Line Go Up at Folding Ideas

Both mentioned games are notorious for the scale of the issues at launch, and the resulting backlash. NMS for the lack of content and Cyberpunk for the huge amount of bugs.

They both had a lot of issues at launch

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I don't think that's true. Bitcoins are fungible, NFTs aren't.

And how is calling conservatives "weird" how you describe?

Compared to conservatives calling anything left of them "communist", calling a party backing a felon president and a vice president that can't even make small talk at a doughnut store "weird" is very fitting.

The fact that you'd need to keep this structure in SQL and make sure it's consistent and updated kinda proves my point.

It's also not really relevant to my example, which involves a single level parent-child relationship of completely different models (posts and tags).

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My point is that SQL works with and returns data as a flat table, which is ill fitting for most websites, which involve many parent-child object relationships. It requires extra queries to fetch one-to-many relationships and postprocessing of the result set to match the parents to the children.

I'm just sad that in the decades that SQL has been around, there hasn't been anything else to replace it. Most NoSQL databases throw out the good (ACID, transactions, indexes) with the bad.

That's quite the turd(le) they dropped