Colonel Panic

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Joined 11 months ago

So many people keep arguing past each other on this because there are 2 truths and each side sees their 1 truth as the end-all.

  1. Genocide is bad. Biden isn't doing enough to stop Israel. But, Trump would accelerate it. And also do more genocide here too.
  2. We have a FPTP voting system meaning the first candidate across the line wins, so you either vote for A or B. If you abstain from voting or vote 3rd party it does not make any difference whatsoever to the outcome because it is still who crosses the line first. So you have to decide which of the 2 you want, or which of the 2 you DON'T want. And vote accordingly.

Everyone declaring "Genocide Joe" and voting 3rd party is missing the point that doing that could let Trump win. And that would be FAR worse.

And everyone declaring "Blue no matter who" and demonizing the people that want the genocide to end are missing the point that our system is fucked and does not represent us and both candidates are bad. Both candidates are right wing and our country WANTS someone on the left that represents the people, but we simply don't have that.

You've heard of CamelCase and lowercase and intVariableName variable naming styles. Get ready for:

for (int Taiwan == 0; Taiwan < HongKong; Taiwan++) { int TianamenSquare == 0; ... }

The universe. The Big bang, time, quantum mechanics. Is our universe infinite? Is it the only universe? Did the Big bang start ours and will it end with a big crunch and will that collapse just cause a big bang that repeats and if so what iteration of that cycle do you suppose we are in? And does each universe behave the same, similar laws and physics and such? Stars, planets, etc?

Deconstructing from religion. It was a lot. I'm better now, but being stuck in it all was overwhelming and was like being in an existential crisis every day until it ended. I just went along with it and kept it all inside for decades and it wasn't fun.

Consciousness and our sense of self. Is consciousness an illusion? What even is "me"? It includes all the gut bacteria and mitochondria with different DNA than us and our brains are these amazing pattern recognition machines that also have abysmal memory storage and recall, but can notice the tiniest of nuance sometimes, but also can't remember where we put the thing we were just holding 2 minutes ago. And all the while our brain is confidently telling us "I am me" and is processing all the inputs like sights and sounds and interpreting all that into what we think we see and what we think we heard. But did we? How would we know if upon seeing the color red our brain interprets that as blue and we confidently declare we see red.

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Capitalism is just a complex pyramid scheme. Change my mind.

Relativity proved that time isn't a constant thing where all things occur at "the present". You can have situations where person 1 sees an event happen as A B and person 2 sees that same event happen as B A.

That means time isn't some absolute framework that reality exists in, but something more like a property of matter or space or something.

Also the speed of light seems to be applicable here. Or more accurately, the speed at which events propagate through space. If you pushed a button to end the universe wouldn't that event only go at light speed out in all directions? So maybe the button has been pushed (maybe an infinite number of times too) and all the shockwaves just haven't gotten here yet.

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It's only infinite in the sense that it's beyond our measurement. And whether or not it is infinite doesn't even matter to us because of the speed of light and the expansion of space itself. There is a sphere around us that is all we will ever know or experience or be able to affect. Outside that sphere other things can and do exist, but we are fundamentally separated from them forever. There are entire galaxies we will never see because the light will never reach us. That is wild to me.

How can you know or prove something isn't infinite if you haven't even seen all of it yet? Isn't proving it impossible? We could prove it to NOT be infinite, but it's like proving the non-existence of something, you can't really prove an edge doesn't exist just because you haven't seen one.

I really hate that we are calling this wave of technology "AI", because it isn't. It is "Machine Learning" sure, but it is just brute force pattern recognition v2.0.

The desired outcomes you define and then the data you train it on both have a LOT of built-in biases.

It's a cool technology I guess, but it's being misused across the board. It is being overused and misused by every company with FOMO. Hoping to get some profit edge on the competition. How about we have AI replace the bullshit CEO and VP positions instead of trying to replace fast food drive through workers and Internet content.

I guess that's nothing new for humans... One human invents the spear for fishing and the rest use them to hit each other over the head.

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Jokes on you.

I baked my casserole with the shiny side up and pulled it out at 59 minutes and 55 seconds, when it was supposed to go for an hour.

So take that Dull Side!

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Idiots. The toilet seat tissue layer doesn't do anything, that's why I lick the seat clean first. Saliva has antimicrobial properties, use your brain.

I would love an electric vehicle.

But we have two gasoline cars completely paid off and I can't imagine adding a car payment (or two) just to go electric. I'm more concerned with continuing to afford food and shelter.

If I could just magically swap them out I would.

Similarly how plastic pollution is 99% made by companies. So we banned plastic straws.

That's the equivalent of yelling at me to turn the ceiling lights off to save power, but you have the AC running 24/7 and all the windows are open.

I hate it.

I have anxiety and depression. Gonna give your idea a try.

Where can I find the used cans?

I was destined to post this comment.

Viruses, Pyramid Schemes and Capitalism, oh my!

Are we sure the increasing sperm motility rate isn't because they are trying to get out of this country?

Are you 100% on that? I thought it was recently proved that it actually could be reversed. Maybe I misunderstood. Thinking about this stuff makes my brain feel fuzzy and numb, but like, more than usual.

Assuming you are asking in good faith. The Christian/Evangelicals are the prominent group of people screaming about values and banning drag and other things they hate (LGBTQ, healthcare/abortion, immigration, voting, etc), while simultaneously being seemingly ok with stuff like this. It is quite blatantly hypocritical. It's all projection and hypocrisy and bigotry.

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Hear me out. Bottle caps.

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Oh my God they were roommates.

lol Trump is a career criminal and grifter, and you are the mark, and now he is finally facing legal consequences for years of crime.

I feel sorry that you can't see this and Trump has somehow convinced you it's political persecution. It's hard to hear or accept, but you are being grifted and tricked to support and follow a mob boss scam artist.

See Also: The War on Drugs, The War on Terror.

Because those went well. Big success story.

(Unplugs external drive)

"I deleted them."

"You deleted all of them?"

"Yep, not on the website anymore. See."

"Ok.... Good.... But I'm watching you."

They just tripped and accidentally fell on all 12 points of fascism. Right?

Yeah, you might accidentally bump into him in the hallway and he would stand his ground and gun you down for the audacity.

I would LOVE to see that scenario. Trump goes to prison as he deserves and gets his special accommodations all revoked either by the court or the prison or whatever.

Being immune to repercussions of your crimes because you are in a certain position is a very bad thing.

I think you can just say "No Homo" and do whatever. Sources needed.

Did you watch the theatrical or directors cut? The latter explains a LOT more.

TL;DW If I remember it all correctly. The plane crash caused a "Final Destination"-esque rift in spacetime? Or fate? Or reality? And Donnie should have died, but didn't and because he didn't the universe will implode unless he fixes it in time by dying. He also gains powers to see the future as part of the deal (represented by the weird trails in front of people walking) and he realizes the future is everything ending unless he dies to seal up the rift. Frank, the bunny is like a guide or messenger or something.

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We punish Biden by electing Trump? Ok, so then Trump does the genocide here against everyone he hates, while also supporting the genocides abroad.

How does that help us exactly?

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Exactly! And if you go look up the statistics, even accounting for populations and all that you will find that it is RELIGIOUS LEADERS and FAMILY (uncles and cousins or parents I think) that commit most of the CSA. Not drag queens or trans people.

If they ACTUALLY cared about protecting kids they would be going after every church with full investigations and lawsuits galore. Instead they cover them up and brush them off with drivel like "Oh well he wasn't a Christian then" despite the fact they probably were a pastor or youth leader and did it in the church building itself many times.


What we have here is a dactyl that pters and a helico that also pters.

I name them, Pterhelico and Dactylopter.

0.05 percent of net income.

I guess they are flipping themselves off for being so dumb?

Hello there.

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Wrong, same luck, they pay people to pull the levers all day. Lots of collateral, but they got that cool prize!

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If there's so much helium inside the earth, then why doesn't the earth float away?

Same. I played MC in early Alpha when you could play free in a web browser. And then I used a cracked game for another year or so. Once I had adult money I bought it. I've since bought it probably 6+ times over between Java, Bedrock, consoles, mobile and accounts for my kids.

I probably would never have bought it otherwise, or at least not for a long time.


I am addicted to my brain functioning normally and being able to accomplish things

It is terrible for me that I didn't get diagnosed sooner.

It made me go crazy with how big of a difference it has made in my life. I went from sluggish trash goblin hissing at the light to a productive wood elf singing and creating great crafts.

So, yeah, what you said.