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The resolutions are not likely to pass; even if they did pass the heavily pro-Israel Congress, they would likely be vetoed by President Joe Biden, who has been insistent on sending weapons to Israel with no strings attached.

Yeah, this is an absolute shame. He tried doing something similar shortly after the genocide had started, but everyone else currently in power just shut him down almost unanimously.

If politics and getting into power wasn't 90% based on your wealth and connections, maybe US could have more people like Bernie trying to actually do good rather than trying to enrich or empower themselves.

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Not surprising, white nationalist movements were always there but only somewhat recently they stopped using extreme rhetoric in order to get more supporters, and it's super effective. Nowadays you have even mildly exclusionary people who wouldn't have supported white nationalists spout anti-immigration nonsense online and irl, voting for the far-right thinking they're solving some issue that doesn't really exist in reality and is massively overblown.

The world is going back to authoritarianism.

Didn't Musk unironically have a burner twitter account where he would pretend to be a 3 year old child? Grok might be onto something here

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There's this saying about how if something is punishable by a fine, then it's only illegal for poor people.

I don't even have to finish this do I

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The notion that capitalism is the end-all be-all of how society functions/works.

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Questions like these make me wonder if large capitalists actually live in an alternate universe but through some time and space shenanigans they are still here. There's just no way they can make this type of shit up (assuming it's a real question) without being delusional or sadistic.

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Having to re-read the same sentence multiple times until you actually start paying attention to what it says is pain

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I'd imagine a lot of people who were affected negatively by 1 child policy being absolutely pissed at seeing the government suddenly go "we miscalculated, pls start breeding like rabbits"

I don't think this is a good thing. While the current form of conservatism was kind of started by Trump via whatever horrible things he was saying, it's a pandora's box that was opened and will probably never be closed again as long as there's an audience to the talking points. If Trump were to become effectively disowned by conservatives, they're likely going to replace him with someone even worse (someone like Mike Johnson or any other christian fundamentalist) which is the true horror.

Also remember - all this talk from conservatives about Trump being a "bad candidate" is not because his policies or project 2025 are bad, it's only because he's no longer that popular.

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Conservatives only debate students who don't know any better or barely coherent geriatrics, and it's never in good faith

Funnily enough, not even neoliberals believe in the free market regardless of how much they spout its nonsense.

Thatcher was one of such neoliberals, she would always talk about how people should become self-sufficient and governments shouldn't interfere in the free market for it to truly work and so on, but during her rule she was spending billions in subsidies for corporations (aka government interference in the free market). Of course, they weren't called subsidies in the paperwork but some other bullshit like "public investment", but their effect was still the same.

Literally carrot on a stick tactics

IQ score is a sham - the tests are quite fallible, and historically they were used as a justification to discriminate against people who are poorer or with worse access to education. Nowadays, I see it quite a lot in the context of eugenics, where some professors and philosophers attribute poor people being poor due to their low intelligence (low IQ score), and that they can't be helped while rich people got where they are due to their intelligence (as in they have a high IQ score on average).

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Remember when they would arrest people who criticized the monarchy after the queen of england died in the UK? Someone even got arrested for holding an empty sign because they feared that something bad could be written on it in the future.

It's a free country, as long as you're a conservative.

Because current US politics and justice system are a sham that only serves the rich.

How come there are still people who get the death penalty but later get found to be innocent, while when it comes to an ex-politician, they gotta drag the process out for years and years to find every single detail?

The word woke lost all meaning due to far-right wingers constantly using it as a catch-all term for everything they don't like.

Also, I love how they made it so the top 3 bad guys are atheists, agnostics (which are pretty much the same thing) and the jewish. They're not even trying to be covert with propaganda.

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In an interview on Wednesday night with CNN host Kaitlan Collins, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Delaware), who is now in his third term, said he had a revealing conversation with an unnamed "European head of state." That leader appeared worried about the double standard the media was applying to Biden, while largely ignoring former President Donald Trump despite his increasingly unhinged tone during press conferences and public appearances.

The article isn't talking about regular people, but the media.

I've been playing League casually from time to time on Linux, and it's just a shame that they're adding Vanguard to the game since that kills any compatibility it had under wine. Though, knowing League community, a lot of players on Linux are so addicted to the game, they'll switch their operating systems for it or buy a second computer just to play.

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I swear, you could have Hitler reincarnate with Himmler as vice president looking exactly the same as how they looked like in WW2 and use the exact same rhetoric, and the current undecided voters would still be equally clueless on who to vote for, assuming they're actually undecided and not "closeted conservative voter who doesn't want to look bad".

I think they were/are getting funding from some US military defense sector, the same one that was funding a lot of pro-american propaganda films. So even without taking the actual campaign/story of COD games into consideration, it's definitely in their interest to make a propaganda game.

These chess strategies are getting more and more creative

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Pretty sure it's an inevitability at this point and Musk knows it, which is precisely why he's fueling the flames of the whole ad situation. Since the whole controversy are both about the Jews (as in antisemitism) and advertisers, they can be blamed for the death of the platform instead of business decisions by Musk.

There's also the possibility that some right-wing billionaires who really love to spread their propaganda using twitter are going to buy the company or bail it out or whatever, but that remains to be seen

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Man, I wish. The problem nowadays is that denuvo is actually effective - many titles that are rather popular but have denuvo DRM haven't been cracked for years at this point, so the only practical choice is to wait for years until those game companies stop their contract subscriptions and DRM gets removed.

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Houses and similar private property should be owned by the state and be given out to those in need for free, rather than owned by private individuals to sell/rent and make a profit. It's literally a basic human need that's becoming less and less accessible due to greed (constantly rising prices and scams landlords might try to pull), and it's very easy to just lose one if you're unfortunate enough to be unemployed for a longer period of time.

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Literally same, even the years match up lol

It's natural - reddit does something bad, people look for an alternative, join up then start losing interest either after a while either due to toxicity, seeing content they don't like, not having reddit features they used, or the low amount of content and start migrating back.

The user count will probably not stop dropping anytime soon, unless reddit does something again and blackout 2.0 happens.

I wonder how many Chinese are actually communists considering how it's the most capitalist country in the world and has been so for a long while, being communist just in the name.

Probably a lot of people are going to be like "why didn't anyone do anything about this????", completely forgetting that's happening right now, with likely the same people being climate deniers.

The one time copypasting a bunch of buildings was actually a good idea

One of the things I really dislike about Linux is how when setting up, there's a bunch of things you need to troubleshoot, look them up on the forums even though you haven't really done anything wrong, it's just how some software works or there's a bug or there's some weird setting that's incompatible with your system.

I wish there were better defaults for software in the future or just better compatibility/more bugfixes so these cases get rarer and rarer, making it comparable to initial windows experience.

Doubt procrastination will stop even after 60-70 becomes a new high in those countries and people start dying en masse

If any of you want diamond jewelry, be it rings or necklaces or whatever, look up synthetic diamonds. Far cheaper and result is often the same if not better, as its made in controlled environment and perfect conditions it offers.

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I feel like what's more likely is Trump actually winning via election fraud, there's conservatives and people connected to conservatives getting arrested even to this year for trying to rig the previous 2020 election, and I highly doubt that they won't try that again. There's also the recent supreme court decision to make president immune from persecution for "official acts during presidency", which can be read as setting the stage for Trump's arrival.

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RIP. Even though she got a lot of shit from the youtube community, at least she was a bit better than what youtube currently has.

I'm guessing that every person is different when it comes to energy drink tolerance, or there might be some underlying conditions. Back when I used to drink energy drinks, I wouldn't really feel anything except for maybe feeling a bit more "energetic" but I'm not sure how much of that is placebo. Granted, I wouldn't drink 6-10 cans a day because I don't think they taste that good, and would only drink a can occasionally.

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It's not really surprising - historically, the creation Israel state was helped massively by antisemitists, who wanted to get rid of jews in their own country and having them a place to immigrate to would be the easiest option (the phenomena is often referred to as Zionist antisemitism).

So yeah, it does make sense - they can hate the jews, but also support Israel at the same time.

Even if heritage was correct and left-wing terrorism was more common, it wouldn't change the fact that left-wing terrorism is often way more moral than right-wing terrorism.

Targetting ultra-wealthy, alt-right or similar organizations in assassinations/kidnappings/robberies is infinitely better than committing ethnically-driven murders and mass shootings.

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This was also implemented in Lithuania around maybe 5 years ago. Some kids would still get it by asking their parents or strangers to buy them, but they definitely got more rare, to the point where at least where I am, you'd more often see a teen with a ciggie rather than a teen with an energy drink.

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I don't think racism itself is enough for Trump and far-right to succeed, which is precisely why they've combined it with populism and working class rhetoric. Of course, there's still racism like how muslims are being portrayed as violent beasts as opposed to culture white christians, but a lot of it is also things like "immigrants are taking away money from welfare thats why you live bad" or "immigrants are taking our jobs" or "jews control everything and steal from workers" and so on, you know what they say.

Like any good right-wing propaganda, there is a grain of truth in those statements, and it's that economic reality of working class is shit - wages are stagnant, exploitation is rampant and just pure stress when it comes to finances. I do believe that if people's needs are met then the racist rhetoric would lose a lot of its power and people will just stop caring as much as they do right now, but that's very unlikely without any radical action.

My personal journey was Arch > Void > Gentoo > Arch > Nix > Void again > realizing there's nothing really like Arch and going back for good. Hope this helps!