3 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Purely text based content is way easier on the servers. If all Lemmy users uploaded videos and high res images all the time, the servers could not keep up, right?

  • consider that they use hardware that is run on donation (or their own) money
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is this ... transparent Aluminium?

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Now I Question why this should be better than wood? While trees grow fine in nature without human presence, the Mushrooms breeding has to be closely monitored and energy has to be invested into nutrients and temperature regulation. Maybe wood and Mushrooms could be combined but I do not see this completely remove the wood use case.

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Lawyers and copyright issues-- the legal system, they are probably always bombarded from all sides by the legal industry and content creators on copy right issues.

Some nice communities are locked in that deepest level of hell & despair ...

But is this not an evil move to do that? force responsibility on others?

I asked a similar question previously one of the makers of lemmy responded to me:

Open an issue on that or write a bot

.... I thought sometime in the future I will make such a bot ... but turns out I need to use typescript for that.

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is there a human behind such decisions or is it just an automated algorithm?

It is so interesting that we have to adjust for inflation to get any kind of meaningfull comparison between past (movie) revenues ...

How are they disgusting? When I see them they look quite cute.

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use html tables with large borders ... or that is how I feel the old times look

I think we are in a transition phase right now, after some time this kind of "bitching about reddit / twitter whatever" trend will cool down.

Some automated algorithms can be good for content discovery and discovery of new creators tho

  • if you are to lazy to type in your search term into a text box

  • if you do not even know how to articulate the name of the content you search for in text form

These automatic suggestion algorithms are perfect for mindless scrolling in an entertainment sense ... these ranking algorithms justify the massive data collection we witness today.

I wonder if there is another way of decentralized way of content creator discovery without the current drawbacks.

really like it ... The mobs from pigs to zombies and skeletons, are the best mobs I have seen in minetest yet. now we need some mod makers to make it even more awesome! I know, I know, copying popular minecraft mods seems uncreative, but really would like some technic modpack for this + some Aether Mod. Maybe add some creative spin as well!

Created an Equivalent exchange mod for default minetest , eventually want to support mineclone as well, for that I need to change some dictionary entries. And to polish the mod, add support to generate unknown EMC values based on recipes.

there are multiple ways evil can behave on lemmy:


  • trolling, it is annoying, if 25% of all posts are troll posts, the site can be annoying to use.
    • content voting systems can mitigate this tho, but bots will eventually find a way to game this?
  • the difference between trolling and spamming (imo): trolls type in their message with a physical keyboard. Spammers use bots to automate trolling

(Bot) Spamming / automated troll farms

  • spamming, creates huge load on storage capacity of the server owner, not good if you host for free
    • spam can be hard to detect in the age of chatgpt LLMs in general, because normal spam would be detected by how random it is. for example

adfjakjdfkl would be easily detected as spam

  • spamming huge amounts of text is still better than spammers creating huge amounts of video and photographs

  • proof of work algorithms can mitigate this issue somewhat, tho this also makes performance worse for everyone

any other thoughts on proof of work, or how evil doers can behave on social media sides?

youtube will also become harvested for AI data. And filled with AI functionality in the future. ergo: Look out for alternatives.

Since Lemmy instance are not backed by commercial interest, but rather by nice volunteers and donors that have money and time to spare, they will be heavily affected by economic downturns (we still can see commercial interests still affect users negatively tho with reddit). Here are my thoughts on the matter:

  • as far as I understand the owner of the domain: even has to pay for this fancy domain name in the DNS system ... every month subscription service style
    • (and tbh I hate the Domain name system) why should I fund it with my own money?
    • if you hosted with an onion site over tor that expenditure would not exist, but how would users discover your site then? Let me know if you know something about this
  • in times of deflation (meaning money becomes worth more, spending some money on a self hosted lemmy instance becomes nonsensical)
  • tbh if I hosted a lemmy instance and the users of my instance posted high quality content in quantity I would use it to train my own LLM, that would at least create some economic incentive for me to host such a page ... but managing spam and bots will be HARD

That is why you should always back up your comments on your personal device, would be nice if lemmy had an automated way of doing this (I should look into this more)

I thought about it, but the additional display, made me think about power saving, how to shut off screen, while keeping the headless service loaded? ... premature optimization?

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All traffic gets routed through multiple peers before reaching its destination

  • I wonder why the whole internet is not designed like this.
  • if we designed basic protocols like TCP and UDP with user privacy (in practice hiding his IP-Adress) as the most important point we would have a more secure internet I currently think... or am I wrong here?

damn isnt your hard drive full by now? Only downloading the text content or also all the other media like images/video/sound files?

I wanted to look up how to delete all the content I posted on reddit over the years. I do not find it. When I google "how do I delete all my reddit posts" I mostly get AI generated no name sites, ad-infested "Wiki-How" ... and reddit posts, which are most likely the most helpfull .... does not look like there is a "delete" button I can click, have to install scripts or something ... Fuck.

7 deadly Sins? 7 deadly Sinners?

Humans may test garbage knowledge in real life and experience failure. So in that sense no?

So divert the flow to africa maybe? where they do not have smart phones yet? Oh -- they do not have electricity networks there, so maybe sell them with solar chargers.

The registration process for an account is annoying: Having to look into email and having to explain how you are not a bot ... I guess? Also I can not imagine this scale well, if every registration request is checked by a human. Is there no better solution?

Solar pannels and wind farms will continue working, so the grid may fail, but there will remain many small islands where electricity keeps working ig