0 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Glass houses much? Fucking ridiculous that I have zero sense of surprise here.

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I feel like this is what the comment section is used for.

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What took so long?

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Achalasia. My esophagus does not squeeze food/liquid and it gets stuck in my esophagus. Since the nerves in the esophagus are dead (paraphrasing of course) this then causes the top stomach sphincter to not know food/liquid is coming and to open up. Instead, (pre-surgery) food/liquid piles up on top of the stomach and I would have to hope the sphincter would open up and let food in. I had times where I could not swallow water as it would just sit at the entrance waiting to be let in & would have to force myself to vomit as it started to hurt.

Post-surgery (heller myotomy with fundoplication) my esophagus is effectively a slip & slide and I rely on gravity to be able to get food down my esophagus and into my stomach. The top stomach sphincter has now been cut open and never closes anymore. They then stitch part of the top stomach lobe to the sphincter/ esophagus junction area to prevent stomach acid from backwashing.

Even if space travel for the masses occurred during my lifetime, I will never be able to go to space because I rely on gravity to get food to pass through my esophagus.

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The random aches and pains you start waking up with are here to stay. Learn to embrace them.

And drink more water.

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So who's donating to his commissary? I'd be willing to throw a 20 every now and then.

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Oh c'mon! Why must every damn thing have AI crammed into it?? At this point I miss my first StarTac flip phone...

I love telling whiny users who claim they've always had "this" problem that I cannot fix what I do not know is broken. If there's no ticket, then nothing is broken, so quit your whining.

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For those not in the know, what is Canvas? I do not recall seeing this last year.

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Sprinkle catnip all over a neighbor you don't like (the owner?) yard.

Ahh, there it is. Linux user confirmed. :D

Correct me if I am wrong, but the Bitwarden client itself already does this. I store several of my TOTP's in my self hosted Vaultwarden/Bitwarden install.

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I'm going to go a different route than your question. If you have a spare m.2 slot and room in your PC, you can install a m.2 network adapter. I recently installed a m.2 to 2.5gbe adapters in a Dell 3060 SFF as a proof of concept at home for getting Proxmox ceph cluster working over 2.5gbe.

I used this adapter.

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Highly recommend everyone read this. What a crazy wild read it was. Will have to set news alerts to get updates on this one because I need to know the conclusion.

Imagine living in a tourist state and thinking it won't have the pitfalls associated with everything being catered to tourism.

Granola, peanut butter, chocolate chips & honey. All mixed together in a sticky mess that is tasty. Make too much? Throw it in the fridge and have a cold tasty snack the next day!

Ahh. Thank you for the info! I too was in that group who did not know! Can't wait to see what the final picture comes out as!

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  1. Block stuff you don't want to see. I block porn, sports & country specific ones that I do not speak the language.

I practice this same thermal battery idea as well with an extra tip of having a couple of fans on timers (sun up to sun down) that sit on the floor and blow the cold air up. It makes a significant difference, especially if you can sit a fan where the cold air from the AC falls to the ground.

First Dr visit was sometime in 2018 with surgery in Q2 2019'ish. I would have been 37'ish when symptoms first started coming on.

From what I've read, only 1 in 200,000 have it so it took multiple Dr's to finally find one who said to me, "I was just at a convention last month and heard a talk about a condition like yours and just happens one of the top Dr's on achalasia lives here in our city." Few months later and I was scheduled for surgery and it's been worlds better post-surgery. :)

It definitely affects my life every day with what I can & cannot eat (bread is a nightmare) but I take it in stride and drinks copius amounts of water with every meal.

I have not looked for stats but I'd love to see what the actual usage of the Microsoft Store is. I know I have never found a use for it and went as far as disabling the MS Store via GPO because I got tired of seeing it and for learning experience.

I have never found a reason, for myself, where I would need to use the MS Store... ever.

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My personal favorite is the people that say it is a hair on fire emergency but then you can never get a hold of them to fix the problem.

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This happened on a decent spec'd HP laptop I bought my mom a couple years back. No easy way to repair without ordering new hinges that were impossible to find and the PC repair shop quoted over $500 repair on a $700 laptop when it was new.

Now she just leaves the laptop open in the 180 degree position with the laptop being held into a stand & bungie cord strapped to it to prevent it from falling foward. It is now a desktop PC and no longer a laptop.

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I see what you did there and I am disgusted to say I love you for it. :D

Completely agree with this. I played through all FF Pixel Remasters and it was great. Would love a Chrono Trigger Pixel Remaster so I don't have to bust out an emulator when I want to play it again.

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I think I am going to be one of the people buying into Zen 5 but mainly for the longevity of the platform aspect. I'm in the preplanning stage of my next ProxMox server that will be my NAS (unRAID VM), local infrastructure (Samba AD, Adguard, etc.) & Gaming PC via Parsec/Moonlight or plugged directly into the PC with GPU/NVME passthrough to a VM for gaming.

Firewall is on a separate ProxMox host so if the ProxMox host needs a reboot internet will be fine.

Same! I liken it to a knock off version of Mongolian Throat singing.

Zabbix for agent / snmp based statistics.

Uptime Kuma for up/down states with a webhook notification into Discord so I get instant alerts on my phone when one goes down.

Keyboard is keyboard as far as I am concerned. I'm using an old Microsoft Ergo 4000 V1 that I got probably 10 years ago. I have used this same keyboard on a Windows 10/11 install, multiple bare metal Linux installs and a MacBook Pro.

The only issue is the Command key as I recall on the MacBook but that can be remapped if I remember correctly.

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My man! This makes me extremely happy to hear some progress for you on this. I have achalasia (throat doesn't squeeze, so solids gets stuck in my throat) and I still remember to this day after 5 years, finally getting a doctor who was a diagnostic genius for my specific condition and almost cried in the office when she knew exactly what it was. I was at the point of having lost 20 lbs in a few weeks because I could not get food into my stomach. Five years later and I can eat almost like a normal person; just takes a sip of water with each bit of food & soft food.

While it may not be similar to your issue, I know what it feels like to have that emotional weight lightened.

Would love to see future updates and wish you nothing but the best on your journey to some semblance of a normalcy.

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I just cannot find a use case for Nextcloud. I have gone as far as installing it and sync'ing it with my LDAP for user auth and sync pictures from my phone to my NAS. All the other features are just a big ole m'eh for me.

This has just been my experience, so maybe I'm missing something that would just make it all click and make me not live without it. So far though, I've spun up and spun down an instance 3 times and never missed it afterwards.

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I used to listen to them all the time.before the move to Spotify. Once they came out from behind Spotify and I could get them in my preferred app, I just couldn't get back in the grove of listening to them. It seemed like for every 5 of their releases, I would find one interesting.

Don't let this stop anyone else from listening to them as they research the shit out of their topics. Their Jim Jones episodes were more informative than any other description I have ever heard.

I did not want to deal with the remote IT support of it all, so I plugged in a mouse/keyboard and a second monitor to make it more like a desktop PC setup, lol.

I would love to know what this so called justice official's stance is on the Death Penalty; for or against.

I will look it up later as I am being lazy at the moment.

Well that's never a bad thing and no reason anyone should worry about a data leak. /s

I've been running OPNsense as a VM in Proxmox for a year on an AliExpress box that doesn't have ECC. If I might ask, why do you have a requirement for ECC?

Before this box, I ran a Dell R230 with pfSense but got tired of the noise and 40 watt power draw.

I've had zero issues without ECC, so I'm just curious about your need for it.

Did you have to go through with surgery? I had a Heller Myotomy with Fundoplication and after the liquid diet recovery period was over, it was the best decision I ever made. Naturally, I have to avoid dry foods or stuff like bread that turns gummy when I chew it as it is difficult to swallow. Also had to stop eating cow & pig because of the texture of the meat when chewed.

If you haven't thought about it, let me go ahead and break your heart now... we will never be able to go to outer space because we require gravity for the food to slide down into the stomach. Not that I could ever afford to go anyway, haha.

Not true of the dispensary I visited a few months ago while in a legal state. You could smell cannabis in the parking lot from the building and smell it once I got it back to the car where the smell lingered for hours even after double bagging it.

I do have to be cognitive of bending over after swallowing something because I can feel it trying to make it's way back up.

For about a year, I used a husband pillow behind my pillow so I would sleep upright. Eventually, I figured out what works best for my body which is basically just make sure I don't eat at least 2 hours before bed.

Other than that, the fundoplication takes care of preventing stomach contents from coming back. Here's a quick video!

Sooooo !badbot or something?