Confetti Camouflage

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Joined 1 years ago

Tech Nerd Derg.

Arch BTW.

Mastodon @

That is only temporary though and does not set the default.

Here is a website that keeps track of the latest YouTube anti-adblock scripts and if uBlock Origin's filters are updated to bypass it:

Tools > Preferences > Downloads > Saving Management

Change "Default Torrent Management Mode" to automatic

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Thanks, this is kind of a huge detail that was left out.

I use SyncPlay since it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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Unless you're specifically grabbing those high bitrate archival copies you really shouldn't be re-encoding from one lossy codec to another lossy codec.

2 more... Here's a page of people reviewing the Linux compatibility of GTA 4. Any game that is on Steam will have a page like this on ProtonDB.

iirc mandatory Client Side Decorations is only a Gnome on Wayland thing and everyone else has support for both Client and Server Side Decorations.

The Pokemon part fucking killed me. No need to write your own jokes when reality writes them for you.

Hyprland itself will still continue to work just fine. What it does affect is Hyprland's ability to propose changes to FreeDesktop specifications like Wayland. Although I think only the lead dev Vaxry has been banned so potentially they could just get some other dev to do that instead.

From what I understand in the article the prototype TCL panel being demonstrated is actually 4k@1000hz. They mention a few competitors with multiple modes right after which could be where the confusion comes from.

Your anonymity goes out the window when you log in to any service. Your privacy goes when you give them your shipping information.

That's not the real problem. Key resellers actually cost the devs money because those keys are bought with stolen credit cards. Eventually the original card holder does a charge back for a purchase they didn't authorize and it's the dev that ends up with the bill.

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Beeper is built on top of Matrix, so it's not actually creating a new standard here.

Can you link the original quote? I feel like there is a lot of context missing here.

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Nothing inherently wrong with NTFS itself as a filesystem besides being proprietary, and Microsoft supplies absolutely no support for using it in Linux. All the work done to get it running in Linux has been from the ground up and it shows. Many times I've had a hiccup on my external drives and they completely lock up until they're repaired on a windows machine. Unfortunately NTFS is one of the only journaled file system that works on both Windows, Apple, and Linux.

There has also been a lot of advances for filesystems like checksumming so you know when you get bitrot. Or copy-on-write which can take snapshots of a file and then further changes are stored as the difference. You can then rollback to any snapshot you've taken.

Minisforum just announced their V3 which is a Windows tablet with amazing looking specs. I would wait until people confirm if everything works on Linux, but it's an option to consider.

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What if we tied that entire row of cars together as one unit so we could save cost on putting high end computers in each car? Give them their own dedicated lane because we will never have 100% fully autonomous cars on the road unless we make human drivers illegal.

I'll call my invention a train.

As we're on the FOSS community it's worth noting that ReVanced is a set of patches for the regular YouTube app.

It's still great though and I'd recommend if that doesn't bother you.

You can actually get Vulkan on GCN 1 and 2 cards through the AMDGPU driver set. It's just not enabled by default because support is in beta status limbo. YMMV though because a reason I remember upgrading from an R9 280 (HD 7950 refresh) was to get better driver support.

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I think they were saying that they could save space by converting their existing jpg files to avif or jpgXL, not converting to a 70% quality jpg. JpgXL can do this losslessly so there's no drawback there, but converting to avif would be a lossy to lossy transcode.

EDIT: I completely missed OP's last paragraph, which does say they are considering converting their existing jpg files into 70% jpgs.

Out of all the email clients I've tried, Thunderbird has been the only one that seems to fetch email the instant it comes in, as well as just being all around well featured. I haven't tried Betterbird but from the name I assume it's a fork of Thunderbird so it's probably good as well.

Qbittorrent will save downloads to the assigned category's folder instead of manually specifying the download location each time.

I want to try this one but my friends are on Windows.

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WatchParty works fine for watching YouTube together but uploading to your friends requires Chrome. I've also never been able to get video working with mkv files. Webm works but I've never seen a release in a webm container.

That may work on other websites but for logging into Twitch it does not.

AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake) was a fan recreation of Metroid 2 that got Cease and Desist'ed as well as DMCA'd on release. Notably Japan's copyright laws require you to aggressively protect your holdings or else have them forfeited.

The proprietary Nvidia driver has kernel modules that are specific to a single version of the Linux kernel. With pre-built packages that's typically whatever the standard kernel is for your distro. If that kernel isn't booted then you'll have no graphics driver.

This is solved by DKMS, which will build those kernel modules for every kernel you have installed. You'll need the kernel headers for the kernel you want to build for, as well as the nvidia-kernel-dkms package which the wiki you linked only offhandedly mentions. Whenever the kernel or driver updates it should build the required modules.

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I can't use Wayland until this xwayland Nvidia bug is fixed, which is a shame because I think that's the last thing holding Nvidia users back. I tried the new Plasma 6 recently and for the most part it was great until I tried gaming and hit that bug. I tried different older and newer beta driver versions but it was more or less the same bug.

Everything else is still there in regards to how posts are shown and sorted by votes, as well as people in general just liking humor. I don't think Lemmy is fundamentally any different in that trend.

I can recommend NOT getting a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen. It does not play well with Linux. It still can work but has issues.

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I've been messing about with NixOS for the past 2 weeks or so. While I think I know enough to plug in the right text in the right spots to get a system configured I feel like I understand nothing about the nix language and the syntax is extremely unintuitive to me. If another distro offered declarative configuration as well as something like Nix's options I would easily swap away from NixOS at this point.

Critical last straw for me was having shit Internet and windows updates eating literally all my bandwidth. Other reasons include privacy, ownership, etc. I was already familiar with Linux when I switched.

You can decode and view HDR files in SDR just fine but the Linux ecosystem just does not support HDR yet. It's being worked on though and Valve's Gamescope compositor has started getting HDR working in games.

AFAIK the problems are exclusive to the 3rd gen line.

The biggest thing was sometimes all output coming out as a distorted clipping mess, with nothing fixing it but a reboot. It was random and I can't tell why it happens. Other than that it's a lot of more minor stuff like the configuration software being Windows exclusive.

While Vendetta may still work for now, the devs have officially stopped working on Vendetta as of February 6th

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Try it without Steam running. Steam has it's whole input remapper that will only run "desktop mode" unless you launch a game through Steam.

Can you elaborate on what specifically makes ALSA bad, and what you mean by HAL audio drivers?

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The biggest thing was sometimes all output coming out as a distorted clipping mess, with nothing fixing it but a reboot. It was random and I can't tell why it happens. Other than that it's a lot of more minor stuff like the configuration software being Windows exclusive.

I haven't had an issue with the installers but I have had issues trying to get cracked games to run with their steam / epic emulators or undocumented .dll's that you need to override.