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Joined 1 years ago

No amount of exceptions and quirks will prevent you from learning any language as long as you have lots and lots of exposure. After your reach a certain base level you just keep improving as you use the language, and even the exceptions start to feel natural.

English is the only language other than my mother tongue I have achieved this level with. I'd like to think at least in writing it's indistinguishable from a native speaker. Theoretically tho German should be easier for me as I'm Dutch. But my German never reached the same level because of the difference in exposure

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Just don't go there anymore. If we all got on the same page and normalize boycotting corporations for the slightest reason we could hit them where it hurts; their profits. It's the only way we can fight back against corporate greed.. Use the capitalist system they have used to divide and conquer against them. Make them fear us.

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Well I mean he's interesting as a case study, his decisions have real world implications and it seems like he's on a path to a meltdown that many people would love to witness in real time

2 tier justice system. Although I can imagine a judge rationalizing being so endlessly patient with Trump out of fear of what might happen if they aren't.

Not that I would agree with the judge coming to such a decision in that way, but if Trump actually got arrested there's no telling what his base will do. Could be anything from local unrest to full blown civil war

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Yes can we do this

Can we bring back old memes from back when I was in the loop

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If anything Hamas is the product of the systematic marginalization and humiliation of the Palestinians

You might want to give Grayjay a try. It's a cross platform video app that lets you connect to people's YouTube accounts but also Nebula and other video platforms. Don't download it from the Play Store though, sideload the apk file directly from the website. I've only used it for YouTube so far but it lets you do the things you would have needed Vanced for before and I love it

Use a fork

How do people vote for cartoon villains

Well, I guess that means that as far as Valve knows I'll still be happily slaughtering zombies in L4D2 at the ripe old age of 130

I wonder if the servers will still be up

Can't really commit genocide with a UN official looking over your shoulder

What are the consequences of this

Like does this mean they could develop an app where you just have a library with all those nostalgic legacy games

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They look like they fight a lot, are addicted to something and have had a broken car in their front yard for the past 3 years

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And are a menace to society

All of our international organizations are useless because of too much veto power and no mechanism to throw countries out. I would love a coalition of reasonable countries that you can only be part of it you have a functioning democracy and respect the rule of law

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Even before reading the post I knew immediately which song it is. I've seen it added ironically to many videos of Russians dying alone and cold in a bomb crater somewhere in a field in Ukraine

It seems one needs to raise twins with a healthy dose of individuality or risk them becoming emotionally stunted in their development and being overly dependent on one another. Weirdly, this is the second time I've seen a video of Australian twins who are way too in to it

When Serbia started their campaign in Kosovo, NATO bombed the shit out of them until they stopped.

I'm not saying we should be bombing Israel but the double standard is painful to watch

My PC used to do this. I would pull the plug sometimes in order to prevent it from happening

This election is going to be wild

Actually no, but I'll try as soon as I have the opportunity. Thanks for the advice!

At this point a dismissal of anything by Israel makes it more credible, not less

And a full retreat from the West Bank as well

Similar stories about whooping cough and measles made the news in the Netherlands as well. Although in addition to blaming Covid here it was also pointed out that some people fail to see the importance of traditional vaccines because they've been so successful, nobody knows anymore how dangerous and debilitating such diseases can be

They are on borrowed time. Chinese economic growth is investment based and now they've built enough condos to house their entire (huge) population twice. This will ruin the value of houses, which is where ordinary Chinese have their savings. Coupled with their poorly thought out demographic policy this will cause an insane crisis as the life savings of elderly Chinese evaporate while they don't have the working population to recover from this. There's this guy Peter Zeihan on YouTube who explains it better than I can. He expects China to be done within a decade.

I'm just wondering if they will attempt to invade Taiwan before that happens. They might not even be able to but with Xi completely out of touch with reality they might anyways

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Mr. Poopy Butthole

The Slavic languages are interesting but I don't know a lot about them. It must be amusing to be aware of the various levels of mutual intelligibility. Do you know any jokes Eastern Europeans make about this among themselves?

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May the Lord open

The entire World is in a dire position with climate change and all that. The USA turning inwards to settle it's culture war will have global ramifications. It's already happening

Skip it across a lake

There is only so much space on a protest sign, I'm not even sure what they actually mean. I'll just explain what it means to me.

I just want civil rights for the Palestinians. Everyone deserves to be represented by a sovereign government. The Palestinians are denied this right by Israel. Israel has not made a good faith attempt in decades to resolve this, because it's incompatible with their goal of taking all the land for themselves. Driving the Palestinians off of their land is not a solution, that's ethnic cleansing. The Palestinians should be allowed to live on their ancestral land.

A solution could take the shape of two independent states, a single unitary state or some kind of federal construction as a middle ground. I don't even care which solution they agree to, they'd have to figure that out among themselves. But if they opt for a two state solution those 700.000 colonists need to fuck off out of the West Bank. The Oslo accords dictate which areas belong to whom in a two state solution.

If the Israelis don't want this they need to accept a solution where the Palestinians are represented in the government of all of Israel. I suppose in a way you could say that would be the end of Israel as we know it, but that doesn't mean they'd have to leave. They would just need to accept that they live in a multi-ethnic country. UN peacekeepers would likely have to hang around for decades.

I don't see any fair solution that isn't somewhat disadvantageous to Israel, but they kinda brought this on themselves.

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I just cover the table in it and spread the fries on top. Fewer dishes to wash

Blessed be the fruit

It's completely unwatchable with voice dubs isn't it? I don't get how anyone puts up with it

I've had family tell me The Emperor's New Groove is actually great with Dutch dubs but the title in Dutch just translates to "Emperor Cuzco". No one is gonna convince me most jokes don't get lost in translation when the first time it happens is in the title!

She is such an idiot, I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't also a completely insufferable person

Thank you for your elaborate response. Hamas is the inevitable result of what happens when you drive people off their land and lock generations of them up in a radicalization farm. Now they can't be reasoned with anymore. It's a monster that Israel created and later fed and exploited in some kind of divide-and-conquer strategy. Now they're dealing with the mess this got them into. This is why I assign Israel most of the responsibility, although the rest of the West is also to blame for supporting them.

I don't think Hamas would exist much longer if Israel were to commit to lasting peace in good faith. Or maybe they would transition towards a peaceful political movement, kinda like what happened with the IRA. The Palestinians would need help to get organized tho. Fatah taking over in Gaza seems like a reasonable first step.

I suppose you deserve some elaboration on the sign you were referring to in your initial comment. 'Palestine' could mean the West Bank and Gaza or that + all the territories that are currently considered legitimately Israeli. It's impossible to tell what she means and I don't really care.

I wouldn't walk away from attending a demonstration if I saw this sign. People are understandably upset and gravitate towards powerful short statements. I'm sure this girl doesn't wish harm on anyone innocent. Neither do I, but I do feel like Israel should be forced into one of the two solutions I listed in my previous comment if they don't work something out with the Palestinians on their own initiative. If that means the end of Israel as we know it so be it. They'd still be allowed to live in the area peacefully if it were up to me and I don't care if that country would be called Israel or Palestine

It's obvious when you say it like that. I don't like the idea of some prompt hacker looking at memes I sent to my coworker

Blessed be the fruit

Imagine MTG pulling the strings of this shit show

A slice of pear might work. Or even apple but you'd have to fry it first