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Sysadmin - can confirm.

Have a VP wanting to ram a newly acquired Europe entity through a migration and I am just yelling in every meeting about regulations. No one gives a shit so I’m just making them sign everything they say. CYA in full deployment.

I just watched it and I kind of disagree. I haven’t seen this version of a pandemic episode yet - anger being the virus.

All of us were angry if doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do.

I thought it was a good episode.

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This will be buried but it’s my take on it and whatever…

So I was Army for a while - away from the wife and kid (at the time only one now I’m up to 2 I’m winning life) and it boils down to two separate issues: can the husband deal or the wife.

Men take a ton of shit going through military service so having solid ground back home is like winning the lottery. You never think it’s going to happen, you get excited it might, but it never does. I’m not dogging women in this at all but we are all just humans who want comfort in some way.

So I approach this from the woman’s side. She wants to know that’s her man. Only hers no one else’s. That’s the hero she married and cameras ain’t gonna make a shit stain difference in it. But she’s still scared so she asks for it.

Young men don’t have brains lol. We don’t think we just do. And I approach this with several years of learning from my mistakes. Which this man didn’t have. Yet. Hopefully now he does.

It’s easier to paint the woman the villain for not “supporting the ‘hero’” (yes that’s double quotes cause signing a paper is easy as hell) but to marry someone and just decided to leave… that’s not how the army works or any military branch for that matter.

Sounds to me like the man had a kid, decided that’s not the life he wanted, fucked that life up and here we are. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but… here we are.

In the deepest pits of my soul - I hate you. I haven’t thought of that in 10 years damn it.

I really liked the Yakuza games. They’ve improved a lot over the years, the story is engaging, and there’s tons of fun side stuff to do. Although the audio is all in Japanese, so you have to read subtitles.

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The good: you can rely on me. If I say I’m going to do something or be somewhere, I always see it through.

The bad: I don’t sleep. Not healthy and bad for your brain.

The ugly: the amount of beer I go through in a week has increased exponentially since 2020 and I kinda don’t want to lower it back down.

Before the pandemic and everything I was a social drinker, would go to a bar once a week, hang out with pals and have a few, Uber home and all good. Once I lost being able to go out I lost most of my buddies too. I still have my friends, the close ones, and we all relied on each other to make it through the isolation but none of them live here any longer so being social and going out isn’t something I get to do anymore sadly. That and the crushing knowledge of all the people who died kinda has me not making great choices.

Sorry probably over shared there at the end.

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No joke. I still have mine from back in the day and I took notes on this shit and still have no idea what it’s about.

In my experience as a veteran with PTSD - not really. The only difference I can tell between my PTSD and someone who has family trauma from my therapy group is veterans want to hide from it - I did for a long time. It took an immense amount of support and love from my family to finally seek out therapy, and even then I still have outbursts every now and then. They are fewer for sure but it’s something I’m going to be living with for the rest of my life.

It will take a lot of patience if you want to get involved with him, and even more support at times. I can’t speak for every veteran though we are all different and everyone’s experiences differ in ways.

Hope this helps.

Have you played Judgement? It was supposed to be the successor to Yakuza.

For sure and good looking out!

Nah the not sleeping thing is just a norm for me. Always has been since I was a kid.

I don’t think either. I enjoy doing it and it doesn’t cause anything negative in my life (currently), although I know the potential later down the road to my health.

Thanks for your kindness - we need more in the world.

Thanks mate. I’m working on it and the first step is realizing you have a problem so I’ve got that behind me.

Another note - how long was your lockdown? I think I finally went back to “normal” the middle of 2022 but I stopped going everywhere in a mask (unless I have a cough or sneeze or something) the start of this year.

Just that it’s fairly similar across other industries. It’s a pretty common thread in most industries when people try to force things through without planning properly.

Also I wasn’t ranting about other industries, just making a note that it occurs everywhere. Profit for profit sake has made a lot of industries worse, including the gaming industry.

Edit: do you think QA/QC and development work only occurs in the gaming industry?

I have and am. Right now it’s not terrible. At peak I was averaging a 750 ml bottle of vodka every four days. I think my cap with beer right now is like 5 a night. A hand over fist improvement.

I’ve tried a lot of different drugs for different things - anxiety, depression, etc and I’ve found I’m much happier when I just work hard. I’ve taken to exercising regularly and having a physical project twice a week and it takes my mind off it, makes me tired, and I look forward to going to bed.

Obviously we are all massively different as people and we all deal with all our own things but I am taking steps to rein it in. I just still drink more than I want to is all. More a complaint than anything terribly scary.

Thanks for your advice! Keep being kind. We need more kind people.

I got called back in after “essential employees” became a thing during Covid. I’d been out for 3 days remote work. A month later everyone got called back.

When they found out I’d been back nearly a month before them they asked why I had to come back in.

“How do you know you have slaves if you can’t see them?”

It fails downwards. And I know that doesn’t make sense but when you push something through as fast as possible everything below it falters.

QA is garbage, QC is garbage, development becomes garbage because of those fast timelines because something has to be cut. You can’t do everything you need to do with shorter timelines - and that’s where it becomes “in the name of profit”.

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