9 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Welcome! So the way Lemmy works is similar to how Reddit works. There are communities where people make posts and discuss telated topics. These communities can be as specific as a fandom for a certain book, movie, or video game, or as general as any meme that gets a giggle out of you. Luckily I am on jerboa too, so in the bottom left of the page there should be a magnifying glass that will let you search for any community you want. The majority of users here are pretty tech savvy, so the Linux and programming related communities are pretty active. Join the ones you like, block the ones you don't like. You can also change the posts you are browsing to see only posts from communities you are Subscribed to, to Local which is only communities in the server you made your account on, and All which is anything and everything. Be prepared to see a lot of NSFW if you browse by all. Have fun and if you have any more questions, I'm sure anyone will be willing to help how they can and recommend new communities. I'm a big fan of Non-Credible Defence, but it is definitely not for everyone

I try to make something that looks good (or at least doesn't look like random static) by running pictures I've taken through audio editing software. There are some extra steps that go into it to "trick" the program into importing the picture as if it were a sound file, making sure the header (information that tells your computer that this is a picture) doesn't get fucked with, and then exporting the data in a way that it will be saved as a picture and not an mp3 or something else.

On the rare occasion I do bring it up, I can literally watch people's eyes glaze over. Until I show them a picture

Edit: internet is really bad right now, will reply with an image when I can

Edit2: picture was too big at 7MB. Hopefully a screenshot of the picture doesn't look too bad

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"We have investigated ourselves and have found we have done nothing wrong."

It is not diabetes. There is a pro fighting game (Guilty Gear and Street Fighter) player called Marn that has HS Purpura. Is causes the blood vessels in your skin to get inflamed and bleed, and there was probably a secondary infection happening at the same time.

Whang! on YouTube has a pretty good video where he looks into this and gives more details

Edit: either HS Purpura or PLEVA

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Just a quick question, why? Is it because Take2 or Rockstar will come after anyone that they think copied their code, or are there a lot of bad practices used in GTA5's code?

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Those are some... Very interesting tools you have there. Big fan of the scissors that are actually just a copper pipe

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I have a bookmark saved on my computer at home to an old forum with the instructions I followed when I started doing this, and I can send that link later.

There are two programs that I use, and both are free.

GIMP - image editing software

Audacity - audio editing software

Here is the basic process from that bookmarked forum post that I can remember off the top of my head. If something is wrong (especially the Audacity import settings, since I don't ever change them), I will fix it later.

  1. In GIMP (or other software of your choice) convert the image to a bitmap (.bmp). This step is very important!

  2. Use the option to import raw data as A-law with "little endian" (I have no idea what those setting do, but I assume it's for keeping the header intact)

  3. Change the timeline in Audacity from time to samples and select everything after the 34th sample to edit and add effects (samples 1-34 are the information that tells your computer that this is a picture CHANGING ANYTHING IN THE HEADER WILL STOP YOU FROM OPENING THE IMAGE AFTER THE EDIT)

  4. Export the audio using the raw data option, selecting A-law again. This should re-save the "audio" as a bitmap image as it will not add an audio file header to the data.

I believe the blue parking garage image uses reverb, or maybe a phasor... possible both to get that effect? But there are a lot of setting to mess with for each audio effect that can dramatically change the outcome. The trees picture was made by putting the original picture in the left audio channel, and putting a horizontally flipped copy of the image in the right audio channel. Delete the header from the flipped copy, and exporting the data smashes them together in this really strange mirror effect. Afterward, I would use GIMP for any color correcting, changing saturation/hue, simple stuff

Edit: spelling and formatting

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Fan of music huh? Name every song

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Please don't have microtransactions

Please don't have microtransactions

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I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

Just in case you are still curious, and I don't see any actual answers here. The download provided is all the code for the game engine and everything else that would be going on in the background of the game. Anything that could be copyrighted by Nintendo (things like character and object models, textures, music, and environments) need to come from a totally legit dump from an official Nintendo cartridge and definitely not any ol' .rom file you can download online

Literally me getting 90% of my world news from Non-Credible Defence

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Yep, just did it

Very unpleasant, basically just high pitched static. 1/10 wouldn't recommend

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Wasn't one of the main selling points for the EGS that there would be strict quality control so only "good games" would be on this store? And now it will be filled to the brim with the worst shovelware anyone has ever seen.

That is, if this will actually happen. I feel like Sweeney found a couple of seconds away from Epic's lawyers and is talking out of his ass

Success is the best revenge

You will definitely need a PC for PS3 and 360 emulation. The website for RPCS3 and Xenia should have the system requirements for the emulators that will be a good place to start.

I have had the thought about trying to make money off of this, and some friends have joked that I should be making album art or something like that.

However, I don't want to feel like I have to meet a deadline or feel the pressure of making something that someone else wants/likes. I just want to make something I like

Most of the time I don't have a plan of what I want out of something. Sometimes I can get something that looks interesting or cool right away, other times I have hundreds of files trashed over a couple of days and there's not a single one that I personally liked

"Hyperracist neo-reactionary"

That's new to me, I'm going to have to remember that for later

Article 5 again? Is this old, or did something new happen to Poland?

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"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech." Lmao

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I'm running out quickly and need more!

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Used to work with a guy who was fully convinced he had like a 90% chance of winning a fight bare handed with a mountain lion. 100% if he has a pocket knife...

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Ok, that's what I thought you meant by the original comment but I wanted to make sure.


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That can't be a present if I take it from you

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Spiderman 64 starts off exactly how you describe the game you remember. There is a tutorial, you stop a bank robbery, and then you have to save J Jonah Jameson by fighting Scorpion. Looked up some videos of the Scorpion fight, but it doesn't look like he has a grab attack.

It was released on the Nintendo 64 in 2000. Not sure how different the ports are, but the game was ported to the PC in 2001, and to Mac in 2002.