2 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Kbin actually does let you look at and browse microblogs as well as threads.

I got the vibe that they were intentionally trying to parody incel language to point out the cameraman/someone else in the video was a creep but the comment section to this post makes me doubtful.

It's definitely intentional that half of the #prices have #69 in it right?

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They're deleting all their comments. They clearly no longer care.

Sure but the messages might just be enough for them to decide Reddit is no longer profitable enough.

If you're genuinely hurt, tell that to her. I'm sure she didn't intend to do so and will probably be more careful when speaking about you. With that said, you're definitely overthinking this and should promise let it go after that.

It still boosts their stats up.

Isn't that more akin to instances having "social" in their name?

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You'd have to be really clear about what you mean by "perfect".

If we count clothes as objects then each time they teleport they'd be butt naked with their underwear on their head.

Depending on how long you can hold your breath it might give you some extra time to think.

What are you angry at?

I feel like the message here was more that the remaining userbase were bigots and there wasn't anything worthwhile there.

I was a fairly new user. It was mostly because it was a popular platform so sometime during the quarantine I just started exploring it.

I feel like blocking someone should just make your content dissappear for them.

Well, after messing around a little, Kbin seems to be able to do both. I can #follow your PeerTube #user or #subscribe to your #channel. Interestingly, PeerTube seems to allow you to create multiple channels under a username which is kinda similar to Kbin's #collections or Mastodon's #lists.

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Yeah, I believe Ernest had some serious irl issues come up and had to take a step back from development, which slowed progress down massively. But ever since he got back, he's been working really hard to #fix the major #issues and make the instance easier to use.


That's for stuff like r/Ukraine which is important to keep people up to date on real life events.

Got it! Thanks.
Btw, do you know if I see content from my favorited collections in my sub feed?

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Can you actually #access PeerTube #content from other #instances? As a Kbin user, I can see both Lemmy threads and Mastodon microblogs and I know Mastodon users can tag Lemmy (and maybe also Kbin) magazines to make threads there. Is there a way to interact with PeerTube like that?

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From what I understand, the copyright is exclusively Reddit's.

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Wha'¿ why!

@ernest Could you maybe allow us to have different options for the thread and microblog feed?

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Maybe you could include some recommendations on carrying over content/followers. Especially if there're bots to do it.

Actually, I'm quite fond of this #account-#channel formation. It lets people have different channels for different content. Like how some YouTubers have a main channel and a second channel with low quality videos or how some streamers have a VODs channel.

Well, I haven't been that active today but I haven't encountered any issues yet so things seem to be going well, at least for me.

Are you trying to deny the existence of Monogamy?

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Yeah, I guess if they're constantly harassing you under your threads/microbologs/comments you can just report them and get them banned.

Nobody in this thread seems to have mentioned #Kbin. It's an instance that aims to combine the #microblog structure of instances like Mastodon with the thread structure of instances like Lemmy.

Ah, I never even thought about that. That's quite the handy #feature. Thanks for the #info @Damaskox!

Yeah but mail isn't perfectly defining services either since last I checked FedEx didn't let you share links.

Although, I don't know the answer to #2, I do know a slight workaround. If you enable previews, the photos should apper at the bottom of the post in full size.
Edit: It's called auto media preview and it's shows up when you click the settings bar on the bottom of the page.

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As someone who's already learning German, do you know of servers dedicated to that?

Great! I'm dying from excitement since today I'm gonna have a session of a campaign game I play with my friends.

How often is your data stolen?

Sorry but if you can't think for yourself and just believe people, that makes you stupid.

Can you send an invitation link?

#Kbin actually handles this really well. Whenever it detects 2 of the same #thread (at least that's how I think it works), it'll group them and only show one of the threads on your feed. If you click on it, right under the thread will be the other #cross-posted threads on other magazines, each of which has its own upvote/downvote and comment count. You can click on any of those threads to switch to a certain magazine's thread and see the #comments there. Also, when you comment, it only goes to the thread you currently have open.

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Great to hear!