Contextual Idiot

1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just don’t get it.

Block the c/TheDonald community. That’s it. That’s all you need to do.

When it gets no visits, no views, and only it’s handful of users meme-ing each other, it’ll die. One of the big reasons TheDonald took off on Reddit was because of all the attention it got.

So, don’t give them attention. Don’t feed the trolls.

I’m not saying to tolerate neo-nazis. But running from them isn’t exactly a time proven strategy, either. They will exist, and it’s up to all of us to remind them that their views are garbage.

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Get 2 smaller stones. Put them down in front of the boulder. As you push the boulder up, kick the stones along with it, so that the stones would hold the boulder in place for you. Get to the top, and get hit by lightning from angry gods for your impudence.

OP has the spirit, at least.

That said, malicious compliance is definitely the way. Use the mod tools provided by the website, and when that leads to massive amounts of shitposts staying up for hours/days, then change to having posts be approved by the mods. While continuing to use the mod tools to do so. Hopefully it will make the admins have to take the time to "help" with moderation, since the mods will no longer be able to keep up.

I use the Medisafe app on Android to keep track of my prescriptions. It will remind you to take it on whatever schedule you set. You can also set it to remind you to refill when you have X amount of pills remaining, with X being whatever amount you choose. It's free, and you don't have to sign up for anything either.

I find it hilarious how he spilled the beans on how much the API has costed Reddit.

Huffman’s gripe is that some of these apps make millions every year using Reddit’s data, and the company has to bear infrastructure costs of up to $10 million every year, he told The Verge.

And so, he thinks he can charge a single app, Apollo, twice that amount? And what about the rest of the apps, I haven't heard how much they would have had to pay. It's absolutely reasonable for Reddit to try to recoup some or all of that cost for the API. I recall Apollo's creator Christian Selig saying he wasn't against paying for access, but it had to be reasonable. This just cements why he's doing this. To kill the 3rd party apps.

TLDR: fuck u/spez.

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I think it's the description that's confusing. These hackers are getting in and writing their own prescriptions from the way it sounds. They then fill these prescriptions at regular pharmacies, or sell the prescriptions for a buyer to then get filled.

Can't read the whole article though without signing up, so maybe it's something different.

5 updoots says the rail companies were responsible for the upkeep on the bridge.

Report and downvote any bots you find. We all need to do our part to get rid of this scum.

Meditation when I remember to do it, but the real game changer for me has been floatation therapy. And combining the two by doing guided meditation while I float is amazing and leaves me feeling a high that lasts for hours afterward.

For those wondering what floatation therapy is, you enter a large tub of super salty water and lay down. Because of all the salt, you will float instead of sink to the bottom. The one I go to lets you control the lighting and allows you to listen to different sounds or music, or some guided meditation. I usually turn the lights off, float, and let the guided meditation relax my body and my mind.

You know, it's exchanges like this that make me love Lemmy. This wouldn't happen on Reddit, unless you're in some tiny niche subreddit. Kudos to the both of you, a good apology and a good acceptance of it.

Please Lemmy, I want some more actual human interactions.

I like to believe that spez has a room, down in his bunker, that is full to the tits with freeze dried dicks. Just bag after bag jammed in there so tight that the door pops open and they spill out. The door is probably labeled “Steve’s Num-Nums.”

And every night, spez sneaks down there to eat a bag of freeze dried dicks.

I don't think spez cares about what kind of content gets posted, as long as something is getting posted. As evidenced by the glacial response to dealing with problem subreddits. This is also why he's going to force the subs to reopen at all costs. He needs those posts being made, and he needs the users and lurkers to view those posts for the ad revenue. It's also what will allow Reddit's competition to eat spez's lunch. Quantity is easy these days. But users will follow the quality.

Create a mask of the Lemmy logo and wear it.

I want to see spez on the stand, having to answer why he did this. Should be good for a laugh.

and dedicate it to the worship of our disney duck overload

I refuse to believe this was a typo.

Who wants to bet Sony will shoehorn in a PSN requirement just to play a single player game?

Oh wait, it says so right on the requirements image in the lower right corner. Colour me shocked.

This is a beautiful song.

This hardly counts as a teaser, do they have nothing else to show yet? Isn't it supposed to be released next year?