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Joined 11 months ago

Love some diver Dave, and balto.

1 more...

Stardew valley, Midnight sun, diver Dave, persona 5

Jesus, how many years have the courts had to ponder if he is immune. At least 7? And you still don't have a fucking answer and we still going to let him hold this shit up with the same old bullshit.

Why doesn't it go the other way. Sorry dude you don't get in any ballots till you're cleared of insurrection.

Why don't we rage and protest like the French ,why is it always so acceptable that those in power never face consequences...

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And yet all these people calling in threats will never face consequences.

22 more...

Now do forced arbitration clauses?

AH malicious compliance l, the best kind!

Just... The one?

Nothing about the other bribe taking/ appointed by him judges. The majority of the judges should refuse themselves if they had any ethics.

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Is that a William Dafoe Klingon bird of prey?

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I probably would have bought it already if it wasn't for the price, the difficulty deleting your one save slot to try all classes and the micro transactions on fast travel.

2 out of 3 of those are bad publisher decisions /greed. You have to wonder if the loss of customers is worth the higher cost and micro transactions.

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One of those running games and yoga?

Wow kinda bogus that the news needs to call this out and contact the local government. Stop snitching and let these people live.

You can't tell me these people are some drug addicts, they are obviously high functioning and society has failed them....

Wooo let's pick a leader which we have to bet if they die or not in office.

How much longer are boomers going to death grip power.

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Wonder how his visit to the old folks who won't retire home went?

Awful lot of extra words for "terrorists".

Because that's exactly what they are threatening, doxing, death threat, shooting up clubs hell even tried to attack the FBi and of course the attempt to overthrow the government..... Literally the most successful terrorist there ever was and we still won't call it at face value for what the maga group is....

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Nah the number is too low, he "misspent" wayyyy more than that on himself and his cronies.


Optimistic of you, that we will get our shit together and get there. Can't even mask to save millions....

Fuck your god, he doesn't exist and doesn't make you above the law or give anyone person the right to be beyond reproach.

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For fuck sake.... This cannot be the first time someone trolls the court. So anytime sometime happens just make a fake account to plant doubt and go for a mistrial. Like 5mins and a VPN and anyone can get off Scott free if you can afford a lawyer to move for a mistrial. Like fuck this shit.

Stop giving this man outs, stop making a joke of the justice system.

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While I'm extremely happy, I'm exhausted and lost all faith that he will be held accountble for anything.

He will appeal on others money and then somehow all the republicans in there twisted hate of their fellow Americans will somehow get him elected and then he will wipe all punishments for him and all his other insurrectionists. Start a civil war, destroy any progress on saving the planet start ww3 or nuclear war...

I used to be optimistic now I'm depressed as the ruling class burns us all to the ground

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Welp that's sad and disappointing.

Did a quick Google and it looks like while there is a statue it was extended in 2019 to 20 years for second degree and 10 for third degree, with no limits in incest and first degree. It was 5yrs for second and third which was wildly inadequate imo.

When you have a kid they charge the kid and the mom for delivery. Like literally you are born into debt.... this country is fucked up dystopia

In the US I want to know how many people die from insurance, dragging their feet, or denying things your Dr. Thinks is necessary or just how much worse you gotten waiting for "pre-authorization".

I'm sure all the cancer patients who wait 2 to 4 weeks to get their insurance to approve or deny caused a ton of harm. Let's not mention if your insurance only covers one hospital and you needlessly need to only be stabilized and then shipped there to get any treatment further delaying care.

Why isn't it documented how many people insurances kill or cause greater harm too, with their nonmedical opinion.

Not to mention reducing the capacity of our physicians who have to waste hours fighting denials or doing peer to peers with a doctor in the wrong field.

I bet it would be hundreds of thousands of deaths....

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Nice to see a studio head be so candid

Too far from what dragon age should be....

Bring back the origins style. Looks bland and boring hack and slash

Rape and murder have no statue of limitations I thought.

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They are chipping away with our any revolts so you know I doubt they think we will do anything .

They literally don't give a shit what we think unless we are donating massive amounts of money. We don't live in a democracy anymore

Looks amazing congratulations!

Is there a guide for dummies you'd recommend. PVR and etc are unknown terms for me. I used to torrent under vpn but that was in the Limewire days.... hoping for some help in the safest ways to return to the seas.

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Annnnnnd the party of law and order will want to do something about this right? RiiiiIiightt?

Terrorism is to drive change and action through the threat of terror/fear etc.

He's not in jail, his blinded followers barely got punished for the severity of their crimes and we are all sitting here talking about if it's democratic to not put him in the ballot and fucking contemplating the very real prospect of a "one day dictator"

What other terrorist group has driven so much change in their favor? Do we all think Binladin was maybe on to something? How about ISIS ..?

He is closest to really overthrowing this whole ship, unless maybe we all vote for the oldest president there ever was....

We are on a knifes edge and it's fucking horrifying and baffling. This isn't 2020 we all know the "it will never happen" thoughts of trump getting elected were wrong and we shouldn't delude ourselves with thinking this will never happen either..... The highest court in the land is stacked and taking bribes now openly with no consequences, our past president almost assuredly sold nuclear secrets and still lives and allowed to fuck this whole country.... What higher power do you think is soundly going to hold people accountable and uphold the law, cause I don't see it.

Not wholy true, he might not be able to sell his stocks but he can take out loans against them for money.

It's the Buy, Borrow, Die Strategy, and how they avoid taxes as well. He's not poor he doesn't need to grift and he has all the liquid money he could ever need for a thousand life times...

Why? What the hyper fixations on forcing people to give birth, caua it's not religion...

The only way I can make it make sense is the ruling class wants more babies for the orphan crushing machine, and religion is the only thin viel they have for it. Cause we can't /don't want to torture our children with these conditions and they refuse to fix the cause so fuck it let screw women and the less fortunenet. So we can have more poverty workers to grind thankless jobs for no pay.

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Uh huh like they don't all follow each other in their cost cutting.

Way less than the police waste on unnecessary military equipment.

Sadly as a past resident of Wisconsin referendum votes are nonbinding and the Republican held house and Senate ignore them and the people of Wisconsin.

If it wasn't the case they would have had legal cannabis long ago.

The gerrymandered state is so frustrating and is barely resisting a further descent into regressive policy by a decent governor.

Not falsely claimed... Lied ... He lied about x/everything

Can't wait to hang out with my favorite dick on wheels!

In Russia you do, or at least you pretend that the people are getting a choice through voting.

I'd be curious to sign up if the paid version wasn't search capped.

I search a lot of random stuff or typo etc I feel like I'd burn through the allowance in 2 weeks