1 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A bad dude.


Something seems off on this but I can’t put my finger on it. Looks AI generated.

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Nothing of value has been lost

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As soon as she said small crowd size and low energy people leaving early he lost it lol

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Jimmy pesto would go to the insurrection lol

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I get this completely. This is nothing new for France, they have been blocking Christians from wearing crosses and Jews from wearing kippah's for a very long time, it's only reasonable that the Muslim population gets treated equally. Schools should remain completely secular, I am in complete agreement with France there.

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Imagine how much better space x and Tesla would run without this idiot.

It was a steel ball. They recreated the event with the same guy at the delivery event, but this time with a baseball and the dude gave it the most obvious limp wristed toss, it was incredibly cringe I highly recommend you seek that clip out because it’s absolutely hilarious.

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This is batshit crazy. Fuck the police state.

The article title says china is hoarding the worlds gold, yet the us owns the most by a very large margin...

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Bear, lion, house cat even, pretty much anything that could eat a regular person could eat a vegan.

Oh to be young again. This is fairly new. The old standard size was 2 of these together, a square.

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That’s honestly really impressive. Good for them.

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I would throw that app on a burner phone and leave it plugged in 24-7 in a desk.

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France and the UK really have gone to hell in a hand basket. Dystopian bullshit. No wonder they are rioting.

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Believe it or not in the USA it’s actually based off of self compliance in the USA. There is no specific government body that has a standardized test that they have to pass to be made legal. The manufacture gets to make that decision themselves, then if there is an issue that the government finds later they can be pulled from the road.

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This is so fake lol obvious troll

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This is how we learn to make more secure software.

If you’re that scared you have no business being a cop. What a fucking idiot thinks he got shot too.

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Who even wants this? What good is it? I see no use case.

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Left reddit and won't look back. I like it here more already. Great community. Everyone here just wants it to work so bad and is being very patient through growing pains. Love you guys and fuck reddit!

This guy gets it.

IR blaster in phones

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His reasoning for wanting to do this is so bad and clearly a racist dog whistle; everyone should be able to like things that they would be ashamed to like publicly with their name attached!

This might be the last straw for me to cancel prime.

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Sounds like that’s by design. If they all wanna sell prices come down on that front as well. Sounds like it should be capped at 2 percent to me.

Lmfao I love how all that musk brings to the table is driving electric cars.

Tell me about it. Useless. The whole start menu is fucked honestly. Can’t ever find anything you’re looking for. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT BING WEB SEARCH RESULTS HERE!?!?

Homeschool is so creepy and weird.

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Insane how many commies there are in here that are praising a terrorist attack on civilians all because Israel bad. Israel isn't perfect but they sure as hell are a lot better than a bunch of wack ass Muslim extremist terrorists.

It's insane how many commies are in here praising a terrorist attack on civilians because Israel bad.

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Sounds awesome. Bring it on. Less people is better fuck the infinite growth economy

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That's because it is getting worse. No one believes the bullshit that it's getting better. It's fake news.

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Pretty unenforceable/unlikely to ever even get caught though.

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CarPlay is the truth. All that built in shit is utter trash.

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Where else would the punctuation go except inside the quote? If you are quoting the end of a sentence then wouldn’t it make sense to have it there? Having the quote stop then just having a period floating in the abyss at the end would not only look stupid but defeat the point of the quote!

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If you find crimes worthy of putting any of them in prison then do it. Dont threaten us with a good time.

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They are already dead. (Infected) Better to kill then now and not risk even more birds life.

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Bend over and Get fucked

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