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Joined 1 years ago

My dad broke up with his girlfriend, and was telling me this plan about fucking with her disability benefits, because she had gone for plastic surgery or some shit. He found this out from stalking her call logs.

I remember just pacing back and forward in my apartment trying to reason with him on the phone. "Dad, you can't do this kind of stuff.."

I talked him down, told him I loved him, and will always love him.

I don't know if it was the next day, but the next time we spoke on the phone he went right back into the same mindset. I couldn't handle it. Sometime after the call I sent a pretty harsh message that I didn't want to be involved with him. Haven't spoken to him since.

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Didn't the Prophet Muhammad like... fuck a 12 year old?

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So I don't know or care enough to go trying to understand and quote books, but here's a shia forum full of people refering to age 9 sexual maturity for girls.

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I get the impression Google is trying to transition Maps into a social media platform.

I picked up a sport this year. People are surprisingly friendly.

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*me not knowing how to bring up bad news"

While consummating marriage with Aisha is indefensible, it is also on bar with religions and historical realities.

Why call it indefensible, and then go onto defend it?

Someone call the cops people are expressing opinions

Spoken like someone that's never seen a woman's restroom.

I hate this "You need to understand and tolerate where their bigiotry is coming from" bullshit. How about no?

In the past she was Islamophobic. Now that she's Muslim she's projecting hate onto white people? Seems like she's just a bigot.

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So did he actually groom them? Because the way this is written it sounds like he asked them their age, and then waited for them to be legal, which is creepy, but I wouldn't call it grooming.

In the CNN article I read they say musk was specifically asked to expand the network for the operation. It seems like a weird spin.

I really just prefer genuine content personally. We don't need to astroturf the site.

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I don't care enough to remember the details, but the protest caused a hit to Reddit's advertising.

My personal expectation is Lemmy is going to pull more of the nerd crowd, and it'll end up a better place for questions, but we'll see.

This is such bullshit. It doesn't cost millions of dollars to add new plumbing, HVAC, and interior walls.

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This shit confuses me. Iroh was a war general, aside from that like... what makes him masculine? Ozai is tyranical, but that's not a trait limited to men, so again I don't really get it.

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And people can criticize that choice.

In the reflection it looks like he was turning super low. That's pretty dangerous since your body will swing out horizontal during the turn, and then you can slam into the ground as you swing back.

He shouldn't have been that close to homes in the first place though, I assume they must have really fucked up, and he didn't have a safe spot to land.

What kind of user experience issues are you facing on windows?

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Okay... So correct me if I'm wrong, but being abused as a child is like... one of the biggest predictors of becoming a pedophile. So like... Should we preemptively go after these people? You know... To protect the kids?

How about single parents that expose their kids to strangers when dating. That's a massive vector for kids to be exposed to child abuse.

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Cool data point, but 7% doesn't feel significant to me.

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My assumption would be the purpose is to shame people.

Playing with crystals doesn't make you magic.

I laughed 🤣


That's funny!

I don't think this really applies to a prophet of god. What kind of god forbids bacon, but leaves friggen pedophilia on the table?

Social sciences, and dictionaries are two seperate things. No one is arguing that dictionaries replace social sciences, what people are saying is the common definition still stands.

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Kid gloves for white people; violence for natives.

Umm... I'm not sure how to approach this, because I'm pretty sure people don't care about the facts and just want to push whatever political narrative, but here:

Also man... The freedom convoy was removed, had their accounts frozen, officers that donated to the convoy were disciplined, and docked pay. At the time I compared it against a pipeline protest by native people, and they were both removed in equal time.

Remember Occupy Wallstreet? Go google Occupy Wallstreet Kettling, and tell me how "handled with kitty gloves" people are.

The thing I can't stand about all of this is Natives recieve tons of support, and recognition in Canada. Like dude. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, and I'm not saying there isn't generational trauma, and other issues, but just as a matter of fact, in Canada under law Natives aren't given less, they're given more.

But fuck reality eh.

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Just to save you some headache, the people arguing racism requires power structures are Marxists, they view everything through class structures, and don't acknowledge that racism can occured at the level of individuals.

As you already know, there is knowledge beyond the confines of the dictionary

Yet dictionaries still exist, and their definitions don't become invalid just because you want to avoid criticism.

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Dude how are you going to regulate AI?!!

Like by all means go after people harming others, but man... You realize you have no control right? Black markets THRIVE in this world. Like fuck, they can't even keep drugs out of prison.

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Right, but then you wouldn't be able to dismiss OPs concerns. OP wasn't talking about systemic racism, they were talking about the common understanding of racism.

The purpose is to muddy the waters.

Boys will be boys is something frequently said by mothers. But of course that's fact doesn't fit the "patriarchy" narrative.

Fucking an adult, and a teenager are not the same thing.

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This makes me happy! I've been working to re-engage my skepticism, and called this one!

With all due respect, have you read the Qur'an? How can you judge something without actually looking into it?

Have you read the God Delusion?

Except now you're telling me gravity only applies to people of colour.

And in your own analogy, you don't deny that gravity is a force. You don't deny that gravity makes things go down.

Racism as in racial prejudice is still a thing. No one has discovered some fundamental force that stops racial prejudice from being a thing. What you've done is started to view everything through class structures while denying racism can operate on an individual to individual level. That's not reality, that's just Marxism.

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Redlining is systemic racism, people choosing to move away is just regular old racism.

I merely demand proof of that equivalence.

Not true. When you said ChatGPT is just a Chinese room, that was you making your own claim which is on you to back up.