1 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Snide peanut gallery remarks for no reason or purpose.

As it turns out, actually, WE are the ones who are stranded.

tbf, the coffee's food poisoning seems to be more effective. You get what you pay for, as they say.

I mean it's a play as old as time; "we give great deals to the sellers and the buyers, until we own the market"

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I bought Microsoft Office Home & Student 2021 ... a one-time non-subscription purchase. Today I found this:

I was able to figure out how to "re-activate" without signing up to 365. But damn sure seems like a dark pattern to me

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Damn, I hate it when you get the answer right, but the computer still marks it wrong cuz of some minor formatting error like this

Hmmm I wonder which justices were on the Meta yacht?

Now: "Don't worry! Call of Duty will remain on the Playstation! We have a 10-year agreement!"

Next week: "leaked: internal memo, Microsoft renaming to Call of Doods, to be Xbox exclusive"

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If Merchan doesn't lift the gag order before sentencing, Trump may still give all the justification for a harsh sentencing. 😂

Yeah, but is their compute called a Gigafactory? I didn't think so.


"In addition, Royal Caribbean does not accept "land-based" health insurance plans." Never seen this sentence before.

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And even if you play perfectly, you still might be fucked if the other lanes all feed

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Joke’s on you. I get daily ads WITHOUT getting message or match notifications. I have successfully decoupled.

Makes sense if the average includes the hours of zero calls when their phone line is closed

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I think this is the better outcome rather than him being dead. For no other reason than that it'd be absolutely hilarious.

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Damn that's crazy. I've never heard of bananas being associated with violence... anytime in the last 120-140 years...

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"Of course, fixing these kinds of issues won't push your product deadlines back at all. But we'll be thankful to you! "

Ahhh yes. Now his politics don't align with yours, his ethics finally matter. Classic.

*for a motor coach

Edit: not a bullet point. prolly same edit as ^ 😂

As it turns out, his financials actually ARE under audit... just instead of the IRS, it's by various parts of the justice system

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The thing I hate is that all these airline screens usually default to "on", and people tend to leave defaults. I'm a tall person, and can usually see a large number of the screens in front of me. So if I'm on a night flight, even if I don't intend to sleep, the only way to not be blinded by dozens of ads for a few hours is to bring a sleep mask.

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O shit I know this one. Next step is to present his nudes to congress, ya?

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Definitely good enough. Just make sure to peer review, since one could say they tend to have more... uhhhh... creativity

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Haha can’t run R1 on an iPhone. Take that Apple. Absolute gamechanger.

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Jokes on you I’m into that shit. Now do that one where you give my info away to a random hacker again.

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Oh got it so ya we're saying this all wrong then, ya? It should be "we're here to harm young adults", right?

The fact that if you hadn't specified Tuesday, I would have assumed I already heard about it... oof...

do you guys not have phones

No shit he won't. It's a great opportunity for him to express his political power.

children are people, too.

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Does air-dropping trash count as an attack?

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Wait is this not satire?

As a software developer who has worked with a lot of symbols and emoji... PLEASE DON'T DO THIS.

Software doesn't all handle these symbols the same way, and without tech knowledge (or even with) , it's very possible to not be able to log in easily. I'm kinda drunk rn, but I'll try to explain as simply as I can...

For example... skintone emojis are actually two characters, a face and a skin tone modifier. I think those ones are always two characters but some of these "multi-char" characters can be normalized into a single character. But not everyone handles this the same way. For example, Safari might normalize the emoji, but Firefox might treat it as two separate characters... And this would probably make your password not match. But basically... text has lots of edge cases; I'd advise to use normal passwords please (also maybe a password manager)

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I'm currently using a pixel 5a with grapheneos. A little slow, but otherwise great! Usb-c AND a headphone jack? I feel like that gen was far too short.

tfw your space shuttle is designed to burn up in the atmosphere

By stalling the case until after the election

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