1 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Then I assume you've done the rounds on Stargate and Farscape?

You are thinking about IP with tunnel vision. You just want to gain entertainment for free. There's more than that to IP laws. How would you like it if you made art that was then used in a manner that you philosophically disagree with. For example, Meghan Trainor had a song that was used against her will in a political campaign against same sex marriage, she was able to cease and desist this use because of IP laws.

What do you think drives the price of rentals? Not being able to afford to buy keeps people stuck in rental living where they can be price gouged. If the price of houses drops due to an oversupply, more renters will buy, which reduces demand for rentals, which will drive down the price of rent making it more affordable to rent.

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I think there's room for improvement on copyright laws, but that's a far cry from the outrageous claim that intellectual property isn't a real thing.

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In most if the modern world, copyright laws give automatic ownership of unique works of art. Legally IP is a real thing.

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So if an artist creates a piece of intellectual property, do you not think they should have control over how it's used? Including who can make profit off of it?

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Sorry, I'm not going to read all that, but it seems like you're upset about the shitty deals made by record labels and other large corporations, not intellectual property rights.

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The entry cost of the housing market is a greater driver of rent than vacant rental properties. The laws even encourage property owners to leave a property empty than lower the rent.

Landlords hording property reduces the supply to people who want to buy. This shortage reduces the supply:demand ratio, which drives prices higher. Higher house prices informs the price of rent which is controlled by the people creating the shortage.

People aren't suggesting to abolish investment property, they are simply saying we should remove the abuse investment.

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I think you've missed the point.

Anything automated that could be a threat needs to have safeguards. Needing constant wifi to prevent death or injury is not an acceptable safeguard.

Consider consumer/professional drones. If they lose connection they have on board protocols to mitigate hazards. Even then they are still governed by laws to isolate then from people because even those safeguards aren't good enough. Suggesting that a robot could completely rely on wifi is preposterous.

Some times being the martyr is genuinely useful. She made an achievement, and she isn't obligated to stay afterwards. She could have just moved on without fighting for justice.

Encrypted VPN tunnels are ubiquitous in many industries for remote connection to private clouds. They are used by virtually every high functioning company in the world, and getting more common for mid and lower tier companies as well.

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This wasn't an accidental hit an run. They aimed the car at the cyclist. A bicycle lane wouldn't have been a factor in this case.

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Have you seen the film Dark Star? Bomb number 20 gets stuck in the release bay with the detonation countdown still running, so they have to spacewalk out and convince the AI not to explode.

Drove a Kia once and it was the same. Up went back a track, down went forwards. Opposite of my intuition.

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I find that I have to do that now, because it seems the internet has been geared towards people that think you have to ask the computer a question instead of searching for key words like how it used to work.

I find it more difficult now because often the search results are what the search engine thinks I want, instead of what I actually asked for.

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I must say I've seen in increase of conversations on Reddit that seem like everyone involved has severe lead poisoning.

Hey guys, relax, I heard Oceania just had a massive victory over the Eurasian armies.

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A big part of Airbnb used to be spending time with a host. It has since turned into just landlord via app.

This thing has been delayed on and off for the last few years.

Whatever is going on with this game, it's not a good sign. There was a fan made game called Stargate Network that flew under the radar for a long long time. Once this game, Timekeepers, started MGM shut them down. Stargate Network was praised by fans, and even by actors from the show, as an accurate recreation of what we saw on the TV show.

So far feedback of the demo has been poor. Stargate seems to be cursed in the video game space.

There's a drive in cinema in my city surrounded by residential houses. If you look over your fence you can see the screen, and if you have a radio you can tune into the audio. Free movies nearly every night of the week.

I had a friend who was really annoyed that there was a Scottish accent in Force Awakens. I said that none of the characters are speaking English in-universe, so any and all accents are just analogies for how each character is heard. Nope. He was still annoyed because there's no Scotland in the star wars galaxy.

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Is everyone here talking about corded handsets when they say landline?

In my country landline doesn't exist anymore. Now you need to plug a handset into your modem for VoIP. Landline was the direct copper circuit in the ground. You can't bring back a technology that has been decommissioned. That's like saying Gen Z is bringing back the 2G mobile network.

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SG1 was shot in film and mastered in 16:9. 16mm in the first 3 seasons, 35mm 3-7, and then they moved to digital HD cameras season 8 onwards.

Many shows from the 90s were [edit: shot on film]. That's why you can get a widescreen HD release of Seinfeld, among others.

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Social engineering is a major part of pen-testing and of hacking. It's still impressive despite any carelessness.

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Did the admins state anything? I thought the issue here is that LW previously did something without an announcement, undid it and promised to communicate before doing something like that again, and now people are saying they haven't communicated this time.

That's the real issue, not the fact that it was defederated.

Does it help your co workers?

If you got fired, no, probably not.

But if you quit then you can leave them a few clues as to why you're leaving and how they might avoid losing more staff. That can help the people you left behind.

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Dude responds to a post about having no time and money by saying he hand wrote hundreds of postcards in his free time and also volunteers...

And I prefer it the other way.

Downsizing was a real bait and switch

There are so many recent articles linked on Lemmy about people losing their job over making porn. The days of losing jobs over porn is now more than ever.


Type in 3 things you like, and you get suggestions that you yes/no as it tries to narrow down your vibe.

A karma metric would just hasten the decline that happened to Reddit. People liked OG Reddit as a forum to connect with like minded people. The karma situation lead to karma farm tactics with the goal of selling accounts or promoting commercial or political content. The lack of karma will remove a reason for bad actors to do the same here. It also removes the karma motivation for low effort reposts.

Comments should be voted on based on their contribution to the discussion. That's a natural way to guide the conversation in a productive direction.

I would prefer Lemmy et al to stay away from broad appeal BS like celebrity AMAs, and karma thirsty low effort people pleasers. It shouldn't be a place for special events, it should be a place for productive community conversation.

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If you get rid of licensing you get rid of the content

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You may as well be describing The Matrix.

Why is it that the url ends in .JPG but when I right click and save image I can only save it as a .webp?

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Celebrity likeness is not new territory.

Crispin Glover successfully sued the filmmakers of Back to the Future 2 for using his likeness without permission. Even with dead celebrities, you need permission from their estate in order to use their likeness.

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I think it's a bit of a stretch. The businesses reasoning was that the severe weight of the staff member would interfere with performing the job, claiming it was "a full house" and that it wouldn't be possible to walk around properly in the venue. That can easily be formalised as an OH&S concern.

As long as they did it in a professional manner, I don't think that's promoting fatphobia, which is being claimed, even though I'm pretty sure obesity is not a protected class. The fact that part of the article tries to support the case by saying the film contains fat jokes shows there's not a lot of weight to the case.

Maybe they could go for workplace bullying, but that won't work for an isolated incident.

I remember playing it on PlayStation. The game struggled when too many things were happening. If you managed to stage a massive car pile up it could turn into a slideshow presentation.

Nah, my company doesn't allow torrenting movies so a corporate VPN is useless

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