1 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Airdropping aid to get around a blockade imposed by the Israel....who depends on our military aid to genocide the Palestinians. This is the height of absurdity

3 more...

And then the judge clapped and the Loch Ness Monster paid about tree fiddy

These discussions also can't ignore any time a Democrat is in the White House, Republicans declare the border is open and then refuse to do anything about it because it would violate their primary directive of obstructing Democratic presidents.

On that topic, in my estimation it is going to be a far worse time for everybody if we normalize a violent coup whenever Fox News radicalizes a critical mass of reprogrammable meatbags. After January 6th, even conservatives were briefly able to condemn attempted treason before they found enough room to stand in the shadow of their dear leader. Most Americans did not have a great perception of the state of government, however I've never actually met anyone who believes rioters should have been allowed to break through barricades to kill members of congress.

'Insurrectionist ban', also know as the law and order this jackass bloviates about.

Rhythm game? Is that what the kids these days call canoodling?

I'd have to actually test my backup strategy

In the kid's defense, he's a dad now and needs to get bread

Promotors and apologists for genocide seem to believe "rooting out the Nazis" is an excuse they can claim with no evidence. This ignores the entire point that most people could not give less of a shit how you label the indiscriminate murder of civilians.

Looks like they would need to bulldoze it level and I assume add some fill dirt to even out the grade, I don't know how many winters such a road would last though.

I'm sure there are some folks who run a NAS simply for the joy of storing files. Most of us care primarily about what services can use those files, ideally with the same machine serving both functions.

Nobody is giving the man credit for pushing past his own bigly moral qualms to do something he previously thought inexcusable. This is what it means to be a mighty man of valor

As others have already mentioned the better method of connecting to a router, I'll also mention if it's located by a Windows machine you can share the printer from the printer properties window. One other option is buying a wireless adapter for the printer itself. I have fixed old printers which used the wireless adapters and I assume they worked for a long time but were a massive pain to troubleshoot as the user manuals/drivers/documentation could no longer be found online.

I can't agree with this more, thinking coworkers are owed your attention especially during breaks reeks of narcissism. My job doesn't include or train me for providing therapy to old men who exclusively watch Fox News in the break room and debate which minority is to blame for the world scaring them. Which is why after trying to add reason to these conversations a few times eating lunch in your car can be a healthy option.