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Joined 11 months ago

I wouldn't want to sleep in the same zipcode as that choad.

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We all do better when we all do better.

As someone who has only worked freight in an air-conditioned warehouse, moving boxes is not easy work and not many people will be able to do it their whole careers. I'm personally glad I argue with computers for my job now and I have much respect for those lifting things in the elements.

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It's a matter of political will; the Supreme Court is still deciding on the argument from Trump's defense that assassinating a rival could be considered an official act. In a sane world they would be laughed out of court, but the GOP has stacked the bench and these justices have to now weigh their corrupt intent against how much they care about the legitimacy of the court.

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Mormons are different as they don't drink alcohol. They will instead straight up ask couples whether they're trying to have a baby like it's the only possible topic

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California had free public colleges until Reagan closed them because of Vietnam War protests. The war on woke has been fucking over everybody for a long time.

This is more of a general answer as fascism seems to be gaining more ground globally. A book published in 1997 "The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy" theorized roughly every 80 years (or about a human life span) we face a crisis related to a critical mass of people losing the knowledge and shared values from the previous generations. Imagine the perspective of a Revolutionary War veteran who fought under General Washington to help forge the United States, who would be understandably upset to hear any mention of a Civil War between states, which didn't start until 82 years later.

We are losing that collective memory now both in the U.S. and abroad; the remaining World War II veterans are in no position to punch these fascists when they see a swastika flown at a rally. Unless we vote in numbers large enough to throw the MAGA movement into the dustbin of history, in the future we can expect younger Trump acolytes to take root in the same vacuum of thought.

From a recent article

”With these words Biden addressed the bitter irony that haunted the commemoration ceremonies. While D-Day occurred eight decades ago, America is now just five months from an election that could bring to power a man and a movement who embody and celebrate the twisted authoritarian values of the enemies we sought to defeat so long ago. Fascism has not gone away. The tactics of the Nazis to employ racism and demagoguery to divide society and enable their seizure of power and their gutting of democratic institutions currently are the playbook of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.”

With a PA message that there is a free meal in the aisle for whoever wants it

My mom got sick of the question from Relief Society ladies and would reply, "I dunno, how is YOUR sex life?"

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After buying kayaks with their COVID checks, their outdoor gear addiction has spiraled out of control

My favorite part was the delay while one person put on their safety squints to check for falling barrels

Anyone who has read a single NTSB accident report will understand what an insane idea this is.

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"pinching pennies" implies more control over the situation than "stagnant wages, rent, student loans, etc. have made meals for one person over ten dollars a rare luxury"

I would hope Nintendo is not using returned hardware for replacements. It happens accidentally in every job I've worked, but absolutely should not be the normal process.

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Let me translate for them:

I got mine, and I'm mad everyone isn't clapping for me

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When a campaign hires staffers like Stephen Miller, and the candidate has said neo-nazis and white supremacists are fine people, that right there is likely the reason.

This is not to say economic desperation alone is the cause of gun violence, but easy access to guns, the complete disdain for funding healthcare mental or otherwise, the lack of vacation for most workers, these are all things which don't make well people.

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I imagine Trump was bewildered by any questions about succession, that doesn't come into play when offing those deemed disloyal. When he learned rioters were being turned away because their weapons couldn't go through magnetometer screening he told aides, "They're not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away."

The very idea that violence demands violence in response is terrible for humankind.

Please, cry more Donald. It brightens my day and I really need it

The only reason I liked using their remote app was being able to do Bluetooth listening. Now the app no longer runs on my phone, and after reinstalling and rebooting I deleted that and am back to using the Chromecast. Time to cut the internet to the TV so I don't get an update with this ad feature

This is not the first time “mammoni,” 🤌 an Italian term used to describe adult men who are too dependent on their mothers, has cropped up in the legal system.

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An old man is selling watermelons. His pricelist reads: 1 for $3, 3 for $10

A young man stops by and asks to buy one watermelon. "That'd be 3 dollars", says the old man.

The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each.

As the young man is walking away, he turns around, grins, and says, "Hey old man, do you realize I just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing."

The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, "People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business..."

What services? For how many fish? This article just raised more questions than answers

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No word from Rafael yet on whether he thinks enforcing preferred names if how the Pentagon lost 6 trillion dollars

My name is Ted Cruz, and my pronoun is kiss my ass. Or kiss Trump's ass. Or just be an ass, depending on the day.

I would also badger the dealership and check the status because they might say, "we forgot to submit the paperwork for your plates."

"Please do the needful"

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In addition, the only party with a serious bill proposed to expand Social Security is the Democrats, which would be paid for by raising the cap where taxes are currently paid on only the first $147,000 of earnings. Republicans plan to sunset and privatize all of our benefits, throwing the elderly into poverty just so Wall Street can skim a few billion off the top.

A bathroom doubles as an inebriated guest bedroom

  1. Don't make him angry
  2. If Hulk is already angry, light a lavender candle and play some calming music

I just keep a dedicated pair of pliers on a hook in the bathroom, thought this was normal?

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Do they only poll via phone calls? I'm not a dinosaur, so Google Voice screens anybody not in contacts by asking their name. This defeats most robodialers, and having done a couple jobs which included political polls, you only get the call and poll script on your screen once the robodialer has confirmed it didn't reach a voicemail.

You'd get random campaigns based on what numbers were in the robodialer for the timezones it picked. You could be talking to some old guy who was lonely and wanted nothing more than a detailed talk about Ford trucks in between your questions about Ford's latest models, and the next call be questions such as, "if X candidate were to take a stronger position against giving free lunch to school kids, would the chance you vote for them increase, decrease, or stay the same?"

I did not last long at either job as it is soulkilling work

This is correct. As the article says employees are using their phones as hotspots so it's not as if it's a Faraday cage. Their IT guy should do a Wi-Fi site survey and install a few AC Pros.

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Look at Bezos over here, eating more than once a day

I bought an $800 half stack guitar amplifier in 2009 and rarely play with the volume above 1, let alone play shows with it. But it looks neat.

My first thought when I read post was of playing with the hinged mirrors of a medicine cabinet and forgetting which reflection is real

I've had no issues with the cheap $20-40 USD bidets from Amazon, while I'm sure the fanciness of a heated bidet would change my life I don't see the need.

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Tried OpenMediaVault but found vanilla Debian on Proxmox is the easiest to troubleshoot. This guide helped me set it up. MergerFS works great with mismatched sizes of drives, and doing parity on media server content is a good use for SnapRAID.

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