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Joined 6 months ago

Yeah I remember that post on Reddit. Holy shit my mans literally ran like 1000ft of copper through his ceiling into his house's plumbing lmao. He also had a WILD monitor setup, was more like a pit than a desk.

Just googled think he just has an eye pointing thingy. Weird I didn't notice it in the ads here in NYC though.

Yeah mad respect for Paris on this one. I think she recently became a mother herself too, makes sense she'd be passionate about it.

Don't they have a backup Soyuz docked there as well?

Lmao someone send Steve Kornacki a 21yr scotch, the world's most expensive hooker, and a lifetime supply of Advil. Somewhere in the bowels of MSNBC's offices, there's an Tetronix printer on life support rn too.

Yeah MMO players will actively change their life just to get back at players in game for months or years.247 no time off. When I saw the title, immediately knew it was an MMO.

Source: wow sod player

Oof so you think Macron pulled a David Cameron and shot himself in the foot with the snap election and the RN party gonna sweep? Man so sorry our shitty alt right politics are infecting you guys too.

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Martin Luther had an extremely finite of fucks to give. Despite not sharing his beliefs, I respect the man for upturning 1500yr of status quo.

Uhh pretty sure I paid $300 for my switch.

Meanwhile actual pro audio engineers: haha 15yo $70 MDR-7506 gaffed taped together go brrr

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Wait... Seriously what? That's literally the only reason to sub to AMC+ is this some kind of weird legal dispute?

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Conservatives: "bunch of triggered snowflake libs"

Also conservatives: literally triggered by the visible color spectrum

Work in the industry, doc side but this is pretty basic producer stuff. This is 100% on the armorer and the only reason they keep trying to charge Baldwin is the legal grey area of the state they filmed in. Had this happened in a state with more production (Georgia, Louisiana, California) there would be a more direct way for prosecutors to go after the correct person. Georgia and California specifically has legal precedent from deaths on set like this.

One of the reasons credits are so long is because we hire people to maintain a safe set - think of it like a foreman for safe worksite in construction (which we also hire often). We hire a ton of people for safety from actual police to medics and rescue personnel.

Hiring an armorer is SPECIFICALLY to avoid situations like this. Because the production company is like "hey you know what? I don't think me, some producer knows how to use a gun safely, I should hire someone who's certified to do that." It's not some token job, they're supposed to be trained on how to properly load the powder of the blank rounds, how to mark and flag hot guns and dead props, and pretty fucking much rule #1A is never bring live ammo anywhere near your set.

Baldwin should not be held criminally liable and any half decent entertainment lawyer will settle that. Now civil liability, that's certainly more realistic. But even then it should be the production LLC not any 1 person.

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We should be criticizing our old, conservative president Biden. He needs to 180 his stance.

Also not voting for him in Nov is vapid and invalidates any defense of the Palestinian people you have.

It sucks, but it's reality.

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I cannot stress this enough if you're remotely worried you'd get addicted you definitely should NOT play. I used to do opioids and I'm not exaggerating this game was more addictive for me. Like lose your job addictive. I'm adhd and on the ASD and absolutely obsessed with the concept of optimization. The thing is you'll never really reach peak automation unless you do like this project, 400 people 10,000s of hours.

I'll give you another reference point. I've also played wow, Arma Life, and Foxhole, all very common addicting games. I'd sit down to play one of those with a beer and after a ~3-5 hours and a few beers I'd take a break and notice time went by. Factorio I'd sit down at 6pm and never touch my beer, never move an inch from my seat and think a few hours went by when it's now 8am and I only notice 14 hours went by because I see fucking sun light.

Fuck this video really makes me wanna play again haha.

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Lmao can you imagine President Obama having a call go to voicemail?

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The best part of this is he literally could've talked about any subject, or just read the dictionary. But Bernie never goes off topic, the man WILL lecture you for 8.5 hours, and that's just his warmup. Absolute legend.

Looks like 1950s retro futurism version of a jet

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Also capped insulin prices and old people drugs. The man is speedrunning pothole legislation, oh yeah and he literally fucking made a national pothole fixing Bill.

Biden is definitely going down like Carter where 2 decades later everyone benefits from his presidency and are like "fuck he was actually pretty good".

That's... not really how file corruption works, but ok

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LMAO someone's got buyer's remorse

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Damn she built tho

uwu promise?

I'd vote for her.

I'd also would need to purchase industrial bulk popcorn to watch all the conservatives literally implode if she was nominated.

I think /c/NCD would implode if IDF attacked a US Navy port lmao. The countless Abrams vs Merkava memes alone would crash their instance.

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Which is how it should be in Florida, and everywhere. People shouldn't continue to be punished after serving their time.

We usually just call it hair when referring to humans

He's a soft dictator effectively. Suppressed minorities from all over the country. Has elevated militant Hindu nationalism to politics. All while supplying Russia with fuel and arms during the embargo and pissing off both US and China by trying to have his cake and eat it too.

This. It's deceptive af. My old job we had our holiday party at a KBBQ spot and all 12 of us went through like 30 bottles. I remember looking up and thinking, wtf where did all these bottles come from?!... oh wait I'm blasted. God I miss that little company, such a fun job.

We can trade Texas for Puerto Rico and won't even need to change the flag! Win-win

It's funny because they literally did that... But not like in a nefarious way. The first batches of the COVID vaccine were given to select group of government officials (command level Pentagon/Nuclear and White House staff, Sec of State/Defense, etc). Which, realistically, was the right choice.

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Wait US cricket beat Pakistan? That sounds pretty wild, they're like the Brazil national soccer team of cricket aren't they?

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Bruh that must be some fire sex if it's worth gulog

Lmao ITT: cats and dogs have evolved next to humans for thousands of years

Commentor: well that's the first I've heard of this, they probably don't even tip their landlord!

He missed it, and I'm deeply disappointed

I know right? It took too long.

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Heh I used to work at VICE, none of this is a shock.

Also it's them "saying" it so they can say they said it... meanwhile Ukraine keeps getting more long range military drones "totally not without any US help" wink wink