Samus Crankpork

0 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Weird. I really enjoyed it. Loved the characters, liked the story, and all the little nods to the games and fandom were nice and didn't feel out of place. Probably one of the better adaptations I've seen.

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“Free market” Capitalism is self-destructive. As the wealthy build and consolidate power, more and more resources get funneled to the top while the people at the bottom actually creating those resources go with less and less, and it’s unsustainable.

Being a billionaire is a moral failing. To have the ability to do something about all the suffering and death in the world, and to choose to do nothing borders on sociopathy. The systems designed to allow for billionaires to exist ensure that they don’t pay a fair share of their taxes, and they contribute nothing to society. They are leeches, feeding off the working class and giving nothing in return, when they have so much more to give than anyone else.

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Threads is currently in the first stage of EEE: Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. Best to stop it now before it goes too far.

From Wikipedia:

"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), also known as "embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found that was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors.,_extend,_and_extinguish

Ah, yeah, I was using hard drive as a catch-all term. My laptop only holds M.2 drives. I’m old, it’s all hard drives to me. =P

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Even if it weren't for the privacy concerns, and Facebook's history, Threads has whitelisted LibsOfTiktok, so any reports against them are auto-rejected in a couple of minutes, which should mean instant defederation even for instances that were on the fence.

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Final Fantasy XVI's Active Time Lore. Being able to pause the game and have a list of relevant characters, places, and concepts for the scene you're in is so helpful for my ADHD, for when I take a break from a game and come back not knowing what's going on. I want to see this in every story heavy game.

I want to play it, but finding 120gb for Baldur’s Gate 3 was hard enough, so I’m going to have to pass until I can afford a bigger hard drive.

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Since the current system allows the people who make the rules to be bought, I think we'd have to start over entirely from scratch for it to work at all.

The Ghoul definitely picked Bloody Mess as one of his perks.

Seriously. At the end of the day it's the players who decide whether a game is good or fun. They might not understand the nuances of what went into creating a game they don't find fun, but that doesn't make them wrong.

I'm sure everyone's absent mindedly grabbed the handle of a cast iron pan they've just taken out of the oven, and had that quick "Oh no!" thought in the milliseconds before the pain registers.

Direct and to the point.

The percentage was low, but 100k people is still a lot of people.

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Not to mention that people in America and Europe aren't necessarily at "the bottom". A lot of today's wealth is built on the backs of poorer countries that make even less than we do, or nothing at all, or by exploiting them by coming in and privatizing something as basic as water.

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My doctor prescribed me a lacrosse ball for a bad shoulder once, for exactly what you described. It’s slightly rubbery but really dense, and it’s apparently the perfect thing for tight muscles.

I’d like a digital personal assistant actually designed to help me keep track of my day to day stuff, rather than one designed to steal and sell all my information.

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A better deal for one group helps the rest of them by setting precedent.

I think it’s brave if them to experiment with games about literally anything but combat, and I think it’s about time. Games have evolved so much they could give us so many varieties of things to do, and almost all of them just go the same route of shooting and hitting things.

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Yep! One of the worst burns I’ve ever gotten too. The potato sticks to you like glue and doesn’t come off right away.

Really sucks.

Whatever Patreon just did with their logo.

Minimalism is one thing, that is a nondescript blob.

Spoken like a true businesstorian.

Wasn't this the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

I'm glad they kept the ridiculousness. They could have made it super serious and edgy, and I don't think it would have fit as well.

Ah, so this is where they’re pivoting after getting away from NFTs.

It’s good to put around your eyebrows when you’re tinting them, so you don’t stain the skin or any invisible hair.

Also good for putting on nail polish, for similar reasons.

I try to be, but don’t always hit the mark.

Aside from all the artists whose work was fed into the AI learning models without their permission. That art has been stolen, and is still being stolen. In this case very explicitly, because they outright removed his work, and then put it back when nobody was looking.

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Old Gods of Asgard live was amazing, and Alan Wake 2 NG+ next Monday, which is huge (for reasons I won't explain, y'alls will just have to play the game).

I had other things to say but I'm too excited about that, so I'm going to bed.

I didn't see mentioned anywhere what happens to the plant waste once the 1% of protein is extracted, but this is really neat! Definitely hope to hear more about it.

I’d been hearing talk of Lemmy as a potential Reddit alternative around the third party app debacle, but nobody seemed to be taking it terribly seriously until I saw the Star Trek subreddits open for themselves.

That got me interested. It was the first instance I can remember of one of the bigger communities I followed just up and moving like that, and it made the whole thing feel more real.

Lots of companies "accidentally" including artificially generated works in their games/books/ads lately.

They probably pre-write the apologies.

You are the one!

Given the nature of the internet, I feel that spam is a much bigger problem than a potential whistleblower being silenced, and wouldn't that kind of action show up in the logs anyways?

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So, this take is based entirely on thinking that a person is their body, rather than their brain. Cut off a person's arm, and they're still the same person. Cut out part of someone's brain and they're not.

Some people have poor eyesight, and we have ways to fix that. Some people have curved spines, and we have ways to fix that. Some peoples' bodies develop the wrong genitals, which leads to developing with the wrong hormones, and we have ways to fix that.

People like BaroqueInMind are body focused: they think the person is what they can visibly see, not who they are inside, and I think that's just the result of a society that stigmatizes caring about mental health, but also a limitation of the human experience: we can't tell what's going on inside someone's mind, all we can see is how they present on the outside, and most people don't have the tools required to think about people any other way.

To break it down though, if you took me and a friend, and put our brains in each-other's bodies, which one would be me? My old body with my friend's brain, or my friend's body with my brain? To me, I am my mind, and to people like BaroqueInMind, I am my body. It should be easy to convince them otherwise, but people can be very stubborn when their beliefs are challenged.

Maybe if they don’t want delays they should stop firing people important to the game’s development.

Similarly, 2 was my first Uncharted, which I played partway through at a friend's. When I got my own PS3 I decided to start back at 1 and found it did a much better job of teaching me how to play the game than 2 did. When I went back to 2 after finishing 1, everything I had trouble with was so much easier, and it was really need to see the jump in graphics between the games.

They killed third party apps and I’m not letting the official Reddit app within a mile of my phone.

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Beehaw for basically the same reasons. I liked the low tolerance for bad faith arguments in addition to the strong moderation and defederation from the “Free speech” (free to say what?) Wild West instances. It’s a good instance for user safety and maintaining mental health.

I’ve got a account as backup.

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I don’t think all PC players follow the same specs, in fact I guarantee it varies wildly from player to player.

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One of those things that can be kind of rude to imply, and only really works retrospectively.