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Joined 1 years ago

Came in to lurk, but it seems that so many subhuman leftists are here from reddit. Like, jesus christ, is there any politics forum were you demons haven't infiltrated and corrupted?

That said, Desantis is weak and cowardly. I would've voted for him if he had not proven that with those fake AI photos of Trump and Faucci. So, I guess he did me a favor there.

Lastly, get rid of the IRS. It's not even a real american agency.

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Oh good, so we know who to prosecute then. Did SiegedSec really think that they could get away with these crimes?

You say "Department of Christianity" like it's a bad thing. Guess those public schools that you're so adamant to defend utterly failed you. This country was founded BY non-catholic Christians, FOR non-catholic Christians. The rest of you have just been tolerated for the longest time; which has turned out to be the biggest mistake this country has ever committed.

To be 100% clear, if I had the chance to jump into an alternate timeline where the United States stayed a Christian Theocratic Republic, I would. You Demonrats are the most unsufferable collection of Savages in the entire multiverse. And one day, the last of you will finally die and this country can become great again.

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I don't troll. I was 100% serious about that post. And if it pisses off any of you subhuman leftists, too bad. This isn't Reddit. I won't be censored here.

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Several falsities with this statement here.

Starting off with the fact that the only blind hatred, vitriol, and detachment from reality that has existed in this country in the last 22 years has been solely and exclusively from the left. What worse is, for quite a while there, the so-called thought leaders of the right did nothing meaningful to stop them; and in fact consorted with leftist terrorists in congress, giving them concessions, and ignoring their duty to uphold the Constitution.

We of the right are not backwards. We believe in family, faith, hard work, objective truth, honesty, and integrity. We believe that by placing these values first and foremost in our lives, we make our own lives and those of our families better. The left believes in themselves, faithlessness, laziness, "no truth but power", deception, and self image. They, at best, only wish for everyone and everything around them to serve them like kings. They are worthless parasites. At worst, the left actively works to destroy this country. Just look at New York, LA, Chicago, Portland, and San Franscico and see nothing but homelessness, unsolved crime, rampant drug use, and defunded police. They are run by the left and will die off in the next decade the same way that Detroit did.

Saying something is reductive is meaningless, as that word has become nothing more than a leftist buzzword.

As for the right being harmful to society; newsflash there is no more society in this country because of the left. Gender has been rendered as meaningless, Religion is being openly criminalized, the Constitution is completely ignored, leftist policy has destroyed what value the dollar had, etc. There is no common united society in the states anymore. No one on the right in a right leaning honestly cares what happens to a leftist anymore. Some foreign country could invade tomorrow, and the right won't lift a finger to help if that invasion happened in New York, Illinois, or California. I know I sure as hell won't care.

The Real problem is that for 23 years, smart leftists infiltrated news organizations and slow drove people insane with fake stories. I can't explain leftist judges, because no one on the left is smart enough to understand how the law of this country works. The left is sure conniving enough to be politicians though. After all, they never do any work themselves so all they need to do is lie, extort, and blackmail whoever they need to while they just sit around.

One day soon, this will all change though. The political pendulum is going to swing so hard back to the right that it's going to break the entire cycle. Your average person is seeing the lawlessness and insanity that has completely consumed the left. And they are pissed. The Bud Light effect is proof of that. The left is living on borrowed time, and they know it. That's why they push for censorship. That's why they called everything racist. That why they mob, riot, loot, murder, and intimidate. And I can not wait for the right to completely take over. I only wished it had happened sooner.

Oh, and thank you for the suggestions. I'll be sure to visit.

I would like to see you somehow make me go somewhere else. It's not going to happen. This isn't Reddit, and I can't be intimidated by the worthless text of a leftist subhuman.

The demographic shift is temporary, as leftists don't have kids. They only abort them.

You want to know what ideology will die off within 20 years though? Current leftist ideology, as it's nothing more then a Death Cult. Meanwhile, us on the right won't abort our kids. Instead, we'll raise our kids as good, Christian people.

The most satisfying part is you leftists don't even realize that your days are numbered. You mutilate and abort children, so your Death Cult can only reproduce by indoctrination of our people's children. And the parents of the United States are starting to fight back against the left. Meanwhile, all I have to do to get my children to be Christian is tell them the truth, all of it. They are more then smart enough to be able to tell that Christianity is the only way forward.

Edit: Really? You have to resort to call me a Nazi? That's not going to work on me. Your opinion of me is irrelevant. And more importantly, the use of a logical farcety proves that your losing the argument. A suggestion; instead of name calling, maybe you should do something useful, like learning to code or something.

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It's not projection when the person links a crappy video about punching videos.

I suggest you don't try gaslighting me or insulting my intelligence like that again.

I hope this causes the entire telemarketing industry to collapse forever. The fact that companies have been allowed to do this for so long goes to show how absolutely corrupt the US government is.